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How do I delete a branch from CU*BASE when the credit union is closing that location?
Make sure all monies is transferred from the branch vault to the bank (sell teller drawers to the vault first, then the vault to the bank) using Tool #32 Teller/Vault Cash Transfers Inquiry . Finally, suspend the branch using Tool #176 Branch Office Configuration . Once the branch has been closed for a period of time (we recommend after 90 days), you can move the members assigned to that branch to another branch based on where members are now performing the majority of their transactions. More...
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Understanding Writers, Printers, Spooled Files and OUTQs
What is the difference between writers, printers, spool files and OUTQs ? Have you ever been confused when someone said “What is in your OUTQ?” Do you ever run a report and then wonder why it's not printing? What is a spool file? Let's get the terms straight. Writer (Printer) To start, think of writers and printers as the same thing. It's how the IBM system refers to its connection to a physical printer. OUTQ Next, an OUTQ (an abbreviation for output queue, commonly prono More...
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How can I prevent a member from using any shared branch?
You can change the setting of the Allow shared branch trans field on the member's master record. When that member's account is selected at one of your shared branch locations, CU*BASE will display a message that shared branch services are not available to that member. (Make sure all your shared branch partners understand what to do when their tellers encounter this message!) To update this setting, use Tool #15 Update Membership Information. (The flag appears on the final update sc More...
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Does CU*BASE offer its own native Shared Branching capabilities?
Yes! It is included in the CU*BASE product at no extra charge and provides a full Teller interface between two CU*BASE online credit unions, whether part of the Xtend Shared Branch network or just a credit union-to-credit union contractual arrangement. That means daily automated entries to your settlement and fee G/Ls. Some credit unions use it for additional service to their members or it can be a contigent disaster recovery configuration. The extent to which the credit unions cooperate is full More...
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Can we do a money order for a shared branch non-member via national shared branching?
The COOP National Shared Branch interface (CUSC/FISC) currently supports check disbursements but not money orders. Following is a technique that was shared with us by a credit union to offer shared branch members the ability to purchase money orders. Locate the account from which funds are coming, and make sure enough funds are available for both the money order and the fee. Run an OFAC scan and complete any paperwork and obtain signatures your credit union requires according to policy. In More...
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How do teller check holds calculations work for shared branch activity?
If your credit union uses the check holds configuration, holds for shared branch members will obey the configuration from the teller credit union and will completely ignore the electronic deposit hold override flag setting.
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When printing a money order for a shared branch member, which money order printing fee is charged - the one that the member's CU normally charges, or the one from the shared branch CU?
The member will be subject to the teller credit union's configured money order printing fee (the shared branch where the transaction is being performed ).
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I have tellers that work at two different branches. How do I set them up so that they can activate their teller drawer and access the correct vault depending on the branch they are working at?
We call this process “Roving Teller.” First give the teller access to the appropriate vaults in their employee profile (see below). Then when the teller activates his or her drawer via Tool #1 Teller Line Posting , the appropriate vault for the branch where the teller is working will be selected automatically. ( Tool #1600 Xpress Teller will do the same thing, but activation is done behind the scenes automatically.) NOTE: If the teller activates their drawer through Tool #33 Tel More...
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Are Shared Branching transactions included in the total dollar amount for BSA (Bank Secrecy Act) tracking within CU*BASE?
The CU*BASE BSA monitoring tool does include data about shared branch transactions conducted via its own internal shared branch tool (includes Xtend Shared Branching). From the national shared branch networks (such as CUSC/FSCC), CU*BASE does receive Funds In amounts (separated by checks and cash) and includes those in BSA tools. (Currently Cash Out is not included, although that is planned for a future project.)
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My member is in a hold group that exempts him from check holds. He deposited a check at a Shared Branch location and a hold was placed on the check. Why did this happen?
For Shared Branch transactions, the teller credit union's check hold configuration is used. Since the Shared Branch credit union received and deposited the member's check, its hold configuration was used for the transaction.
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When printing a corporate check for a shared branch member, which check printing fee is charged - the one that the member's CU normally charges, or the one from the shared branch CU?
The member will be subject to the teller credit union's configured check printing fee (the shared branch where the transaction is being performed ).
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When cashing a check for a shared branch member, which check cashing fee is charged - the one that the member's CU normally charges, or the one from the shared branch CU?
The member will be subject to the teller credit union's configured check cashing fee (the shared branch where the transaction is being performed ) and the fee will post to the teller credit union's configured fee G/L. NOTE: The system will use the member fee, not the non-member fee, in these cases.
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My credit union is part of Xtend Shared Branching. Can we ever be included in a CU*BASE release beta test?
It depends. Using shared branching does not automatically exclude you from the beta pool! But the specific changes being made can affect how your credit union works with others who are not part of the beta. The most common example is shared branching but might also include vendor relationships as well. This becomes an issue when the release includes changes to the database structure itself (new data in files or changes to the data’s format). CU*BASE requires that all of the data used More...
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When depositing checks for a shared branch member, which deposit item fee is charged - the one that the member's CU normally charges, or the one from the shared branch CU?
In ths case, since deposit item fees are charged in a batch at the end of the month, the member will be subject to the normal fees charged by their own credit union, regardless of where the deposits were posted.
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Does CU*BASE provide an online interface with CO-OP National Shared Branch Networks?
Yes, we currently offer an online interface with CO-OP. Acquirer provides the integration of using the CU*BASE teller system to process other members in the national shared branch credit union listing. Issuer allows CU*BASE clients to participate in the national credit union network. Refer to our Pricing Guide for associated CU*Answers costs, then contact the Client Services and Education team to get started!
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One of our members reported not being able to use a shared branching location with an error message saying invalid account. We verified that the membership is active. Why did they receive this message?
This particular issue arose due to N\A being listed in the driver's license and code word fields. With these indicators, the program is getting confused because \ is seen as a field separator rather than a text option in the field and is causing the program to read the fields incorrectly. This is why the account was being listed as invalid. These fields will need to be updated to include either the actual data or simply be left blank.
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With the CU*BASE budgeting tools, can I project changes to my branches for the coming year, such as if I’m adding a branch or plan to reallocate member branch assignments at some point?
Yes. There is a technique for reviewing and manually adjusting branch allocation calculations for projected asset and liability balances. See the Budgeting with CU*BASE booklet for instructions. NOTE: The classical budgeting tools also contain a “Close a branch” function which zeros out monthly figures from your budget starting with a month you specify. But this does not affect projections for asset and liability balances used in the modeling tools.
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A Misc. Receipt Posting code was set up with the "Credit entry location" set to blank, which according to online help means to use the teller branch number. If an active teller posts a MR transaction through Phone Operator, it does not write out to the teller’s branch number. Instead, it writes out to branch 01. Is this how the process should work?
The reason the M/R code is not writing out with the teller's branch number is because it is being done through Phone Operator. Phone Op is actually posting to the member branch regardless of this configuration. The transaction is a bit different than teller because it’s built with a TRANS record with a direct connection to the offset GL rather than a teller audit key with an EOD GL interface for misc receipts. The trans record posts the member branch to both the member and teller bra More...
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How do I contact CO-OP Shared Branch Support?
Contact the Network Services Department at (678) 812-1340 or (866) 812-2872.
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When looking at the ATM/Debit or Credit Card Activity screen, what does the indicator in the Type and Transaction Description mean?
The fields are related to Process Codes, in that they are derived from the code attached to the message received from the plastics processor (vendor, or switch). The Type you see in the initial Type column of the Activity screen relates directly to the Transaction Description when you view additional transaction details. Transaction types may not apply to all vendors. Examples of these labels are as follows: DEP (Deposit Transactions) ATM/DEP A deposit made at an ATM. ATM/DEP - including a $ More...
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What do vertical receipts show when I post a transaction for a shared branch member?
Below is a sample of an CU*BASE/Xtend shared branching receipt showing the name of the member's home credit union: In this sample ABC Testing Federal CU is the member's home credit union; their CU# is 123 and their CUID is XX. For national shared branching, you’ll see a section that shows “CO-OP Shared Branch Transaction” and the financial institution’s name as well as the tran seq# that we receive from Co-Op, like this: NOTE: When these receipts actually More...
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What determines where my GOLD documents print?
This comes from the Workstation Device Configuration in CU*BASE. To view or change this: Launch Tool #326 CU Hardware Configuration Select Terminal/Workstation In the list of workstations, locate the ID of the workstation you are looking up and double click on it (or just type the ID and press Enter) This will open up the terminal's configuration in CU*BASE. In the middle is the list of default printers where your documents will print: General Printer - this will be the printer to which a More...
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With Co-Op national shared branching, is there a way to identify transactions as cash or check deposits, the way in-network ATMs show in transaction history? Right now there is no way to tell if a shared branch deposit, or a shared branch ATM deposit is cash or check.
When a cash deposit is made at a Smart ATM, we are able to place a $ symbol within the secondary transaction description, and the BSA program uses this to identify currency. But shared branch network activity is different. Transactions via Co-Op national shared branching have the ability to include both cash and checks as part of the funds in. Adding a notation to the transaction records would be difficult at it's not a 1:1 correlation between funds in and the transaction. For that reason, More...
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My credit union wants to allow maintenance on Automated Funds Transfers (AFT) in online banking. What are the steps for allowing members to set up and maintain their own AFTs?
There are several configurations that control the member’s ability to set up and maintain Automated Funds Transfer (AFTs) online. Does your credit union's Personal Internet Branch configuration allow the maintenance of AFTs? Are AFTs configured to show in online banking? Does the member's PIB configuration allow maintenance of AFTs in online banking? For existing AFTs: Is the record locked to prevent changes in online banking? 1. Does your credit union's Personal Internet Bran More...
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So just what is PIB?
PIB provides a layered security approach to add additional authentication controls for Online Banking. PIB, which stands for Personal Internet Branch, is an independent application that provides multiple, configurable controls that govern how Online Banking behaves and what members can do with access to it. PIB allows your members to control access to their accounts with controls by feature, day of week, time of day, and even geographic location. It layers additional passwords and member aut More...
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