The second Automated Funds Transfer screen allows you to select the priority of the AFT should two transfers occur with the same membership.  This feature is used infrequently and was designed to assist in situations where the member may have insufficient funds. 
  • Refer to the help topic below for more details.
Starting with the 16.10 release, credit unions can begin allowing AFTs with accounts that are not on CU*BASE including accounts set up with the CU*BASE Account to Account (A2A) and CU*BASE “Off Trial Balance” (OTB) feature.  These types of AFTs occur after the regular AFTs.  For this reason, the Priority setting only applies within the same type of AFTs.  First all regular AFTs are processed, followed by the OTB AFTs and then the A2A AFTs. 
  • Refer to the booklets below for more details on the A2A and OTB features.