If a member's A2A transaction appears on the Daily A2A Exception Report (LMBRA2AEXP) or you view A2A transactions from the A2A History screen and the member has status of 'F' for failed, you may need to do some research to find out why it failed.  Please note that the status and reason codes are sent to CU*BASE from Magic-Wrighter so the reason is determined via Magic-Wrighter's processing.

To get to the A2A history screen, in Phone Operator, select any sub-account and choose History to go to Transaction Inquiry, then use the A2A Tran History button to proceed to the A2A Member Transaction History Inquiry.  To learn about what the Status and Response Codes mean, use the help button (the i) at the bottom of the screen to open online help, or use the Related Link below.

If you need further assistance with determing the cause for the failure you have a few options: 

Go into Magic-Wrighter's online system, look up the transaction and you may be able to figure out there why the transaction failed from their site. Please note the information on how to access their site and your credit union data should be in the welcome packet Magic-Wrighter sent to your credit union.


Contact Magic-Wrighter support (see the related question below)