Only transfer control lists can be used to transfer funds from an account using BizLink 247 to another account at your credit union. This controls transfers made via Quick Transfer, Scheduled Transfer (Automated Funds Transfer or AFTs), and transfers made via ACH Distributions.

Transfer lists are a "member defined list" that indicates that transfers can only be made to from the memberships on the "transfer control list." (Learn more about transfer control lists below.) In a nutshell, this lets the membership grant transfers to only a certain list of accounts. 

Another setting that can be configured in the ARU/Online Banking Configuration allow for the transfer to accounts using the account and the first three letters of the last name of the account. If this selection is made, it is honored by memberships using It's Me 247, but not memberships using BizLink 247.
  • The thinking behind this is that with BizLink 247, many employees may be making these transfers from the membership, including employees who are the business owner, whereas with It's Me 247, it is the owner or joint owner who are making the transfers. This restriction provides better controls for the owner of the business account. Should a transfer need to be made to a new account with BizLink 247, the business owner, they simply need to add this account to the membership's transfer control list.