It is the intent of CU*Answers and entities to maintain a high level of security for ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of the personal information of the members and non-member customers of the Credit Union.

These provisions are contained within the Services Agreement and corresponding Indemnification Contract as pertaining to PC Banking usage, including Multi-Layered Security controls as provided by the Credit Union. Additionally, when accessing PC Home Banking for the first time, each member is required to accept (or decline) an Online Banking Use Agreement authorizing personal usage. This member authorization date is electronically documented for future reference.

Additionally, language is included within the Services Agreement as pertaining to the confidentiality provisions and related disclosures to the Credit Union in the event of any breach in security resulting in unauthorized intrusions into CU*Answers or entity systems that may impact the Credit Union or its members. Accordingly, as defined within the Services Agreement, if CU*Answers or entity caused a breach in security due to the gross negligence or intentional act of CU*Answers or entity, CU*Answers or the entity would be responsible for damages. Otherwise, CU*Answers or entity is not responsible for damages, as defined within various Sections of the Services Agreement."