CU*BASE uses phone numbers that are stored in the MASTPH file when generating card activation information to send to vendors on initial card orders. The numbers in MASTPH are determined by the label/flag applied in Tool #3 Open/Maintain Memberships/Accounts or Tool #15 Update Membership Information as follows:
- Nighttime # - primary phone number sent to vendor and defaulting into the Card Activation field when ordering a card.
- Daytime # - secondary phone number sent to the vendor.
- Mobile – cell phone number, only sent to specific vendors at this time (Fiserv, JHA, Co-Op, and FIS).
These flags determine the numbers sent to vendors; phone number sequence numbers will only relate to plastics orders if multiple phone numbers are marked as daytime or nighttime - in this case, the lowest sequenced number will be used.
What triggers a maintenance record as it pertains to phone numbers and card vendors?
Updates to fields such as address, phone number, mother’s maiden name, email, or code word, phone number deletion, re-arranging phone numbers by Seq #, and changing phone number flags will generate a maintenance record to your vendor. (Note that not all vendors process these records in the same way - contact your vendor with any questions).
Please be aware, any maintenance will update all cards attached to that membership! When a maintenance record is triggered, the phone numbers in CU*BASE will be transmitted to the vendor as they are labeled in MASTPH. This means that if the Primary phone number on vendor’s side is different than the Nighttime # we have on file, and something changes on the membership (like an address change for example), we will be sending the nighttime and daytime number that we currently have as the primary and secondary numbers. For debit cards, this may override what is on the vendor’s side if the activation number is different than the Nighttime #.
A special note for credit cards: If anything is done to the primary membership (address change, email update, etc.) we will send over a maintenance record. We will, however, send the same activation # still as the primary number (it does not change). IF the nighttime phone number changes, and it matches to what is in the activation field, we will send the new nighttime number as the primary instead and update the activation field in the credit card data file.
Do the phone number flags impact other functions of CU*BASE, or other teams at my credit union?
The flags themselves are used only for EFT functions at this time. As these flags are on the membership update screens, service teams that open memberships or update member information should be made aware of the functionality of the flags. In the simplest terms when opening memberships, remember Nighttime # = Primary and Daytime # = Secondary. As always, users can read more in the online help for the "Update Membership" screen.
When did we make the change to using MASTPH for EFT phone numbers?
Original announcements scheduled the change for Tuesday, January 26, 2021. We identified the need for adjustments before deployment, and the implementation was rescheduled for Tuesday, February 9, 2021. The Cards & Payments team held training sessions on January 18 and 21 to discuss the changes and answer questions. View the January 18 training session On Demand.
At the time of implementation of this change, we performed a conversion over existing phone numbers to apply the appropriate nighttime and daytime flags. We took the lowest sequenced primary member phone number and flagged that number as the Nighttime # (primary phone number), and the work phone number was flagged as the Daytime # (secondary phone number). More specifically, nighttime # came from the phone number in the MASTER file, and daytime # from the MASTRL file. We did not send a mass update to vendors for these changes, as they are picked up and sent to vendors as regular maintenance records are generated.
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