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What happens when there are insufficient funds for a scheduled recurring Automated Funds Transfer (AFT) when the transfer is to an “off the books” (A2A or OTB) account? What happens when there are insufficient funds for the desired transfer amount?
Starting with the 16.10 release, credit unions can begin allowing AFTs with accounts that are “off the books” including accounts set up with the CU*BASE Account to Account (A2A) and CU*BASE “Off Trial Balance” (OTB) feature. The screen used for delinquency handling is skipped when setting up an AFT in CU*BASE with one of these accounts. See a link to this skipped screen below. When members set up AFTs in online banking, they cannot set delinquency rules. For this reas More...
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A loan is currently written off. What procedures do I take to charge this off from my books? We will not collect anything further on this loan.
To charge off and close a loan, use Tool #1006 Write Off / Charge Off Loans and choose Charge Off. The loan account will be closed and a record written to the write-off/charge-off history dashboard. You MUST include a reason for closing the suffix. write off write-off writeoff written off written-off writtenoff charge off charge-off chargeoff charged off charged-off chargedoff
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Can we book a balloon loan in CU*BASE that has annual payments?
The only payment frequency supported on a balloon loan is monthly ( M ).
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How do I prevent a journal entry from being posted to my General Ledger once I've finished my books and printed financials for that month?
Tool #360 End of Month Processing should be used by your credit union whenever you have finished posting entries to your books for a particular month and want to prevent additional entries from being posted accidentally. Refer to the Closing Your Books link below for details about what happens when you use this feature. NOTE: This is not to be confused with the month-end processing that is done by CU*Answers Operators every month for online CUs (or by self processors) on the last day and fi More...
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How do I book prepaid interest on a mortgage loan using a 360 interest calculation?
Prepaid interest on a mortgage consists of monies taken in at loan closing and is generally calculated for the odd number of days to the end of the month. Review links below for more information for information on applying prepaid interest properly on a morgage loan. This interest is applied on a date decided by the credit union. A recommended date would be the last day of the month, unless it is a Freddie Mac loan, in which case it has to be the 15th.
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I see multiple applications by the member in my loan queue as well as a booked Deposit Secured loan. Why is this the case?
When the member starts and then cancels the document signing process a pending application is created. They can do this repeatedly, for example if they have technical difficulties, and each time a new pending application is created. These pending applications are not tied to the final completed booked CD, Share Draft, or Share Secured loan by the member. If the member starts and stops and then later completes the process, your loan department may need to do some investigation to determine whi More...
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My member gets a Social Security (SSA) deposit via ACH. We use an ACH distribution to pay the member’s loan payment, but the loan payment was not made. Why did this happen and what benefits are there to using an Automated Funds Transfer (AFT) instead?
Prior to the 16.10 release, the SSA began using multiple Company IDs, and it was recommended that credit unions consider using Automated Funds Transfers (AFTs) to handle distributions. Beginning the 16.10 release a new cross-reference system will be implemented that will automatically funnel all incoming company IDs from the Social Security Administration and treat them as if they came from one, consistent company ID we’re referring to as the “Primary ID.” With the changes ma More...
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If I have changed my Social Security (SSA) ACH Deposits to use the Automated Funds Transfer solution, should I now consider changing back to ACH deposits?
Prior to the 16.10 release, the SSA began using multiple Company IDs, and it was recommended that credit unions consider using Automated Funds Transfers (AFTs) to handle distributions. Beginning with the 16.10 release a new cross-reference system will be implemented that will automatically funnel all incoming company IDs from the Social Security Administration and treat them as if they came from one, consistent company ID we’re referring to as the “Primary ID.” With the chang More...
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How can I find a record of the Social Security Administration (SSA) Company ID consolidation changes made with the 16.10 release?
With the 16.10 release we have developed a new cross-reference system that will automatically funnel all incoming company IDs from the Social Security Administration and treat them as if they came from one, consistent company ID we’re referring to as the “Primary ID.” Refer to the linked to Answer Book items for more information about this feature. At implementation of the release two reports were placed in your credit union’s HOLDxx OUTQ. The first, CNV40003, lists all More...
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I see that all ACH Company IDs associated with the Social Security Administration (SSA) are now converted to a “Primary ID.” When did the change happen and where can I find the incoming (original) Company ID I use for returns or NOCs?
The Social Security Administration uses several company IDs for its ACH transactions. Previously two recommendations were made to handle the changing Company IDs, namely to create records for all possible Company IDs with duplicate distribution records or to transfer the distributions with the Automated Funds Transfers (AFT) system. With the 16.10 release a process was implemented that will no longer require either of these complicated solutions. Going forward only one Company ID will need to More...
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How can I view basic statistics of my loan applications, such as denied, approved, pending, and deleted?
CU*BASE has a tool that displays application statistics in a handy dashboard format. Tool #472 Loan Queue Activity Tracking allows you to choose a date range and branch to filter the information, with additional filters such as Underwriter Code, Delivery Channel, Interviewer ID, Loan Category, Product Code, Dealer #, and Business Unit, if you wish. You can also use this dashboard to analyze the data you've selected in your filters, as well as export to a PDF or Excel format. This dashboard c More...
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Why are there loans with zero balances but with accrued interest due showing up on my Loan Information report?
The most likely reason is that someone posted an account adjustment to pay off the loan and get it off the books, but neglected to clear out the interest due amount at the same time. NOTE: Remember that CU*BASE delinquency monitoring ignores loans where the balance is $0 or below, regardless of whether there is interest due or not, but the system will not close a loan with interest due, even if the principal has been paid to $0. If posting a manual account adjustment, make sure to post an adjust More...
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How does the new membership denial of service fraud block list work? Is the employee blocked from opening a new membership for the member? What happens when a match is made to an entry on the new membership denial of service fraud block list?
You can add an entry to the new membership fraud block list as an individual or organization. This fraud block list is different than other service denial lists in that it allows you to enter a name on the list without a Social Security Number. See more about the rules for adding a name to the new membership list in the other topic linked to this Answer Book item. This fraud block list is designed as a supplement to the “Deny Membership” check box available on the non-member recor More...
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I haven't been using Tool #360 "End of Month Processing" to close my G/L and would like to start. Does it matter what month I start with?
No, you can start with the most recent month you consider your books to be closed and no longer need to be able to post entries to that month. (You don't need to run it multiple times for multiple months to catch up. )
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If I have already closed my Year-End general ledger Income Statement, is it possible to create and close another income or expense entry for the closed year?
Yes. You will want to ensure that no other users are performing any general ledger processing when these steps are taken! The first step is to use Tool #202 Chart of Accounts/Budget Groups Maint and update the Current process month and year to 12/YY (December of the closing year). In addition you will want to flag the line item Current Processing year/month is equal to period 13 Y/E. Then create and post your entry using Tool #61 Create/Post GL Journal Entries. Remember to also post the ne More...
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Can I schedule recurring Automated Funds Transfers (AFTs) to and from accounts that are set up with the CU*BASE Account-to-Account (A2A) feature?
Starting with the 16.10 release, you can schedule recurring Automated Funds Transfers to and from accounts that are configured with the CU*BASE Account to Account (A2A) feature. Activation of the recurring A2A AFT feature is required. Incoming and outgoing AFTs are activated separately. Once the feature is activated, both employees and members can create recurring AFTs with an account that has an A2A relationship. Refer to the help topic below for more information on activation. While on th More...
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What reports can I use to monitor my Automated Funds Transfers (AFTs)?
Three reports can be used to monitor your AFTs. The Member Automatic Account Transaction Record (TAT1) report includes a detailed listing of automatic transfers that posted. The Member Automatic Account Transfer Notification Report (TAT2) show automatic transfers that did not post. The Member Automatic Account Notification Register (TAT3) lists transfers to 360 accounts that were “out of the ordinary” such as members who are making principal-only payments or additional payments. L More...
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My credit union has activated scheduled Automated Funds Transfers (AFTs) with the CU*BASE “Off Trial Balance” (OTB) feature. How do I turn this feature off for all OTB products?
Starting with the 16.10 release, you can schedule recurring outgoing Automated Funds Transfers to accounts that are configured with the CU*BASE “Off Trial Balance” OTB feature. Refer to the linked to Answer Book item for more information about this feature. In order to turn off this feature you must first clear all AFT records to these types of accounts. Contact Client Services for assistance with a purge of the 999999998 records in the TO TRANSF file. Because members can add ne More...
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Can I schedule recurring Automated Funds Transfers (AFTs) to and from accounts that set up with the CU*BASE Off Trial Balance (OTB) feature?
Starting with the 16.10 release, you can schedule recurring outgoing Automated Funds Transfers to accounts that are configured with the CU*BASE “Off Trial Balance” OTB feature. Refer to the linked to Answer Book items for more information about this feature. Activation of the “Direct Payments via AFT” feature each OTB product configuration is required. Refer to the booklet below for more information on activation. Activation is by product so you can activate it for on More...
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My credit union has activated scheduled Automated Funds Transfers (AFTs) with the CU*BASE Account to Account feature. How do I turn this feature off?
Starting with the 16.10 release, you can schedule recurring outgoing Automated Funds Transfers to accounts that are configured with the CU*BASE “Off Trial Balance” OTB feature. Refer to the linked to Answer Book item for more information about this feature. In order to turn off this feature you must first clear all AFT records to and from these types of accounts. Contact Client Services for assistance with a purge of the 999999997 records in the TO and FROM fields in the TRANSF fi More...
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What reports can I use to monitor my Automated Funds Transfers (AFTs) with accounts that are not on CU*BASE?
Beginning with the 16.10 release you can schedule recurring AFTs with accounts that are not on CU*BASE. This includes accounts that are set up with the CU*BASE Account to Account (A2A) feature and the CU*BASE “Off Trial Balance” (OTB) feature. AFTs with these accounts are reported in separate reports. Use the TATA2A1 and TATA2A2 reports to monitor AFT transactions to and from A2A accounts. Use the TATOTB1 and TATOTB2 reports to monitor AFT transactions to OTB accounts. Learn more More...
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Can I delete a configured CLR Path program template code?
You cannot delete a CLR Path program template code (configured in Tool #1110 Configure CLR Path Criteria ) if it is attached to a pending loan application. To delete the code, first delete the application or book the loan that is attached to that program template.
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If a credit union becomes an Originator (not ODFI), will this expand the scope of the credit union’s annual audit?
More information can be found in Chapter 13 “ODFI Audit Requirements and Rules Compliance” found on OG52 of the NACHA Operating Rules. The first sentence in Chapter 13 states: All ODFIs, Third Party Service Providers performing a function of ACH processing on behalf of those ODFIs, and Third Party Senders must perform an annual audit to determine compliance with all provisions of the NACHA Operating Rules. Third Party Service Providers and Senders are very well defined in t More...
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Will CU*BASE keep track of daily loan interest even after a loan has been written off?
Starting with the 22.05 release , yes! If you have written off a loan account using Tool #1006 Write Off/Charge Off Loans , each day the system will calculate a day's worth of interest and record it in a new field in the Written-off Loan History. This is not an accrual; nothing will be booked to your GL. Rather, it is a simple calculation of one day's interest, showing what would have accrued if the loan hadn't been written off. This amount increments every day so that you have More...
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What is the calculation for "interest accrued since write-off" on written-off loans?
This calculation uses the standard calculation for daily interest on a loan, using a 365-day simple daily calc type with the current balance (CURBAL) and the rate on the loan account (MEMBERx) record. For example, imagine a written off loan with a current principal balance of $25,000 and a rate of 14.50%: 14.50% 36500 0.000003973 daily interest factor 0.000003973 $25,000.00 $0.10 daily interest amount Keep in mind: This process always uses the 365-day interest (simple daily) calculation, even More...
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