There are several significant differences in how ING updates vs. normal GOLD.  To troubleshoot a workstation that is not receiving updates, follow these steps:
  1. Ensure the GUAPPLE is online
    1. If not, get the unit back online
  2. Ensure the workstation can browse to http://{{GUAPPLE HOST NAME}}/
    1. This should launch a version of ING with a default device ID
    2. If not, verify the GUAPPLE configuration; or troubleshoot HTTP connectivity issues from the workstation to the GUAPPLE
  3. Delete C:\CUBASE\cubase\cubase.lwr and C:\CUBASE\cubase\resources.csh
    1. Both files must be deleted to force a full update of ING
    2. Launch ING again and let it update
  4. If ING still does not update, delete the desktop and recreate it