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Who provided the thirty Abnormal Activity Monitoring patterns I receive by default?
These patterns are provided by AudlitLink. They recommend you follow proper governance change process when making changes to these patterns.
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For out of the ordinary Abnormal Activity Monitoring patterns, should I include both an amount and percent?
It is not recommended that you include both an amount and a percent in out-of-the-ordinary patterns since they are AND qualifiers. It would be rare for a member to match both criteria at the same time.
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What general recommendation is there when making patterns for Abnormal Activity Monitoring?
It is recommended that you monitor a smaller set of transactions when creating patterns.
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For Abnormal Activity Monitoring by pattern, what recommendation are there when I evaluate members for individual and organization accounts?
It is recommended that you make the same rules for both individual and organizational accounts when you make velocity patterns, out of the ordinary patterns, and idle patterns.
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What types of patterns can you create for Abnormal Activity Monitoring?
The following types of patterns can be created: Velocity : This evaluates if the member has an unusual amount of transactions that fall within the criteria configured. Idle : This evaluates if the member has an unusual flurry of activity (either based on # of transactions, transaction type, or transaction amount) following a period of inactivity. Out of the ordinary : This evaluates if the member has a percent or amount increase compared to a prior activity.
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For out-of-the-ordinary patterns for Abnormal Activity Monitoring, why is there a qualifier that looks for accounts above a total dollar amount of transactions for the period selected?
It is recommended that you use this qualifier to limit the number of false positives you receive in your results.
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We are interested in using the Abnormal Activity Monitoring Tools. Does AuditLink have any resources on this topic?
Audit Link has many ways to learn about Abnormal Activity Monitoring Tools. Follow the links below.
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When creating out-of-the-ordinary transaction patterns in Tool #101 Abnormal Activity Monitoring, how is the average daily transaction amount calculated?
As of the 24.10 Release, you can configure the system to calculate the average daily transaction amount based on either the number of days in the period or the number of transactions in the period. For example , let’s say we set a 30-day period, and a member submits RDC checks for $300, $400, and $500 every month, adding up to a total of $1200 worth of RDC transactions per period. Using the # of days calculation option, the system would divide the $1200 total by 30 days (the configured p More...
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What tools can I use to get started with Abnormal Activity Monitoring?
To configure abnormal activity monitoring patterns or groups via Tool #101 Abnormal Activity Monitoring Config , you will first need to determine your credit union's thresholds for normal and abnormal activity. You may start from scratch or base patterns on previous cases of fraud. Basing Patterns on Past Fraud You can reverse engineer patterns based on fraud you’ve experienced in the past. Configure the pattern to monitor the same type of transaction and base the threshold numbers aro More...
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I have to print notices for members who have Opted In as part of Reg. E. How can I monitor our members' activation through "It’s Me 247" to know who to send notices to?
Tool # 518 Members Reg. E Opted In/Out/Undecided is a canned Query that will split your membership by those opted In, then opted out, and finally those undecided. Any maintenance performed on the new Opt In/Opt Out flags that are within the membership and sub accounts write out to file MASTRL in FILExx, which can be queried to monitor for activity. We suggest monitoring this daily. Select Records of MTANROPT (Reg E Opt In/Out Flag) equal to ‘I’, and MTANROPTDT (Reg E Opt In/Out E More...
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What does it mean on the first Abnormal Activity pattern configuration screen when you elect to include only shared branch transaction, only RDC transactions, or only P2P transactions?
When one of these options are selected, only those transaction types will appear in the results dashboard. You may select only one of these checkboxes (e.g., you may not select to include only shared branch transactions and only RDC transactions). When one of these options is selected, you cannot also select specific origin codes to monitor. Shared Branch Transactions : The pattern will monitor only shared branch transactions. RDC Transactions : The pattern will monitor only RDC transactions. P2 More...
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When looking at the ATM/Debit or Credit Card Activity screen, what does the indicator in the Type and Transaction Description mean?
The fields are related to Process Codes, in that they are derived from the code attached to the message received from the plastics processor (vendor, or switch). The Type you see in the initial Type column of the Activity screen relates directly to the Transaction Description when you view additional transaction details. Transaction types may not apply to all vendors. Examples of these labels are as follows: DEP (Deposit Transactions) ATM/DEP A deposit made at an ATM. ATM/DEP - including a $ More...
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What columns/fields, files/tables, and programs are included in the File Maintenance Inquiry "Critical Monitoring?"
When you use the filter buttons on the File Maintenance Inquiry dashboard (Tool #159: Audit File Maintenance Inquiry (CUFMNT)), indicators note which programs, fields/columns, and files/tables AuditLink has flagged as “critical” for auditing teams to monitor on a daily basis. You can quickly sort by that indicator and select only those items for a quick scan of maintenance that directly affects member accounts. Below is a listing of these critical items. Columns/Fields Field Why More...
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I have tellers that work at two different branches. How do I set them up so that they can activate their teller drawer and access the correct vault depending on the branch they are working at?
We call this process “Roving Teller.” First give the teller access to the appropriate vaults in their employee profile (see below). Then when the teller activates his or her drawer via Tool #1 Teller Line Posting , the appropriate vault for the branch where the teller is working will be selected automatically. ( Tool #1600 Xpress Teller will do the same thing, but activation is done behind the scenes automatically.) NOTE: If the teller activates their drawer through Tool #33 Tel More...
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When looking at the ATM/Debit Activity screen, what is the Process Code and how does it affect how member's transaction is being processed on CU*BASE?
The Process Code or PROC CODE on this screen refers to which accounts CU*BASE is going to look at to see if we can authorize the transaction or which account we are going to process against when the vendor is sending a completion. It is a 6 digit field and is broken down into 3 sections to determine how CU*BASE should process the transaction. First is an explanation of how this 6 digit code is broken down and what each segment refers to: OO FF TT in this example the first two digits would More...
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Do I have to activate online banking and audio response automatically for all my new members?
No, you do not have to automatically activate OLB or ARU for new memberships. Actually, you can default all new memberships to deactivate online banking and/or audio response access until the member specifically requests it. This is highly recommended as it helps to protect members who join the credit union but never get around to using your online tools right away. These accounts may be your most vulnerable since the member hasn't set up a private password or security questions. By deact More...
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When viewing the ATM/Debit Activity Screen, I see fields named Original message type and Last message type. How does this affect my ATM/Debit card processing?
Message Types are utilized by CU*BASE to determine what action is to be taken for this transaction. The original message type is the incoming message received by CU*BASE from your vendor. Depending on the Message Type received by CU*BASE, the system could perform any of the following type of transactions (this is not an all inclusive listing): Balance Inquiry Request for Authorization of Transaction Advice of Authorization (Vendor/VISA/MC approved) Transfer of Funds Request Reversal of Transac More...
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I have dual monitors, and for some reason my CU*BASE GOLD screen has disappeared off the edge so you can't see it from either monitor. What do I do to get it back?
In Windows 10, hold down the “Shift” key while right-clicking the item in the taskbar, then select “Move Use your mouse or the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the window back onto the screen (If you have multiple windows of that same application open, such as several Word documents, in Windows 10 right-click the item in the taskbar and choose Cascade all windows. ) If you've lost sight of the GOLD Emulator window, the steps are a little different: Use Alt+Tab or More...
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How do I activate ACH maintenance for my members through online banking?
For online credit unions, contact a Client Service Representative or complete the It's Me 247 Configuration Change Request Form (see the link below; requires Microsoft Word) to activate this flag. For self processors, this is done using OPER Tool #5356 Online Banking Configuration and OPER Tool #5511 Audio Response Configuration . IMPORTANT: If you have already activated PIB and your members have a PIB profile, remember that the ability to view ACH records is controlled by the member More...
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Can I monitor online banking passwords that have expired due to non-use?
Yes! As a companion to your dormancy monitoring, you can now monitor stale or expired online banking passwords using the new report generated via Tool #161 Audit Disabled/Inactive PIN/PWs Rpt . This report lets you specify a range of “last login dates” (for example, to include members who last logged in more than 90 days ago) and see a list showing the member’s name and phone number and the number of days since they were last logged in. If your credit union does not take adv More...
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How do I activate online banking for members that are approved via online membership channels (MAP)?
Members who apply for membership via online membership applications (MAP) can be approved as members via Tool #13 Work Online Banking Apps/Requests ; however, this does not activate online automatically. To activate online banking, use Tool #14 Member Personal Banker . Use the reset password feature to activate online banking and set a temporary password for the member. This will reset the password to the temporary password setting configured by your credit union. This will appear on the p More...
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How do I activate the feature that prints the Reg. DD disclosure of NSF and ANR/Courtesy Pay fee information on member statements?
There are two steps: Choose Which Activity is Tracked Modify your NSF Configuration ( Tool #558 NSF/OD Transfer Configuration , then #1) to indicate which origin codes will be counted in the fee totals. For example, you might need to report only fees that relate to share draft postings but not include ACH or bill payment activity, based on your interpretation of the reg. as it applies to your situation. Change Statement Print Configuration Contact a Client Service Representative and request th More...
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What file is used when creating the Teller Activity Report?
The Teller Activity Report (Tool #848) uses multiple files. The main files are: TEAUDT1 - contains current-day teller transactions TEAUTR - contains prior-day teller transactions In short, these are all of the transactions that have audit keys attached to them: cash withdrawals, deposits, miscellaneous receipts, checks, and in-house drafts.
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Is there a way to make sure that a new member I just activated for online banking, actually logs in?
Try using Tool #549 New Member Online Banking Use Report which lets you see trends about how long it takes for new members to try online banking for the first time. Unless your credit union walks new members through this process while they are still in your lobby, this report will help you make sure that when you activate a new member’s access, they actually do try it by logging in. You could follow up with these members or even set a policy to deactivate their access if they don’ More...
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How do I activate or deactivate a member's access to online banking or audio response?
There are a couple of access points: Launch Tool #14 Member Personal Banker and select the Online banking/ARU (activate, change PIN/password; view password history) option OR Launch Tool #72 Update ARU/Online Banking Access (PIN) (Shortcut: PIN) It's Me 247 CU*TALK CUTalk
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