Yes!  Tool #317 Online Credit Card Skip-a-Payment Program lets you set up a batch skip a pay program for your online credit cards which will occur at month end for the next payment date.  Contact Cards & Payments ( if you would like some help setting up a program.

You can also manually adjust the payments for individual member accounts as needed, if you wish:
  • Tool #51 Miscellaneous Loan Maintenance > Payment Changes
    This feature will allow you to set a fixed payment amount for a specific credit card loan account going forward.  Remember this will need to be updated again when you wish the member to go back to their normal payment amount. This will take effect during the next statement cycle. 

  • Tool #20 Update Account Information 
    To skip the current payment due for the month, access this tool and perform the following maintenance: 
    • Start by updating the Scheduled payment field (in the first column) to reflect $0.00.
    • Update the Next payment date field to the following month. 
    • Click the Account Flag Maint button and update the Statement current minimum due amount to $0.00.