The easiest way to do this is to use the Copy to Clipboard option. On any chart in CU*BASE GOLD, right-click anywhere in the chart and choose “Copy to Clipboard” off the menu. This clips out just the chart and its title and is ready to paste into anything you like – an email to staff, a board report, an analysis write-up, etc. This extraction method is intended to make the pre-built GOLD charts simple for you and your staff or analysts to find, use, and share as useful and eye-catching information

Additionally, you may use the following methods to copy charts and graphs from GOLD into your personal content:

Screen Snapshot

This method takes a picture of your screen so you can get an exact duplicate of the graph (the look and feel that CU*BASE GOLD shows).   The exact technique varies depending on your computer, but usually you press one of the following keys while viewing the graph:

  • PrtScn - for a picture of your entire desktop
  • Alt+PrtScn - for just the current window

This puts a snapshot of your screen onto your Clipboard.  Next, go into your document, position the cursor where you want the picture, and click the Paste button (or Edit > Paste).  You can use the picture Crop feature to crop parts of the picture you don't want.  (Note: The PrtScn key is usually located somewhere above the pageup/pagedown keys on your keyboard. )

Excel Graph

Anywhere there is a graph on a CU*BASE GOLD screen, you should also see an icon to download to Excel.  This will launch Microsoft Excel and recreate the graphs.  Then you can click on the graph you want and use Copy and Paste commands to place it in your document.  (The graph will use the Excel look and feel, and might not have the exact same look as what CU*BASE GOLD shows.)