If the loan has the correct daily accrual amount then it's possible that someone changed the "% Calc Date" field, which tracks the date on which interest was last accrued on the loan. Sometimes people will update this date by mistake. The system looks at this date each night to accrue the interest through the next business day.

  1. First, use Tool #20 "Update Account Information" to check the Last maintenance date on the loan account.
  2. Once you have the date, use Tool #159 "Audit CU File Maintenance (CUFMNT)" or check the appropriate CU File Maintenance report in CU*SPY to see if someone maintained the % Calc Date field INTDTE.
    TIP: If using the inquiry, you can enter the account number or the program name UMEMB to locate the record more quickly.
  3. To correct the loan, use Update Member Account Information to change the % Calc Date back to today’s date.

HINT: Whenever a loan accrues more than one day’s worth of interest, the account will show on the daily Loan Interest Calculation Exception Report (PINTR1). This report is designed to notify you of these potential problems so that they can be corrected quickly.