Data initially comes from the previous month's TRANSx files. For example, if today was 11/23/2021, then the dashboard would be getting data from ETR10211, ETR10212, and ETR10213. Criteria for data is as follows:
  • Where origin (TRORIG) is equal to 11 (ACH) or 13 (ATM/Debit-PIN) or 16 (Debit Card-SIG) or 22 (Credit Card)
  • Of these records, do not include tran type (TRTYPE) equal to 38 or 46
  • Only use account base (TRACCTBS) where employee type (EMTYPE) = 0 (in other words, exclude accounts flagged as insiders/employee accounts)
  • Only use records where the second digit of tran code (TRANCD) equals 3
  • Remove ‘ACH/’ from the transaction description (TRDESC) when origin (TRORIG) is 11
This is the subset of records displayed by the dashboard.

The dashboard will also get description 1 and 2 from file TRDESC where account base, account type, and tran sequence are all equal between the trans files and the TRDESC file (this is where secondary transaction description information is stored).

The dashboard will show merchant names from transaction description (TRDESC from the trans files) for origin equal to 11. For all other origins the merchant name will come from transaction description 1 (TRDSC1) in the TRDESC file.