In addition to obvious benefits such as eliminating most (or all)courier expenses for checks, CU*Answers clients will also benefit in many additional ways from this CUSO solution. Some key benefits include:

  • No need to invest in expensive Check 21 hardware or software. 1
  • 100% next-day availability of funds.
  • You will be "getting in the business" with a national credit union industry solution versus a third party, such as a bank.
  • You will benefit from Processing Alliance's "least cost routing" model, ensuring the least expensive option for clearing check images.
  • Check images to be archived for 7 years at the CUSO level, with the most recent 365 days of images available for online retrieval.
  • CU*Check 21 provides options for scanning other miscellaneous items such as savings bonds and loan coupons.
  • No additional fee for online document image retrieval.
  • Options for member retrieval of images via PC Banking.

Using Processing Alliance, you will benefit from having the CUSO archive images as standard for 7 years, versus having to archive images at the credit union level. Additionally, following transmission, you can retrieve images within 30 minutes from any Internet device. This enhanced image retrieval capability will provide CUSO clients with significant fraud detection benefits.

1 Requires 3-year Processing Agreement.