The easiest way for you to gather information on NSF and ANR/Courtesy Pay fees is using Tool #557 NSF/ANR Statistics Dashboard. This tool allows you to review the totals of NSF/ANR fees assessed each month (by occurrences or dollar amount). Simply click the View Amounts/View Occurrences button to toggle between viewing the dollar amount or occurrences of fees assessed each month for the chosen year. For a more historical perspective, use the Year field to change the year for which you are viewing data.

You can also use this dashboard to identify individual member NSF or ANR transactions. Click on any of the processes listed within the dashboard and enter 1 in the Show members with more than ___ transactions field and input the month for which you wish to review data. Once you advance to the next screen, you will be presented with a list of members with transactions for that month and the opportunity to export that data.

**Please note that this dashboard reflects data as it occurred. If your credit union has historically reversed fees, adjusted fees, etc. and you have not completed the necessary updates to the NSF/ANR statistics via Tool #906 Update NSF Stats/Reg DD Fees, then the NSF/ANR details listed in this dashboard will not match exactly to your transaction history. The data within this dashboard will only be as accurate as your historical conformity to your data governance rules and procedures.**