CU*BASE ING is configured differently than normal CU*BASE GOLD. With normal GOLD, all of the connection parameters are set in the jwalk.ini file, and the shortcut simply opens the cubase.jwc file. There are some notable changes with ING:
The jwalk.ini file is now the legasuite.ini file, and the *.jwc file are now *.lwc file
The Legasuite client will prefer the INI and LWK files in the application directory over the Legasuite installation directory
The Legasuite client will update the INI and LWK files automatically from the GUAPPLE
The ING shortcut has all modifying parameters set as command line switches (detailed below)
Here is an example ING shortcut with all parameters:
C:\CUBASE\Legasuite\legaclt.exe /gWorkingDirectory=C:\CUBASE http://GM1/cubase/cubase.lwc /gEmuC=TcpIpS /GEmuSP=992 /GDevN=TR01A01 /
Let's break down that target path into it's variables:
C:\CUBASE\Legasuite\legaclt.exe - this is the path to the Legasuite installation. Installing using the online/ActiveX installation, or using the silent installation package, from the GUAPPLE will automatically install Legasuite to that path. If the
/gWorkingDirectory=C:\CUBASE - this parameter MUST BE the first parameter after the legaclt.exe path. This sets the working directory for all further application changes to C:\CUBASE.
http://GM1/cubase/cubase.lwc - this specifies the URL to the LWC file on the local branch GUAPPLE. (Note: "GM1" is used as an example - this host name will be unique per CU per branch.) The LWC file is cached locally in the working directory, and is updated on launch.
/gEmuC=TcpIpS /gEmuSP=992 - the existence of these two switches mean that ING will use SSL encryption. To turn off SSL encryption, remove those two parameters from the command string.
/GDevN=TR01A01 - this string specifies the workstations GOLD terminal ID. If upgrading from an existing standard GOLD installation to ING, it will automatically parse that value from the previous jwalk.ini value. Otherwise it would need to be entered when creating the icon.
/ - this final parameter specifies the host that ING connects to. For Site Four partners or self processors, this value would need to be changed to the hostname of your iSeries.