The CU*BASE counts are determined by all activity (member transactions) in each channel and are inclusive of generated transactions such as fees and overdraft transfers. Bills or reports that credit unions get from their card vendor only include totals for the base transaction.  The following samples help illustrate this:

Sample Credit Card Activity:

   Sales drafts                          21,420

   Foreign currency fees                    296

   Finance charges / overlimit fees       2,579

   CU*BASE billing count               = 24,295

   CC Credit Vouchers (not billed)          581

In this case, the report from the card vendor would likely be closer to 22,001 (21,420 + 581) plus authorizations.

Sample PIN-Based Activity:

   Deposits, withdrawals and transfers    66,254

   Fees (NSF, ANR, ODP)                    9,220

   Overdraft transfers                     2,287

   Reversals                                 107

   CU*BASE billing count                = 77,868

Here, the report from the card vendor would likely be closer to 66,361 (66,254 + 107) plus inquiries.

Sample SIG-Based Activity:

   Purchases                              85,504

   Refunds                                 1,075

   Fees (NSF, ANR, ODP)                    2,642

   Overdraft transfers                     3,679

   Reversals                                   1

   Total                                = 92,901

For SIG-based activity, CU*BASE bill    = 85,499 (Purchases posted to checking accounts)

In this area the card vendor numbers tend to be more in line with our billing number, at 86,574 (85,499 + 1,075) plus authorizations.


When the billing programs were designed, our original intent was to count and bill all member transactions generated through the different channels, whether it be a transaction from a switch or an internally-generated transaction.  This is why PIN-based activity counts include overdrafts, fees, etc.  However, signature-based activity is handled a little differently.  It is billed on purchases only and does not include overdraft transfers, fees or reversals. 

Also remember that we only count member $ transactions. So even though on signature-based transactions, we receive an online authorization for approval, we do not count those as online activity until the actual posting transaction comes in. Therefore, we also do not count inquiries (unless they caused a member fee) or denials.