Member Connect is a great FREE marketing tool to keep in touch with members by using a plain-text only formatting email.
There are currently no examples of these emails but your credit union can create a test database file and give it a generic name to perform your own Member Connect test. The test database file should contain only the account base of a membership that has the CU’s email address (either the testing employee or your generic company email address) on file in CU*BASE so you can manually perform a test send prior to pushing the communication out to your members.
If preferred, you can also engage Xtend or another 3rd party email provider for branded emails with logos/images/links, etc.
Another great tool to reference is Tool #1640 Append Member Email to Existing File. This will take a database file your credit union may use for sending online banking messages out to members, and add the members' email addresses to it, so you can download the file from CU*BASE and send the email via a 3rd party HTML email provider.