There are two possible paths for a membership that is initated online.  The first is that it becomes a membership in CU*BASE.  The second is that it becomes an application to be worked in CU*BASE.

An online membership application can end with a membership being opened in CU*BASE.  This is called MOP (membership opening process).  MOP includes an Experian Precise ID scan which asks the applicant questions to confirm their identity.  This process also includes an OFAC scan.  A record of the scan is saved in the Experian ID software.  The membership OFAC Tracker will record the next time an OFAC scan is run on all your memberships.

An online membership application can also end as a membership application to be worked in Tool #13: Work Online Bankg Apps/Requests (shortcut online).  This process is called MAP (membership application process). During the process of working the application and converting it to a membership, an OFAC scan is run.  There is no OFAC record of this scan in the membership OFAC tracker because the member was still a non-member at the time the OFAC scan was run.  Proof of this scan can be found using Tool #559: OFAC Non-Member Scan History.  Look for the date range the membership was opened and OPEN NEW MEMBERSHIP will appear as the reason for the OFAC scan of the member.  The membership OFAC Tracker will record the next time an OFAC scan is run on all your memberships.