Beginning with the 16.10 release you can schedule recurring AFTs with accounts that are not on CU*BASE.  This includes accounts that are set up with the CU*BASE Account to Account (A2A) feature and the CU*BASE “Off Trial Balance” (OTB) feature. 

AFTs with these accounts are reported in separate reports.  Use the TATA2A1 and TATA2A2 reports to monitor AFT transactions to and from A2A accounts.  Use the TATOTB1 and TATOTB2 reports to monitor AFT transactions to OTB accounts.
  • Learn more about the CU*BASE Account to Account and CU*BASE “Off Trial Balance” (OTB) features by reading the booklets linked to below.
  • Learn more about the reports used to monitor AFTs to account within your credit union by reading the Answer Book item below.'
This was implemented with the 16.10 release that was implemented to online clients on October 23, 2016.