Any time after the 1st of the month in the first month following that quarter-end.  For example, for the 1st Quarter report, you can create your report any time after April 1.  This is so that month-end data files will be available to perform various auto-pop calculations. 

However, it is very important to wait until AFTER your General Ledger has been closed for the prior month, so that any auto-pop calculations that use G/L figures will use the correct balances in their calculations.  If you forget and some items end up being posted to the G/L after you start working on your Call Report, you can:

  1. Manually update any Account Codes affected by subsequent journal entries
  2. Delete the entire report for that Quarter and start over (all auto-pops are refreshed)
  3. Click the auto-pop button next to each of the affected Account Codes and press Enter to force a refresh on that particular item

NOTE: It is not possible to "refresh" all auto-pops at the same time unless you delete the entire report and start over.  This is because the system was designed to let you auto-calculate a figure then modify it manually if you need to add or adjust it based on some figures that are kept external to CU*BASE.