There are several common reasons for this issue. The following questions may help uncover your member’s problem:
  1. Is the member's password slightly different than what they remember?  A member may accidentally type a different password than the one that was used when they set up their password.
  2. Is the member typing their password with capital and lower case letters? Your member may not realize that passwords are case-sensitive.  This is different from usernames and security question answers, which are not case-sensitive.
  3. Is the member accidentally clicking the "Reset my password" button each time they attempt to log in? Once the member clicks this button, they must reset their password.  The member should instead type their username, password and security question answer as prompted.
  4. Is an older password saved in the browser's saved passwords?  If your member previously saved their password with the browser and did not update their password when they changed it, this can cause problems with logging in to online banking.  (The browser may even save the member's password without their knowledge.)
  5. Is the member selecting "Forgot Password" then canceling or backing out before completing the process? Like in scenario #3, once a member selects this button, they must complete the process entirely and reset their password, otherwise they may be required to reset their password in 24 hours. 

If you still cannot resolve the member's situation, contact a Client Services Representative for assistance.