Only a CU*Answers team member can add a new user ID to CU*BASE.
Please submit a “Credit Union Security Authorization Request” available in the store.
(See link below.)
This form must be completed and signed by the credit union’s security officer listed on file at CU*Answers. Please complete ALL fields of ‘Section 3: Credit Union Authorization’, or the form will be rejected.
The User ID request is added to AnswerBook for documentation.
All CU*BASE user IDs are ten-characters long and are created with the following format:
- first six characters of the employee’s first name
- first letter of the last name (note: all user IDs are unique, so this may be replaced if an identical user ID already exists)
- three-digit number assigned to the credit union (CUID)
Example: Andy Smith at Bedrock Credit Union - ANDYS860