As all the credit card loan information rests on the CU*BASE system, you can now expect to be your member’s first source for questions on their accounts, their contact for initiating dispute/fraud processing, and the source for where their payment coupons are now sent. 

With the move to online credit cards, during your open hours you are your members' contact for reporting lost/stolen cards, recipient of written dispute of charges, and reporting fraudulent activity.  This means your designated staff will have to fill out a form with the pertinent information concerning charge dispute or report of fraudulent activity and fax it to your credit card vendor for resolution of the issue.

Also, if taking a call on a lost or stolen card, you will need to block the card on the CU*BASE system, for immediate transmission to your credit card vendor to update their system and the EWB (electronic warning bulletin). On your off hours you will contract with your credit card vendor to handle these situations on your behalf.