Our system does allow for temporary or permanent changes in limits, depending on your configuration.

Limit validation can be described as follows: When a transaction is received, the program looks to the current limits to approve the transaction. CU*BASE compares the date of the last transaction to the system date.  If the system date and the new transaction date differ from the last transaction, daily remaining limits are then reset. This implies that the transaction may occur on a non-business day, with the reset happening on the following business day.
CU*BASE limit validation (also known as the "Check limits" option) must be enabled for this functionality to work. To view your Check limits selection in your BIN configuration: Launch Tool #146 "ATM/Dbt/Crdt: BIN Config Inquiry."  Select a BIN and use View, then use Enter to proceed to the PIN-Based Transaction Configuration and again to the Signature-Based Transaction Configuration screens to see whether Check limits has been activated for that BIN. 

Within Tool # 11 "ATM/Debit Card Maintenance", there is a Daily Limits section.  If changes are made to the Total column, it is a permanent change and will remain until manually adjusted.
If changes are made to the Remaining field, the member would receive a temporary increase for only the day maintenance was performed. Upon the first transaction on any day other than the day the Remaining limit was changed, limits will automatically be reset. The Remaining amount would then revert back to the Total amount, per typical limit reset procedures. Until a transaction is attempted on any following day, the Remaining amount will still show the modified amount.
Example: To change a limit to $3500.00 for one day, only the Remaining field would need to be updated (less the amount already present in the Total field).  Under the conditions previously described, the program determines the limits should be reset and resumes use of the Total field value(s).

Limit validation must be done at the core to ensure the process will work as intended.  Please check with a CSR and your vendor(s) for more information before using the Remaining field within ATM/Debit Card Maintenance.