With your onboarding to RDC-IQ we will review the following with you to ensure your members’ check funds are released as you expect. 

For a check to be available right away, your credit union business rules (through e-DOC) will need to be set so that you do not need to review every check as it is processed.  For example, your business rules must be set such that items at or below a chosen amount are not held for review, the maximum number of items a member can deposit is appropriate, and the maximum total amount of deposits is set so that the product is appealing to your members while at the same time balanced in terms of risk. 
Additionally, you will need to examine your configured holds to ensure that they do not restrict funds from being available immediately, except for those situations where you would like to review the check.  This includes your Automated Holds configuration (Tool #869) and your Electronic Deposit Holds configuration (Tool #355).  (Help topics for these subjects are linked to below.)