This situation no longer occurs. Now you cannot archive a teller ID when there is money in the drawer. However, before the enhancement was implemented, this could have occurred. If this was done before the implementation of the warning that stops the archival, there's an easy fix: temporarily recreate the archived ID, sell the cash back to the vault, and then delete that temporary ID. 

First, take a look at the old ID so you can recreate a temporary one with the same settings:
  • Launch Tool #327 CU*BASE Employee Security
  • Click the "View Archived IDs" button
  • Find the former employee and view their profile
  • Take a screenshot of the profile
  • Return to the main employee security screen
Next, create a new employee ID using the same settings as the archived one:
  • From the main employee security screen, click "Add Employee"
  • Fill out the profile screen to match the screenshot you took of the archived ID
  • Use Enter to save and then exit to the home page
You'll then need to change the password on that new ID so you can sell the cash from the drawer:
  • Launch Tool #40 Change Employee ID Password  
  • Enter that new teller ID and the temporarily password (x1234) and then change the password to something new
  • Launch Tool #1 Teller Line Posting 
  • Enter the new ID and password then use the "Drawer Control/Audit" button to activate that teller drawer
  • Exit teller then launch Tool #32 Teller/Vault Cash Transfers & Inquiry and sell the contents of the drawer back to the appropriate vault as usual
    (TIP: For this step you'll probably need to use your own employee ID, as the new ID won't have permission to do anything other than go into the teller system.)
Finally, go back into Tool #327 CU*BASE Employee Security and delete that new temporary employee ID. 

Note: If the original ID hasn't yet been archived, then you simply need to reset the password, use it to activate the teller drawer, then sell the contents of the drawer as usual before finally archiving the ID. If the original ID was actually deleted, not archived, just make sure that the temporary ID you create is set up as a teller and is linked to the same vault(s) as the original one was.