If your member gets the answer above, it means they have enter a word or part of a word on the restricted nicknames list. The restricted names list was designed to keep offensive words out of eyes of employees assisting members with their accounts, and is mainly used for the nickname feature in online banking. (It is also used in BizLink 247 authentication.) This database of restricted names is maintained via Tool #765 Restricted Nicknames Configuration. In this database, you can find the word that is causing the restriction in BizLink 247. One solution your credit union can adopt is to remove the word that is causing the restriction from the list. Follow your credit union policies and procedures. 

The following is a segment on the help topic linked to below. As you can see, a part of a restricted word, is also blocked from use.

Exact matches will be stopped, as will portions of a word in the database.  For example, if your database contained the word “TEST,” the member would still be allowed to use the nickname “ATEST” or “TESTING” or “TEST AGAIN” or even “T.E.S.T.” However, if the nickname entered is a partial version of the word in the database, it will be blocked. For example, if “TEST” is in the database, the nickname “TES” would be blocked, but “ATES” or “ATEST” would still be allowed.