If the credit union’s back office has determined that it’s ATM, debit, or credit card G/ls are ‘OUT OF BALANCE,’ they can use the reports below to assist in locating transactions which should have posted but did not post to the general ledger.

The recon program documents the differences on two recon reports. 

    • The Online Reconciliation Recon to Online Match (PRCNXX1) documents the entries made in the vendor file and any entries that appear in the vendor file that are not in the online file.
    • The Vendor Reconciliation Online to Recon Match (PRCNXX2) documents the entries made in the vendor file and any entries that appear in the online file that are not in the vendor file.
Below is an example of a PRCNXX2 report with transactions to review:

For each transaction in the online file, your credit union should follow your credit union policies and procedures.

If you do not have set policies and procedures, you may want to:
  • First look at the card activity on the member account through Member Inquiry to see if the transaction posted there and verify on the card vendor site that the transaction has hit that side as well.  This will clarify which side has the offage.
    • If you cannot find a resolution to the error, it may resolve itself on the next set of reports.
    • NOTE: If you use different EFT vendors (for example, one for ATM and a different one for credit), you may have more than one set of recon reports to review.
  • If none of this results in a resolution, contact Earnings Edge Accounting Services (EEAS) or CU*Answers Cards & Payments for assistance.