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When Fiserv creates a member check with the credit union's name on it, where does it get the CU name from?
This comes from Fiserv's records, which are provided to them by the Federal Reserve (through the FRB's Checks Department).
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We sometimes have non-member joint owners that join the credit union, or closed memberships that re-join later on. When I create the membership I choose to copy that old data into the new membership so I don’t have to retype everything. What happens with the phone numbers in those cases?
If you are creating a membership by copying over the data from an existing non-member record (like a joint owner or co-borrower is joining the credit union), the system will copy over all phone numbers tied to that non-member record and attach them to the new membership, then delete the old numbers tied to the non-member (since the non-member record itself also gets deleted at that time). This is not the same when copying from another existing membership , or when copying from a closed membershi More...
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What is the procedure for creating a new workstation session for my credit union?
Enter your device library by launching Tool #326 CU Hardware Configuration. You will need the correct authority to do so. Decide what the ID for the new device should be based on your existing device listing. Complete a Workstation Request form and fax it to the Systems Team at (616) 285-5735. If you don't have one available, you can get one by by going to NET > Technical Support Info > Links in your GOLD session; choose the New Workstation Request. Requests will be completed within More...
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As a credit union security officer, am I able to create or delete a user ID in CU*BASE without contacting CU*Answers?
No. This requires a very high level of security access on the iSeries, which we cannot make available to our clients. The only way for CU*BASE user IDs to be created or deleted is to fill out and submit a Credit Union Security Authorization Request to our Client Services team. This form can be found on our CU*Answers Online store (use the link below).
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How would I identify checks purchased for cash for my credit union? Is there a report I can run to find them?
To monitor monetary instruments, we recommend you use the BSA review process and wherever you see a transaction where a monetary instrument is purchased with cash in, create a Tracker using a specific Memo Type code (we recommend you create a Memo Type MI for Monetary Instrument ). Then you can use the Print Member Trackers feature to pull a Tracker report that will show you all of your monetary instruments for the time period selected, based on Memo Type.
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We have non-members who want to cash checks in our lobby but instead of receiving cash back, they want an official credit union check for a better paper trail. Can this be done using non-member teller processing?
Yes, by making use of both a Misc. Receipts and a Misc. Expense posting code, so that you can put the funds temporarily into a G/L then issue a check from that same G/L. Here are the key steps: First, configure two posting codes, using Tool # 534 Misc. Posting Codes Configuration. For the first one, choose the Receipts type and set up a code that will allow you to place funds into a G/L account. For the second one, choose the Expenses/Advances type and set up a code that will allow you to More...
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I'm hearing from members that emails we send to them don't always reach them quickly, or are being marked as spam and blocked. Is there anything we can do to help make sure members receive emails from the credit union?
Remember that once the emails are sent by CU*BASE, it becomes a function of various email service providers to deliver the emails to members. Because of the way our system can send a batch of email messages to a large group of members at the same time, there may be some providers that interpret these email messages as “spam” (junk email) messages, especially if you have a large number of members who use the same provider (such as Gmail). If you hear from members that your emails ar More...
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How can I find out where my members have loans, credit cards, or LOCs at other financial institutions?
If you pull credit reports using the CU*BASE online credit bureau access system, credit report data is stored online and can therefore be mined for opportunities. There are a couple of ways you can find this information: Use Tool #976 Where Your Members Borrow This tool pulls trade line data from stored credit report files, showing other financial institutions with whom your members do business. This tool lets you make a direct comparison between your credit union and a competitive FI. F More...
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Where do the transaction descriptions used for
mortgage payments and escrow transfers come from?
Can the credit union configure what they say?
The transaction description is pulling in from the account suffix description and then uses the origin code and origin type to determine if it was a payment (i.e. ACH or AFT). Those are combined to create the transaction description that appears in the member's history. For example, if your loan product is 360 MORTGAGE and a payment is made, the transaction description might be 360 MORTG PAYMENT. You can use Tool #105 Account Suffix Configuration, choose a suffix and update the trans More...
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How does the creation of "neighborhoods" shorten the amount of time my credit union is in stand in for nightly processing? How do they help with time zone processing?
We've created a neighborhood for each time zone serviced by the CU*Answers iSeries. When you sign onto CU*BASE, the system knows where your credit union is from and you (and your session) live in a subsystem dedicated to that time zone. (A subsystem is an IBM term; these are used for many different functions on the IBM, from online banking to processing eAlerts, and now for handling time zones for end- and beginning-of day processing.) Then when we start nightly processing for the Cent More...
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Many of my members have said the best way to contact them is via text message. But with the rules around “express consent” that credit union must follow, what’s the best way to take care to only contact members via text message appropriately?
The new phone # database introduced in the 18.07 release includes both a Mobile phone checkbox as well as a Can sent text messages to this number checkbox. There’s also a place to enter free-form comments on each individual phone number. Also remember to take advantage of the existing marketing opt in/opt out flags . You could even use all of these elements in tandem with a special Tracker Type/Memo Type combination that specifically records a member’s written consent. Another idea More...
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My credit union likes to review printed notices before they are mailed out to members, but we are also trying to switch people to eNotices. Do you have any tips for how we can still make ourselves aware of what notices are being produced on a daily basis?
From a front-line inquiry standpoint, there’s no better record-keeping option than having people check member Tracker histories. The notice type, date, and contents are easy to look up in tracker history, but prior ones are available to scroll back through as well so you can see context of the individual member’s history with that type of notice, or others. When it comes to the ability for staff to review this data for proactive outreach, such as to see who has delinquent loans an More...
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What causes a member check to be returned as 'Refer to Maker'?
Previously, credit unions used Code 38 for “Return to Maker”, but this code is no longer available in the system. This change was initiated by a Reg CC change in 2018. Now, if you are presented with a situation where you need to return a check to another institution, it is recommended that you use one of these codes to clarify the reason for the check return. Some codes allow you to make the change in CU*BASE. Others require that you contact your Check Item Processor. Read below for More...
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What's the best way to create a Representative Payee account on CU*BASE?
In a nutshell, you will set up a Membership Designation Code for Representative Payee, with the label for primary name set to Beneficiary and the label for the joint owner name set to Rep Payee. Then the procedure is to open the membership in the beneficiary's name and SSN, then put the representative payee's SSN as the joint owner (type J secondary name link). TIPS: Remember that in CU*BASE the words joint owner simply are used to describe a particular record type in the Se More...
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The FACT Act requires we notify members when a credit score was used to determine eligibility for a mortgage loan. How can I use CU*BASE tools to comply with this requirement?
Option 1: Create a Misc. Member Account Form with the appropriate text, and add a procedure for your loan processors to print this form whenever a loan like this is created. Since the CU*BASE online credit bureau system has no way to know if a credit score is used in the underwriting decision, nor whether the credit report was used for a mortgage or home equity loan, this will be manual process. HINT: This step could be added to the Electronic Checklist feature for your mortgage and home equity More...
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How does the plastics denial of service fraud block list work? Is the employee blocked from opening an ATM, debit, or credit card for the member?
If an employee attempts to order an ATM, debit or credit card for a membership with a SSN/TIN that appears on the plastic orders denial of service block list, an employee cannot order the card. If the employee tries to order a card (via ATM/Debit Card Maintenance (Tool #11) or Update/Order Online Credit Cards (Tool #12), during the membership open process), or when creating a credit card loan, or when adding an OTB credit cards (via Member Inquiry (F1), then OTB/Cards (F17)), they will see mess More...
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How do I use CU*BASE tools to keep track of the beneficial owners on my business accounts and other memberships?
Using CU*BASE to Comply with New Rules for Tracking Beneficial Ownership FinCEN has issued new rules under the Bank Secrecy Act that require financial institutions to identify and verify the identity of the beneficial owners of all legal entity members (corporations, etc.). Under the final rule, credit unions are required to have written procedures to identify and verify beneficial owners of legal entity members who open new accounts on or after May 11, 2018. In addition to identifying and coll More...
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Can you explain how the system secures funds for debit card authorizations?
The process can vary a bit according to the vendor, but here's a discussion about how it works for credit unions on the CO-OP network, as an example. In most cases, debit card authorizations create a Misc. Secured Shares record on the member's account to hold the funds. When the actual transaction comes in, this record is automatically deleted. (There are exceptions to this rule, such as gas purchases.) A little history: In the past, debit card authorizations would add a hold to an ind More...
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What do the various device and print job statuses on the iSeries mean?
When a device first connects to the iSeries, a virtual device is created - consider it a placeholder for that workstation or printer. Only one device can exist for each ID, which is why only one person can sign into a printer at a time. Throughout the virtual devices lifecycle, there are several different statuses that device can be in. Read below for some details! Workstations VARY ON PENDING - this is the default status of the virtual device. This status means the device is ready and wai More...
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When any of our members updates their personal information through "It's Me 247" they get an email letting them know there was a change. Where does the signature line come from, and can I change it?
To update a signature line in CU*BASE, you’ll use the Tool #497 Member Connect Marketing Tools . (You will need a file name to move forward, so it can be helpful to have a test file created in your QUERYxx library for situations like this.) NOTE: For Member Reach clients, Xtend has previously created a file ‘MBRRTEST’ that will allow you to access the Message Maintenance screen. Select Online Banking and/or email message from the first window and then use Enter. On the Mem More...
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How can I obtain statistics on how my members use audio response and online banking?
There are several ways to obtain this data. To see the total number of active online banking members, use Tool #856 Tiered Svcs Monthly Comparison to display active user counts for any monthly period. (HINT: Click the Goal 4 button to display this data.) This can be done even if your credit union does not use Tiered Services for any other purpose. To print a report of usage statistics, use Tool #141 ARU/Online Banking Stats Dashboard To see online banking usage stats for a particular m More...
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Can I have CU*BASE default the applicable delinquent fine code into that field when I am building a new loan request?
Yes. There is an Amortization Default option available in each of your Loan Product Code configurations which allows credit unions to default amortization criteria such as: Delinquency Fine Code, Rate, Payment Frequency, # of Payments etc. The system will then default this value into the applicable fields when creating a new loan request. These defaults are intended to provide consistency for all new loan requests, but can be changed/edited during the loan request process if necessary.
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What commands are available in text banking?
Keywords are not case sensitive. For example, you can type either help or HELP or even Help and you'll get the same result. BAL Reponses to BAL include the available balance on three savings accounts/and or checking accounts. Member Text: BAL Text Response: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:$-9,999,999.99, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:$-9,999,999.99, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:$-9,999,999.99. Reply HELP for help. Msg Data Rates May Apply. If multiple memberships are enrolled with the same phone, the response will ask you to specif More...
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What is the Audit Tracker?
The Audit Tracker is simply a special type of Member Tracker. Trackers are used throughout CU*BASE to keep track of member communications, contacts, and events, for an ongoing record of the member's relationship with your credit union. The Audit Tracker is specifically designed to record events for your credit union's internal auditors. This includes things like BSA-related activities, OFAC scans, and the like. See the flyer referenced below for a current list of items recorded automa More...
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With Deposit Secured Loans, do members sign a Promissory note before the loan is funded? What happens if they do not sign the form?
Yes, if an online note is programmed in CU*BASE, it will be presented to and signed digitally prior to the loan funding. If the member cancels out and does not sign the form, the loan will not be created. Instead, the system will submit a loan application to be worked in the LOS Loan Queue (Tool #2). Deposit Secured loans do require special loan forms specifically coded for this type of offer. Your standard loan forms cannot be used with this feature without the special coding. f you are anx More...
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