The transaction history screen is rather unique compared to other lists in CU*BASE.  First, because it contains a Resulting Balance column which shows the change in the balance as each transaction was posted. Those balances are difficult to read when presented “backwards” with the most recent at the top.

Second, remember that CU*BASE stores many months of transaction history. So the list you see when the screen first displays is not at the “top” of the list, but actually near the bottom where the most recent activity happened. If the screen allowed sorting, the dilemma is how many transactions should be included in the sort – all of them going back 12 or potentially as long as 48 months? Or only the few that happen to be on the screen already, and if so, what happens when the user presses PageUp at that point?  

So instead the screen defaults to the date of the most recent transaction (or the date you enter on the account inquiry screen, if you’re using Member Inquiry) and displays about a screenful of transactions, with the most recent at the bottom of the list.