The NSF Statistics Dashboard (Tool #557) will track this information for you automatically. It is separated into the NSF category and the Courtesy Pay Category. Credit unions are using this dashboard to help predict averages of NSF/Courtesy Pay fee income and also to track how many members may be using the service. You can click on any of the origins (listed in blue text) and you can drill further to members who had more than X transactions in a specific month. There are a lot of graphical opportunities for you to product this information via PSF, or Excel if this is something you wish to include in your board packet.
If you chose to drill further via Query…
The NSFAN file includes both traditional NSF situations as well as items that were posted below a member’s available balance (Courtesy Pay). This is separated within the ‘Origin of NSFs’ field in the NSFAN file. If you remove the origins of 80, 81, 82, 83, 86 it should provide you with a database of members with traditional NSF situations. You can verify the NSF information by reviewing the members transactions history or also by reviewing their NSF details (which come from the NSFAN file).