1. Enter into Member Inquiry
  2. Select a member account 
  3. Select the particular credit card loan account suffix from the list
  4. Click the "Credit Card Inq" button at the bottom left
  5. Click the "Detail" button

From here you will want to utilize the page up/page down arrows located at the bottom right of the screen. Doing so will bring you through a list of card transactions posted under each charge type code.

Near the bottom on the left-hand side, you will see an Estimated finance charge amount.  Use this field to determine how much will be charged for that particular transaction that you are currently viewing on the screen.

NOTE: There are certain scenarios where the finance charges would not be applied to a member’s account, even if there is an amount present in that field. For example, In Tool#959 View Online CC Rate/Charge Types, if the particular card code you are working with has the Forgive finance charges for zero balance loans flag checked, no finance charges for the charge type will be assessed if the current loan balance is zero as of the end of the month when statements are generated. (If both this and the Use grace period flag are checked, this flag takes precedence.)

Please see our Online Help regarding this tool for more information: https://help.cubase.org/cubase/UCCRRT-03.htm