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Does CU*BASE support Risked Based Lending strategies?
Yes, CU*BASE supports risk based lending. CU*BASE provides tools for pricing loans as based upon the Credit Score/ Paper Grade received. A credit union should check with its applicable credit bureau(s) for Decisioning Products available to facilitate this process.
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How does the lending denial of service fraud block list work? Is an employee blocked from creating a loan application or from opening a loan for a member? Can the member still submit an online loan application?
If a person or organization is added to lending denial of service block list, an employee cannot open a loan under any membership owned by that SSN/TIN. They will see messaging that the “SSN/TIN appears on block list” directly after selecting the membership when attempting to create a loan application for that SSN/TIN in CU*BASE. Additionally, for online loan applications, the loan officer will see messaging “On Fraud Block List” when working an incoming loan application More...
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Can I put Tracker notes on a non-member record, such as for comments about referrals, pre-member lending comments, and things like that?
Yes, using Non-member Notes . These were intended to be a sort of mini-Tracker for non-member records only, and many CUs use them for referral notes and details about loan applications for which the non-member applied but was denied. Check out the related link below for more details on non-member notes in our online help. If the non-member ever becomes a member, those notes can be automatically copied into a Tracker record. In order for this to happen, you will need to adjust your configura More...
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How can I exclude the persons or organizations on the lending fraud block lists from receiving 1Click Offers?
To exclude persons or organizations on the lending fraud block list from receiving your 1Click Offers, exclude the members on the Block New Loans (BLOCKLNAPP) table/file when creating the list of accounts that will be included in the offer.
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Does the 1Click Offers feature support the requirements of the Military Lending Act (MLA)?
No, the 1Click Offers feature does not specifically support MLA requirements. MLA grants a number of protections for active duty service people and imposes specific requirements on the credit union in granting credit. At the heart of the matter is the calculation of the Military Annual Rate (MAPR) and the disclosures required prior to or at the time of extension of credit. The act requires that a unique APR be calculated incorporating things such as fees and credit life or disability. The MAPR More...
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How do I associate different indirect products (for new, used and auto) with a selected range of collateral years? How do I update my model years in my indirect delivery channels?
To associate different indirect products (for new, used and auto) with a selected range of collateral years or to update model years in my indirect delivery channels, access the Configure Loan App Delivery Channels (5) screen via Tool 462: Loan Delivery Channel Configuration , and select your delivery channel. Then use Enter and select the collateral type to update or add to. Highlight the year to change it or use Add to add additional years. On the next screen enter the collateral year range. More...
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I need specific information about our lending portfolio. What dashboard should I use? Or do I need a Query? When do I use a dashboard versus a Query to get the information I am looking for?
Refer to the resources below for more information. Lender*VP My Favorite Dashboards and Reports brochure AuditLink My Favorite Dashboards and Reports brochure (specifically Loan with Interest Due Above Payment Amount and Loan Portfolio Concentration Risk Summary) Automated Reports and Queries booklet Lender*VP Reports and Dashboards training Lender*VP Custom Query services
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I'm looking for a specific report for indirect loan data, sorted by dealer. Is this something I can find in CUBASE?
Tool#333 Dealer Trial Balance / Reserve Calc. Rpt. can be used to run a report showing dealer names and all member accounts attached to each dealer. The report can also calculate the total reserve amount for each loan, by multiplying the loan disbursement amount by the reserve percentage configured for each individual dealer. When ready, use Enter to produce the report. Please also review the Online Help for this tool in case you have further questions regarding setting parameters for this tool More...
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Why does the Loan Maturity Report (Tool #467) not match the Selective Loan Information Report (Tool #788) for the number and amount of loans reported for the 5300 Call Report?
A discrepancy in the number and amount of loans is because the reports gather the information differently. The Selective Loan Info report (sometimes referred to as the Loan Trial Balance ) is gathering the loans using “Total number of payments” and the Loan Maturity Report is calculating the length of time to maturity from the appropriate date (as specified for “Calculate length of time from maturity from”) and gathering the loans that fall into the maturity ranges ent More...
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How can I find out where my members have loans, credit cards, or LOCs at other financial institutions?
If you pull credit reports using the CU*BASE online credit bureau access system, credit report data is stored online and can therefore be mined for opportunities. There are a couple of ways you can find this information: Use Tool #976 Where Your Members Borrow This tool pulls trade line data from stored credit report files, showing other financial institutions with whom your members do business. This tool lets you make a direct comparison between your credit union and a competitive FI. F More...
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I re-ran a Participation Loan as of a previous month, but there are changes on it compared to when I originally ran it for that month.
Unfortunately not all of the files used for Participation Lending reports are run using month-end E files (the EOM snapshot), but rather pull from current participation lending files. When a loan is deleted from Participation all PLLOAN and PLHIST records are deleted with that – this is why rerunning any reports are changed; there is no history to include in those new reports. We recommend the following: Always make sure you create and ARCHIVE the reports needed when processing end of m More...
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We have a loan serviced by another financial institution that we are participating in. Our auditors have asked us to make sure that it is viewed as a loan, but we have it configured as an investment on CU*BASE. How should this be configured?
Within CU*BASE the Participation Lending software is for managing member loans and investor positions. With this the member record is serviced by your credit union and therefore recorded as an actual member loan. If your credit union is purchasing into a loan serviced by someone else and you would like to manage your investment in participation offerings by others, this can be done through the CU*BASE Investments subsidiary software. Some pointers to keep in mind: You will use Tool #993 INV 1: More...
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What else should I be doing to keep my email lists clean?
These days, electronic communication is becoming more and more vital to your relationship with your members. Start by verifying your credit union's From: email addresses are set up properly. You can use a DNS tool to verify your domain, learn more in this Knowledge Base item . This is where bounced-back emails are delivered, one for loan status change emails (configured as part of your Underwriting Codes and generated by items in your lending queue) and all other general emails that CU*BAS More...
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Is there an easy way to find out members who do NOT have a specific loan type yet? I'd like to see what opportunities there are to sell more of our credit cards, or mortgages, or whatever.
There are multiple ways to do this, but here's one of our favorite methods. Launch Tool #1855 Lending Opportunities Dashboard Use the Loans to Analyze button Choose a loan type from the list (Auto Loans, Mortgages, Credit Cards, Unsecured, or Other Secured) and use Enter to return to the dashboard The top two thirds of the screen shows statistics from your portfolio for that type of loan The bottom third of the screen will show opportunities, divided into two groups: members without that More...
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How does the new membership denial of service fraud block list work? Is the employee blocked from opening a new membership for the member? What happens when a match is made to an entry on the new membership denial of service fraud block list?
You can add an entry to the new membership fraud block list as an individual or organization. This fraud block list is different than other service denial lists in that it allows you to enter a name on the list without a Social Security Number. See more about the rules for adding a name to the new membership list in the other topic linked to this Answer Book item. This fraud block list is designed as a supplement to the “Deny Membership” check box available on the non-member recor More...
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What can be denied with a “denial of service” or “transaction attribute” fraud block list?
The following services and transactions can be denied with a denial of service block list or transaction attribute block list. All lists are accessed from Tool #892 Update Fraud Alert/Blocked Persons List . Denial of Service Block Lists Bill Pay enrollment (all vendors) P2P (Person to Person) enrollment (all vendors) Outgoing wire transfers (performing a wire transfer) Incoming wire transfers (performing a wire transfer) Online/mobile banking (enrollment) Lending (creating a loan application More...
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I deleted an indirect lender dealer from yesterday and CU*BASE is still accepting applications from this dealer. How long does it take to deactivate an indirect dealer?
A file is sent each night to all indirect vendors for dealer additions/deletions. The vendors may take up to 48 hours to process the change requests on their end before the relationship is terminated. NOTE: Also ensure the dealer is removed from CU*BASE via Tool #245 Configure Dealer Info for Indirect Lend . NOTE: For Route One and Dealer Track, you must also remove the dealer from the Integration Manager. Refer to the reference booklet below.
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What types of analysis should I do regularly with the "Money Movement Analysis" tool?
There are a couple of things a credit union CEO should do with the Money Movement Analysis tool (Tool #536) in CU*BASE: Comparing to last month: The tool is designed to use last month's ending balance to compare to the current date. So one way to use this each and every month is to regularly compare the balance during, say, the third week of each month and see what accounts have had wide swings either up or down, and then act accordingly on a regular basis. For example: On July 20, compare More...
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When underwriting an indirect/dealer loan application, does the Centralized Underwriting code “Refer to Manager” send a notification to the dealership via our CU*BASE Integration? If so, does the notification include the application notes from the loan application?
The credit union can pass any underwriting code that's configured as a Approval or Denial code type. So if your credit union has underwriting codes of AI for Approved Indirect and DI for Denied indirect, those will both pass a status of approved/denied as long as they are configured correctly. The only code we standardized is the CO for Counter Offer. This is the only memo type code that can be passed for indirect. Any other memo codes would not trigger a notification to the dealer. C More...
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Which reports support Report Scheduler?
As of May 2019, the following reports can be set up in the Report Scheduler. More reports are being added all the time, though. To see if your report is included, simply look for the Save Settings button on the screen when you are running your report. Tool #108 Accrued Dividend Summary Rpt - CDs Tool #190 CD Maturity Analysis Report Tool #191 CD Selective Trial Balance Report Tool #213 Closed Account Report Tool #218 Closed Membership Report Tool #280 Contingent Liability Analysis Report Too More...
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I would like to have my call center call the members for incomplete information on their online loan applications. How can I configure these incomplete leads, so they appear in a different tool instead of my regular loan queue (Tool #2)?
It can prove to be time-intensive to task your lending professionals to work incomplete loan applications from members via online banking. Your credit union now has the option to move these applications to another tool. Through this change in procedure, you can assign the task of following up on leads to another team, such as your call center. First, ensure you have configured a loan delivery channel code for “incomplete application” for the HB Online Banking delivery channel in Tool More...
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The FACT Act requires we send notices to members stating we may report derogatory information about their accounts to credit bureaus. How can I use CU*BASE tools to comply with this requirement?
Here are some ideas of ways you can use existing CU*BASE tools to fulfill your credit union’s responsibility to comply with this requirement: Option 1: Add verbiage to your delinquency notice event(s). Option 2: Send a notice to all home banking members via a Home Banking comment. Option 3: Create a Misc. Member Account Form to be printed on demand and mailed to the member after a new membership is opened, or when creating a new loan account. IMPORTANT: Since this notice cannot be inclu More...
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What is Asset-Liability Management (ALM)?
ALM is the forward-looking, simultaneous management of both assets and liabilities for the purpose of measuring, monitoring and controlling the potentially adverse effects of changing interest rates on income, liquidity, market values, competitiveness, and the financial reputation of the institution. This process is becoming increasingly important as mortgage lending emerges as the core business of credit unions. The long-term nature of mortgage loans can create a structural imbalance between th More...
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I understand that when considering a job applicant, we can request a credit report to help in our decision to hire. Can we use our on-line credit bureau feature in CU*BASE to retrieve this report?
No. In the instance of a job screening process, the format for the credit report is significantly different than a credit report used for a lending decision. Your first step is to insure that the job appplicant knows and agrees that the report will be reviewed. You can contact your credit bureau processor (Equifax, Trans Union or Experion) to gain access to their web-based product that will keep you in compliance.
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Why are mortgage loans becoming such an important part of the lending process?
Institutions that are not actively involved in mortgage lending will have smaller loan portfolios and larger holdings of lower yielding investments. Interest income will be lower thus making it more difficult to pay competitive rates on savings, maintain profitability, and grow. The auto loan market, once the mainstay of consumer lending, has been permanently disrupted by extreme competition resulting from dealer incentives, zero percent financing, and indirect lending where loans are won or l More...
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