The data for the totals on the EFT Card Portfolio Dashboard are summarized on the second of the month for the previously completed month. For example, on July 2nd we summarize the data from June. The data is built from the the transaction history tables. Here's now the program totals the data, using a date of May 2020 as an example:

Credit totals represent all amounts (rounded to nearest dollar) where:
  • Origin code (TRORIG) = 22, and 
  • The first two characters of the description are ‘CC’, and 
  • The year portion of the processing date (PRDATE) is 2020, and 
  • The month portion of the processing date (PRDATE) is 05. 

Debit (Signature) and ATM (PIN) Debit totals represent all amounts (rounded to nearest dollar) where:
  • Origin code (TRORIG) is either 13 or 16, and 
  • Tran type (TRTYPE) is NOT 38 or 46 or 55 or 68, and 
  • Trans description (TRDESC) does NOT start with SHB/ but the fifth and sixth position is either DE or IN or RE or RF or WD or XF, and 
  • The year portion of the processing date (PRDATE) is 2020, and 
  • The month portion of the processing date (PRDATE) is 05.
Based on those results the total will then be broken out into Sig or ATM according to the BIN type found in the PANBIN table (DEBIT = Sig and ATM = ATM).

NOTE: If you wish to duplicate this yourself via a custom Query, you will need to pull prior month data from HTRANS1 and HTRANS2.