1. Verify that check viewing is turned on for the CU.  You can check by making sure there is a code in the Check Image ID field in Online Banking Configuration (Tool #5456). 
  • If the Check Image ID field is blank, either the correct value was somehow removed and needs to be replaced, the CU’s request for online banking check images is not yet completed (check the Pending Check Image Projects on the Check Image Info portal page), or this CU has never signed up for online banking check images (the CU will not be in either of the two places mentioned above).  Contact the Check Image Project Coordinator on how to proceed.
  • ​​If the Check Image ID field is not blank, continue on to step #2. 
  1. Ascertain if PIB is on for this CU.  You can check this via Tool #569: Online/Mobile/Text Banking VMS Config, then PIB.
  •  If PIB is on, continue on with step #3.
  • If PIB is off, skip to step #4. 
  1. Verify that check image viewing is turned on in this member's PIB profile.  You can check this for the member's account through Tool #14: Member Personal Banker or by querying for the member's account base in FILEXX/PIBMBRCFG.
  • If check image viewing is turned off for this member, the CU can either change this setting for this member via CU*BASE or instruct the member how to change it for themselves if access to the PIB web tool is activated.  This should fix the issue.​​​
  • If check image viewing is already on for this member, proceed to step #4. 
  1. Determine if the check was turned into an ACH by the receiver.
  • If the check was turned into an ACH, your research is complete.  Notify the CU that such checks are not returned to the item processor and are therefore not stored in the image repository for retrieval.
  • If the check was not turned into an ACH, proceed with step #5. 
  1. Determine if this is a "counter-killed" or "on-us" check.
  • If this is a "counter-killed" or "on-us" check, determine if Check 21 Images are on for the CU by making sure there is a code in the Check 21 Processor field in Online Banking Configuration (Tool #5356). ​
    • If the Check 21 Processor field is blank, either the correct value was somehow removed and needs to be replaced, the CU’s request for “on-us” check images is not yet completed (check the Pending Check Image Projects on the Check Image Info portal page), or this CU has never signed up for “on-us” check image retrieval (the CU will not be in either of the two places mentioned above).  Contact the Check Image Project Coordinator on how to proceed.
    • If the Check 21 Processor field is not blank, contact the Check Image Project Coordinator on how to proceed. 
  • If this is not a "counter-killed" or "on-us" check, proceed with step #6.
  1. Determine if this check was posted via the exception repost program (TNDET).
  • If this check was posted using TNDET, that program does not save the MICR line of the check, and therefore online banking will not display a View Check link.  If this member’s checks are continually showing up on the exception report, the CU should consider creating a cross reference record for the member so that the normal posting program will post the checks and save a MICR record.​
  • If this check was not posted manually using TNDET, contact the Check Image Project Coordinator on how to proceed.