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I’d like to offer my members cash back on their credit card transactions. What tools does CU*BASE have?
Yes, CU*BASE can help with that! The Credit Card Cash Back (CCCB) program reviews members credit purchases every month and rewards them with a cash-back reward posted to their credit card account. Use the link below to review the documentation, and contact the Cards Payments team ( ) if you need assistance! We can also help you adjust programs for existing products and perform floods to existing accounts.
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When looking at the ATM/Debit or Credit Card Activity screen, what does the indicator in the Type and Transaction Description mean?
The fields are related to Process Codes, in that they are derived from the code attached to the message received from the plastics processor (vendor, or switch). The Type you see in the initial Type column of the Activity screen relates directly to the Transaction Description when you view additional transaction details. Transaction types may not apply to all vendors. Examples of these labels are as follows: DEP (Deposit Transactions) ATM/DEP A deposit made at an ATM. ATM/DEP - including a $ More...
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How can I get a member who has a balance on an OTB Credit Card onto my CU*BASE database so they are able to take advantage of a sweep account to pay on their credit card?
In some cases, the general upload file that is received by CU*Answers on a daily basis only contains accounts where a member has had a change to their account. Contact your OTB vendor to see if you can request a full file to be sent so that all card information would be sent in the upload file to CU*Answers. (In some cases if your CU is already being charged for the upload it is possible there would be no change in price to have the full file sent over.)
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There is a IRS reporting requirement that states that companies that process credit and debit card payments are required to submit IRS Form 1099-K. Will CU*Answers be producing this form?
No. This law actually pertains to merchant card programs where the merchant is collecting payments for services and goods sold. Since we do not run merchant programs on our platform, this reporting requirement does not apply to us.
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Can we pull credit reports for member service products such as debit cards, checking accounts, membership requests?
Yes. You can pull a credit report for any service using the online credit bureau process. Using Tool #53 Process Member Applications, use action code CR to pull the report without creating a loan request and application. We can then create Member Services denial notices for debit cards, checking accounts, ATM cards, etc.
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Are there ever situations where a member would get a credit card statement but not a regular member account statement in the same month?
It's possible but fairly rare, given how most CUs set up their statement criteria. The two statement types are independent as far as the criteria that determine whether a member gets a statement or not. Typically a CU sets up their regular account statement to look at OC (open credit) accounts, which includes online credit cards, and produce a regular statement if there is any activity. Likewise, a credit card statement is generally set up to produce a CC statement only if there is activi More...
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I need help with ordering an online credit card for the co-applicant/secondary person on a Visa account. I just ordered one for the member; how do I order one for the wife, who is listed as a co-applicant on the Visa loan?
T o order an online credit card for a co-applicant on the loan account, you would complete the following steps: Launch Tool #12 Update/Order Online Credit Cards Enter the member number and suffix for the Visa loan account OR If you have the last 4 digits of the primary member's Visa card number, you may enter that instead Use Enter to continue On the next screen you will see a card that has been ordered for your primary member only. On the lower left corner of the screen, choose Add More...
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What is the best way to handle payoff for an online credit card account?
There are three choices. 1. Manually add the estimated finance charges to the balance of the account and have the member make the full payoff at that time. Then clear the cumulative balance on the individual buckets to ensure that there are no finance charges assessed on the account. To do this you will launch Tool #20 Update Account Information. Select the credit card account and then select F16/Chg Type Maint. Select the individual bucket and select the Maintenance action code. In the cumulat More...
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If I activate Statement Style Fees, what happens on a month when a member gets only their credit card statement and not a regular account statement too?
Printed Statement Style fees are triggered only by production of a regular account statement (based on a file called STPRINT01, which is generated only with regular statements, not CC statements) . If a member gets only a credit card statement, they wouldn’t get a fee that particular month. If the next month they get both a credit card statement and a regular statement, then they would get a fee that time. (Note: We do always produce a year-end statement for every member, no matter wha More...
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I have an online credit card loan account where the balance from the previous month end was paid in full by the payment due date, yet the member still incurred a finance charge. Why?
Credit card finance charges can be confusing as they are different from a normal simple daily interest consumer loan, because billing cycles play a part in the finance charge calculation. Both current and previous billing cycles are required for the calculation to qualify for a configured grace period. Grace period flags are determined by the credit union and disclosed in their credit card disclosures. Finance charges are waived if the account qualifies for the grace period configured in the loa More...
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Can I use the Debit Card Round Up feature to transfer round-up funds to our credit union's internal membership account, if a member wanted to use round up money for charitable contributions? If so, will the member be able to see our credit union's member account # on their statements and in online banking?
Yes, you can designate your credit union's own savings (or checking) account number to receive round-up funds when setting up a member's round-up transfers, if you wish. 1. Launch Tool #14 Member Personal Banker for a member who wants to participate 2. Select the Debit Card Roundup enrollment button and double click on the member's desired suffix 3. Enter in your credit union's internal account for the account to which you'd like the round-up funds transferred (this accou More...
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How does CU*BASE handle Plastic reissues for my ATM/Debit/Credit card products?
CU*BASE does not perform any automated card reissues for any credit union or vendor. With the exception of two platforms*, all plastic card reissues are done for the credit union by their vendor. The normal process is the vendor sends the CU a couple of reports once monthly (usually 6 weeks out from expiration of card). One is a reissue report, the other a non-reissue report. The CU reviews and makes changes to the vendor system prior to their cutoff date for ordering the reissues. All cards More...
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How can I find out where my members have loans, credit cards, or LOCs at other financial institutions?
If you pull credit reports using the CU*BASE online credit bureau access system, credit report data is stored online and can therefore be mined for opportunities. There are a couple of ways you can find this information: Use Tool #976 Where Your Members Borrow This tool pulls trade line data from stored credit report files, showing other financial institutions with whom your members do business. This tool lets you make a direct comparison between your credit union and a competitive FI. F More...
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If I decide to use the separate Mortgage Statement feature to send monthly statements on my mortgage accounts, will the statements arrive in the same envelope as regular and credit card statements?
No, at least not if processed by Sage Direct. Mortgage statements will be sent in their own envelope, one envelope per mortgage account. In fact, mortgage statements are processed separately and after regular and CC statements, so they may not necessarily even arrive on the same day in the member's mailbox. Normally e-statements for all three statement types would be generated on the same day and available to members at roughly the same time. The first month we run mortgage statements fo More...
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The member has scheduled Automated Funds Transfer (AFT) and has selected the option to "pay the amount in full every time (for credit cards or lines of credit)". What happens if the AFT amount will result in an overpayment of the loan's current balance?
You can schedule the AFT payment to pay the amount in full every time (for credit cards or lines of credit). Making this selection allows the member to pay the LOC or credit card off every time a transfer is performed. (The recommended frequency with this AFT payment method is Monthly.) For LOCs , this means pay whatever the current balance on the loan is at the time the transfer is performed. If the AFT payment amount will result in an overpayment on the loan, the transfer amount will be adj More...
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Why, when we report a credit card to the credit
bureau, it is reporting the credit limit & high
credit fields as the same?
In the past, when reporting credit cards to the bureau, CU*Answers sends the maximum disbursement limit field for both the high credit amount and the max credit limit fields. Effective with the CU*BASE 11.4 Software Release (Nov/Dec 2011), a change was made so that this is no longer true. For open-end loans, we will report the larger of the Crrent Blance or the calculated High Credit Amount. Since members can draw on these loans at any time, the High Credit Amount will be determined using the More...
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How would I identify checks purchased for cash for my credit union? Is there a report I can run to find them?
To monitor monetary instruments, we recommend you use the BSA review process and wherever you see a transaction where a monetary instrument is purchased with cash in, create a Tracker using a specific Memo Type code (we recommend you create a Memo Type MI for Monetary Instrument ). Then you can use the Print Member Trackers feature to pull a Tracker report that will show you all of your monetary instruments for the time period selected, based on Memo Type.
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We have non-members who want to cash checks in our lobby but instead of receiving cash back, they want an official credit union check for a better paper trail. Can this be done using non-member teller processing?
Yes, by making use of both a Misc. Receipts and a Misc. Expense posting code, so that you can put the funds temporarily into a G/L then issue a check from that same G/L. Here are the key steps: First, configure two posting codes, using Tool # 534 Misc. Posting Codes Configuration. For the first one, choose the Receipts type and set up a code that will allow you to place funds into a G/L account. For the second one, choose the Expenses/Advances type and set up a code that will allow you to More...
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Can I change the phone number that appears on the front of the online credit card statement for credit counseling services?
The 800 number that appears on the front of the statement for credit counseling services is a national one that is paid for by CU*Answers, to cover all CUs in the network. This information cannot be customized at this time.
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For the Credit CARD Act I'm flooding my LOC and other open-end loans to a due date of the last day of the month. On an LOC that has a zero balance, if the member takes a disbursement will the due date be set to the last day of that same month or the next month?
This is controlled by the Grace period (# of days) setting in the payment change control section of your Loan Category configuration (LOC and open-end loans only). See the online help topic (link below) for more details about how this field works to calculate the next payment due date on zero-balance LOCs.
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I need to make some changes to the settings used for my statements to comply with the Credit CARD Act. When do I need to submit that request in order to make it for next month's statement run?
Online CUs must contact a Client Service Representative to make these changes to your configuration. (You can, however, view the configuration using Tool #961 View Reg E Triggers for Statements .) As long as you let us know before the last day of a month, we can make the changes to your configuration before statements are generated on the 1st. (Self Processors can change these settings via OPER Tool #5434 Member Statement Config .) Regulation Z Reg. Z
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How does the plastics denial of service fraud block list work? Is the employee blocked from opening an ATM, debit, or credit card for the member?
If an employee attempts to order an ATM, debit or credit card for a membership with a SSN/TIN that appears on the plastic orders denial of service block list, an employee cannot order the card. If the employee tries to order a card (via ATM/Debit Card Maintenance (Tool #11) or Update/Order Online Credit Cards (Tool #12), during the membership open process), or when creating a credit card loan, or when adding an OTB credit cards (via Member Inquiry (F1), then OTB/Cards (F17)), they will see mess More...
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I tried to status a card (ATM, Debit, or Credit) in real-time (online status) from CU*BASE. How do I find out it was not accepted? What do the Star/PSCU response codes mean?
Launch Tool #145 ATM/Dbt/Crdt: Audit Card Status Changes , locate the activity record (the User/Employee ID column will say ONLINE STS ), select it and choose Additional Status Information. The following vendor response codes may be sent from STAR/PSCU: ■ 00 - Successful ■ 25 - Record Not on File (P) Card not in CMA ■ 26 - Record Already on File (AM) Card already activated ■ 29 - Unsuccessful (any other denial code) SGD Activation not supported, any other problems with processing the trans More...
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Why on an ATM or Debit card do I need to flag a member's card as "hot" and also close the same card in order to close the linked account or close the membership?
When a credit union statuses a member's card as 'HOT' or warm (Lost/Stolen/Fraud/Restricted), this information is transmitted immediately to your vendor to stop any further withdrawals/purchases being performed with that particular card. But at your vendor a 'Hot Card' is not considered to be a closed card. When your member's card remains at a HOT or Warm card status on CU*BASE, CU*BASE is still required to send any maintenance updates such as address change, phone numbe More...
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Can you explain how the system secures funds for debit card authorizations?
The process can vary a bit according to the vendor, but here's a discussion about how it works for credit unions on the CO-OP network, as an example. In most cases, debit card authorizations create a Misc. Secured Shares record on the member's account to hold the funds. When the actual transaction comes in, this record is automatically deleted. (There are exceptions to this rule, such as gas purchases.) A little history: In the past, debit card authorizations would add a hold to an ind More...
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