Starting with the 16.10 release, credit unions can begin allowing AFTs with accounts that are “off the books” including accounts set up with the CU*BASE Account to Account (A2A) and CU*BASE “Off Trial Balance” (OTB) feature.   The screen used for delinquency handling is skipped when setting up an AFT in CU*BASE with one of these accounts. 
  • See a link to this skipped screen below.
When members set up AFTs in online banking, they cannot set delinquency rules.  For this reason, default delinquency handling rules are implemented for transfers to these accounts.

CU*BASE Account to Account (A2A) accounts
  • For transfers to accounts set up with the Account to Account (A2A) feature, the transfer will be attempted one time.  If there are insufficient funds, the transfer will not be made.  Partial funds will not be transferred.
CU*BASE "Off Trial Balance" (OTB) accounts
  • For transfers to loan and credit card accounts set up with the “Off Trial Balance” OTB feature, the transfer will be made on the scheduled date with the funds available.  If there are insufficient funds, the system will attempt to fulfill the transfer amount each day until the transfer amount is satisfied.
  • For transfers to savings accounts set up with the “Off Trial Balance” OTB featurethe transfer will be attempted one time.  If there are insufficient funds, the transfer will not be made. Partial funds will not be transferred.
Refer to the booklets below for more details on the A2A and OTB features.

This change was implemented with the 16.10 release that was implemented to online clients on October 23, 2016.