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When looking at our loan queue, we see a ‘pass decision’ status but the application failed in the underwriting ratios assessment requirements. Why do we see the ‘pass decision’ status?
When you see the 'pass decision' status, this means that the application passed your filters and then passed the model. The underwriting ratios are not a hard stop and will not cause an application to pass or fail. Based on the workflow, a model is requested and a decision has already been made by the time those ratios calculated. The ‘fail’ flag in the underwriting ratio is simply a visual indicator to the loan officer that the ratio is potentially higher than normal. More...
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What are the supported loan types for the CLR Path Decision Advisor?
All loan types that are configurable by your credit union can use CLR Path. There are no database restrictions.
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How much does it cost to use the CLR Path Decision Advisor?
Use of the CLR Path tool is free, one of the many benefits of belonging to the cooperative network.
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Why am I not seeing results for all configuration criteria in my member’s CLR Path decision?
CLR Path results are calculated using criteria that are checked (active) in the configuration (configured in Tool #1110 Configure CLR Path Criteria ). If you leave a criterium unchecked in the configuration, the member will not be evaluated on that metric, and it will not appear in the decision results. Remember that the member was scored based on the configuration settings at the time they were scored. If the configuration was subsequently changed, this will not be reflected in a score run pr More...
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I'm trying to run risk assessment on a membership and the screen returns a reply saying that the QualiFile decision is "review." What might that mean?
One reason is that the first name field is limited to 12 characters when running QualiFile (ChexSystems). If the member's name is longer than 12 characters, the scan must be run manually via their website.
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When I create my budget in CU*BASE using the asset/liability modeling tools, is there a special technique I have to use to keep assets equal to liabilities and equity on my balance sheet? For example, if I project $10 million in growth of loans and $10.5 million growth of shares, the $500K difference has to go somewhere so the total assets and liabilities are in balance. In the past I’ve used budgeting software that has a balancing account that acts as either a cash account or a borrowing account, depending on where it is needed, to keep assets equal to liabilities and equity.
The CU*BASE Budget tools are not intended to project your entire balance sheet. While some software products do that, that was never our intent. Our purpose in modeling select assets and liabilities is to create a projection to be used to calculate the income and expense for the budget. It results in a few simple things: You can create reports to present how you see member balances growing in the future. You can create reports to present the actual member balance in comparison to your project More...
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Can I model my investment G/Ls?
Yes, you can use the modeling tools to project balances on other income-producing assets (such as investment income) or liabilities with associated expneses (such as an OTB mortgage product). For details refer to the Budgeting with CU*BASE booklet.
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What are the supported credit bureaus and score models within CU*BASE?
Equifax 01841 – Beacon Augmentation Code 01855 – Multi-Screen 1.0 02575 – Multi-Screen 2.0 Experian F - Experian/Fair Isaac Risk Model V2 I - Experian/Fair Isaac Risk Model 3 - National Risk Model A - Old National Risk Model B - Experian/MDS Bankruptcy Model BP - Bankruptcy PLUS Model Trans Union FICO Classic Risk -EMPIRICA 95 - to be retired by end of year 2005 00002 - Delinquency (90+ days) or worse within 24 months FICO Classic Risk - EMPIRICA Industry Options 95 - More...
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How do I associate different indirect products (for new, used and auto) with a selected range of collateral years? How do I update my model years in my indirect delivery channels?
To associate different indirect products (for new, used and auto) with a selected range of collateral years or to update model years in my indirect delivery channels, access the Configure Loan App Delivery Channels (5) screen via Tool 462: Loan Delivery Channel Configuration , and select your delivery channel. Then use Enter and select the collateral type to update or add to. Highlight the year to change it or use Add to add additional years. On the next screen enter the collateral year range. More...
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What models of TCDs (Teller Cash Dispensers) are supported by CU*Answers?
Our official statement is that CU*BASE is not integrated with any TCD or TCR hardware solution; however, you may find the information below helpful. When considering which model of TCD or TCR to select, it is important to realize that supported models are determined by your solution provider not CU*Answers. For example, if you are utilizing DynaCash, as the provider of the software that interfaces between CU*BASE and the cash handling hardware then they would determine compatibility. With this i More...
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What models of TCDs (Teller Cash Dispensers) are supported by CU*Answers?
Our official statement is that CU*BASE is not integrated with any TCD or TCR hardware solution; however, you may find the information below helpful. When considering which model of TCD or TCR to select, it is important to realize that supported models are determined by your solution provider not CU*Answers. For example, if you are utilizing DynaCash, as the provider of the software that interfaces between CU*BASE and the cash handling hardware then they would determine compatibility. With this i More...
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My member gets a Social Security (SSA) deposit via ACH. We use an ACH distribution to pay the member’s loan payment, but the loan payment was not made. Why did this happen and what benefits are there to using an Automated Funds Transfer (AFT) instead?
Prior to the 16.10 release, the SSA began using multiple Company IDs, and it was recommended that credit unions consider using Automated Funds Transfers (AFTs) to handle distributions. Beginning the 16.10 release a new cross-reference system will be implemented that will automatically funnel all incoming company IDs from the Social Security Administration and treat them as if they came from one, consistent company ID we’re referring to as the “Primary ID.” With the changes ma More...
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Does CU*BASE support Risked Based Lending strategies?
Yes, CU*BASE supports risk based lending. CU*BASE provides tools for pricing loans as based upon the Credit Score/ Paper Grade received. A credit union should check with its applicable credit bureau(s) for Decisioning Products available to facilitate this process.
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I'm looking for some special Credit Bureau Comment codes for bankruptcy, but don't seem them in online help. Where can I find these?
The following old special Comment codes are no longer valid now that your credit data is being reported using the Metro 2 format: BU BV BW BX BY CA CB Instead, use the Consumer Information Indicator field on the loan account to report bankruptcy. This can be changed using Tool #20 Update Account Information on the loan account (click the Credit Reporting Info button to display the the Credit Bureau Reporting Information screen). NOTE: You only need to report bankrtupcy once. If the bankrupt More...
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How does a member's account get debited for bills they schedule through "It's Me 247" Bill Pay (Fiserv)?
In one of three ways: Note: The term 'subscriber' refers to your 'member'. Electronic Payments (ACH) - Fiserv's preference is to send all payments electronically. However in the Risk Model format it is not always feasible. Fiserv submits the merchant payment (via the fed) from a Fiserv settlement account the same day we submit the debit (via the fed) to the subscriber account. Fiserv is taking the risk on the payment. Electronic payments are typically sent when the subscr More...
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If I have changed my Social Security (SSA) ACH Deposits to use the Automated Funds Transfer solution, should I now consider changing back to ACH deposits?
Prior to the 16.10 release, the SSA began using multiple Company IDs, and it was recommended that credit unions consider using Automated Funds Transfers (AFTs) to handle distributions. Beginning with the 16.10 release a new cross-reference system will be implemented that will automatically funnel all incoming company IDs from the Social Security Administration and treat them as if they came from one, consistent company ID we’re referring to as the “Primary ID.” With the chang More...
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The FACT Act requires we notify members when a credit score was used to determine eligibility for a mortgage loan. How can I use CU*BASE tools to comply with this requirement?
Option 1: Create a Misc. Member Account Form with the appropriate text, and add a procedure for your loan processors to print this form whenever a loan like this is created. Since the CU*BASE online credit bureau system has no way to know if a credit score is used in the underwriting decision, nor whether the credit report was used for a mortgage or home equity loan, this will be manual process. HINT: This step could be added to the Electronic Checklist feature for your mortgage and home equity More...
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How does Fiserv determine the method by which payments are sent to the biller?
Fiserv evaluates payment direction based on a proprietary algorithm that takes into account many factors. Some evaluation is done at the sponsor level, some at the merchant level, and some at the subscriber level. Sponsor level information determines what check types are acceptable – draft only or draft and corporate. Merchant level information determines the preferred payment method for that payee (electronic or paper) and if the merchant assumes responsibility for returns. Subscriber More...
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Why does CU*Answers charge a monthly fee for running service charge programs we configure ourselves in CU*BASE?
There are two primary reasons we charge this fee: Our belief that we should do our best to keep our fees down when credit unions do not earn. This is why, for example, It's Me 247 mobile web is offered free to our credit unions. It's also behind our constant pressure to reduce fees where CUs have no basis or belief they can charge for a defensive, relationship service. Charging for these services in this manner fund other areas where the direct expenses cannot easily be identified wi More...
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How do you access the OFAC Tracker, or for that matter any Tracker, if the base share (000 account) is hidden for that membership?
Credit unions can choose to hide the 000 account for select memberships. This is a business decision that may be elected for special accounts, for example business accounts. This feature must first be activated for the credit union in the Master Parameters in the OPER screens. Then credit unions activate it by using the Membership Designation configuration. Once activated in the membership designation, the feature will cause the 000 account to be ignored (for accounts of this membership des More...
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What types of analysis should I do regularly with the "Money Movement Analysis" tool?
There are a couple of things a credit union CEO should do with the Money Movement Analysis tool (Tool #536) in CU*BASE: Comparing to last month: The tool is designed to use last month's ending balance to compare to the current date. So one way to use this each and every month is to regularly compare the balance during, say, the third week of each month and see what accounts have had wide swings either up or down, and then act accordingly on a regular basis. For example: On July 20, compare More...
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What hardware is required for the CU*Answers online imaging solution?
To take advantage of the CU*Answers online imaging solution, there are a few required pieces of hardware. Each branch will each need an Gweep upload appliance to transfer the electronic images to the secure database. Additionally, scanners are needed to capture photo IDs (and supporting documents for loans), and signature pads are needed at each workstation where receipts are signed. Thermal printers are required for the system. These hardware devices are described in more detail below: Gweep U More...
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How does 7-day processing affect lobby transactions?
It is important to distinguish between the following: Terminology: Seven-Day Processing: CU*Answers processes your credit union’s nightly cycle seven days a week in accordance with our 24/7 approach to core processing. Sunday Open Branch: The CU staffs the lobby for business and performs regular daily services for members. CU*Answers requires 30 days lead-time to prepare this activity for your credit union. We have accommodated credit unions with Sunday Open Branch activity since 2013. Cur More...
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When I print a check, the logo and signature areas are not printing correctly. I am getting garbage characters such as !@#$%&*()abc, etc. Why is this happening and what can I do to correct it?
These symbols print when the printer doesn't know what graphic or font to use for the logo, signature, or MICR line. There are a few possible causes: Is this a new printer? If this is a new printer, the first thing to consider is whether the other printers at the credit union use Check Secure devices. Check Secure devices are no longer sold and are not compatible with new printer hardware. To transition from Check Secure devices to the new software based check printing methods, contact CU More...
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I was doing some cleanup and noticed that my CU has a lot of non-member records that match the SSN/TIN of actual memberships, usually the same person. How does this happen?
When you close a membership that is linked to another membership (for example, a wife closes her membership but is joint on her husband's membership), CU*BASE automatically creates a non-member record so that joint owner the link can remain in place. But later on if the wife were to come back and open a new membership, if the user chooses not to copy the non-member record but rather re-enter all of the wife's info from scratch, the non-member record does remain in the file. There are al More...
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