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  • 1. Is there an easy way to find out members who do NOT have a specific loan type yet? I'd like to see what opportunities there are to sell more of our credit cards, or mortgages, or whatever. Public
    There are multiple ways to do this, but here's one of our favorite methods. Launch Tool #1855 Lending Opportunities Dashboard Use the Loans to Analyze button Choose a loan type from the list (Auto Loans, Mortgages, Credit Cards, Unsecured, or Other Secured) and use Enter to return to the dashboard The top two thirds of the screen shows statistics from your portfolio for that type of loan The bottom third of the screen will show opportunities, divided into two groups: members without that  More...
  • 2. I'm trying to pull a Query that shows the number of NSF fees a member has been charged. Is there a field that separates the number of NSFs from the number of Courtesy Pay (ANR) items? I do not want to include ANR. Public
    The NSF Statistics Dashboard (Tool #557) will track this information for you automatically. It is separated into the NSF category and the Courtesy Pay Category. Credit unions are using this dashboard to help predict averages of NSF/Courtesy Pay fee income and also to track how many members may be using the service. You can click on any of the origins (listed in blue text) and you can drill further to members who had more than X transactions in a specific month. There are a lot of graphical oppor  More...
  • 3. Why does CU*Answers charge a monthly fee for running service charge programs we configure ourselves in CU*BASE? Public
    There are two primary reasons we charge this fee: Our belief that we should do our best to keep our fees down when credit unions do not earn. This is why, for example, It's Me 247 mobile web is offered free to our credit unions. It's also behind our constant pressure to reduce fees where CUs have no basis or belief they can charge for a defensive, relationship service. Charging for these services in this manner fund other areas where the direct expenses cannot easily be identified wi  More...
  • 4. How can I find out where my members have loans, credit cards, or LOCs at other financial institutions? Public
    If you pull credit reports using the CU*BASE online credit bureau access system, credit report data is stored online and can therefore be mined for opportunities. There are a couple of ways you can find this information: Use Tool #976 Where Your Members Borrow This tool pulls trade line data from stored credit report files, showing other financial institutions with whom your members do business. This tool lets you make a direct comparison between your credit union and a competitive FI. F  More...
  • 5. If I click on the "Skip a Payment" feature from the main list of favorite accounts, why do I go to a list of loans and have to click that same loan account again? Public
    This is one of the trade-offs of our underlying module architecture. Modules let us create completely self-contained features -- skip-a-pay is just one example -- that can then be linked to from anywhere else in the application. You might want to promote something via a banner add, or put it on your feature of the week menu, or even add a link from the master menu. But in order for that to work, the module must be able to function even if it's not coming from a list of loan accounts. We ca  More...
  • 6. What kinds of things can my credit union customize with the new look for "It's Me 247" this spring? Public
    Here's a list of some of the things your credit unions can customize: Colors Branding Background and button colors Logo image (yours, or It's Me 247 ) Login page logo, background image and colors Background image for the member profile page Marketing Clickable banner ads across the top of the home page, feature module pages, and other locations throughout the application Content on the Find a Branch page Content on the Assist (FAQ) page Links to social media sites, your website, and ot  More...
  • 7. A co-signer on one of my loans is not being reported to the credit bureau. Why not? Public
    The CU can check several things when a co-borrower/additional signer reports that they are not seeing the loan they have co-signed appear on their credit report: Check the loan record to make sure there is actually a valid additional signer record attached to it. (Use Tool #51 Miscellaneous Loan Maintenance ) Verify the ECOA code on the member loan record. This code indicates how loan account information is reported to the Credit Bureau in keeping with the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. (Use To  More...
  • 8. What is the benefit of having members use the login pages rather than logging in directly from my website? Public
    Using a link to the standard login pages provides much more than just the ability to log in: The I forgot my password link that allows them to reset their password online They have to set up the Security Questions anyway; why not give them a place to use them to help themselves if they forget their password? The Apply for Membership link to capture membership applications and work them right from CU*BASE (no rekeying!) Why would you not allow every possible opportunity for someone to say th  More...
  • 9. Who is Xtend? Public
    Xtend, Inc. is a CUSO with a select group of credit union leaders independent of CU*Answers. Xtend consulting is about creative services, access to marketplaces that may be outside the scope of smaller credit unions or even CU*Answers, and the sharing of resources that no single organization is able to afford. Participating credit unions have discussed using Xtend operationally to improve share branching concepts, provide call centers, share human resources, set up combined member outreach pro  More...
  • 10. Is it possible to enter a closed reason code when closing a loan account? Public
    Since closed-end loans are usually closed automatically when they are paid off, there is no opportunity to choose a reason code when that final payment is being made. However, if you are using Tool #22: Close Memberships/Accounts to manually close an zero-balance loan (such as an LOC or credit card), you can enter a reason code on the Close Other Accounts window . It will be recorded in the RSNCDECLO field on the ACHISTx table for that closed account. If you wish, you can use Tool #902 Update M  More...
  • 11. Can I offer ATM rebates only to members who also do certain things to qualify for a higher dividend? Public
    Yes. CU*BASE allows you to rebate the rewards as part of your Qualified Dividends program. Qualified Dividends programs are generally used to give the member the opportunity to qualify for a higher dividend by certain types of activities such as bill pay or e-Statement enrollment or using their debit card a certain number of times.
  • 12. How do I schedule my staff for online training? Public
    If you are a new client, the CU*BASE Conversion Team will provide you with a tentative schedule for the 3 weeks of virtual or online training. You may adjust this schedule as needed, assign trainers, and attendees. For existing clients, visit our web site at www.cuanswers.com , click Clients then Education to view all education opportunities, including online courses.
  • 13. Which fraud block lists allow for a manual override? Public
    Because both the New Membership, Pay to Name and Country fraud block lists can result in a suspected match, they allow the credit union employee to manually override the block. Employees will either be presented the Suspected Match screen for either the Blocked Person Scan (used for memberships) or the Transaction Attribute Scan (used for Country and Pay to Name). On either screen, the employee must manually use Override/Create to override the suspected match. This action is written to the CU  More...
  • 14. I know the look and navigation will be different, but will there be any brand-new features introduced with the new look for "It's Me 247"? Public
    Yes! Here's a list of just a few of them: Stuff members will love: Favorite accounts - Which accounts they want to see front and center when they log in. Favorite features - Features they want to see along with their favorite accounts, like quick transfer, eStatements, and bill pay. Member messaging - Neat little scrolling ads that pop up to alert members about messages they've received, documents ready for eSignature, password change reminders, and 1Click offers. And our favorite new   More...
  • 15. "Unable to download setup.exe" error message is presented when installing ING from a GUAPPLE. Public
    This is typically a transient error that resolves itself by refreshing the browser. Several refreshes may be needed in order for the PC to fully download the setup.exe file and progress through the installation. Here are the steps that we've found resolve the issue the fastest: Delete the temporary internet files from Internet Explorer (Tool > Internet Options > Delete) Close all open browser windows Open a fresh browser window If the error appears when browsing to the GUAPPLE, press  More...
  • 16. I am a client of Member Reach Plus outbound call services. Why are all my member emails forwarded? Public
    For Member Reach Plus (Outbound Call) credit unions, your member emails come to your Member Reach inbox here at Xtend. Each day, we forward your emails to your credit union. We do this so we can easily collect your invalid emails and your Opt-Out requests in order to process them for you. If you select “Reply” or 'Forward please make sure you replace the Member Reach email with the email of your member. If you do not replace the email address, then the email is not sent to t  More...
  • 17. Is there a key I can use besides Tab to move from one input field to another on a CU*BASE Screen? Public
    The + key on the number pad will move from one field to the next but it is technically what is called a Field Exit key: It deletes field contents from the cursor position to the end of the field, then moves on to the next field. If your cursor is already at the end of a field when you use it, it may appear to behave like the Tab key, but just be careful so you don't accidentally delete something! In general, use Tab when just moving from one field to the next, and save the + key on the  More...
  • 18. Will MoneyDesktop still be available in the new design? Public
    Yes, although we are taking this opportunity to change the link labels to use their new brand name, Money Map .
  • 19. With multi-factor authentication (MFA), what situations would cause a member who had already registered their device with a one-time passcode to need to register it again? Public
    When members authenticate for MFA, they use a one-time passcode, which also gives them the opportunity to register their device. The next time they log in on a registered device, they may not be required to use a one-time passcode. Situations where a one-time passcode WOULD be needed include the following: Your configuration for MFA in Tool #569 Online/Mobile/Text Banking VMS Config requires a one-time passcode be sent for authentication each time the member logs in. Your credit union has set  More...
  • 20. Is there a way for my credit union to audit manual fee waivers performed by our staff? Public
    Yes. You can use Tool #371 Fee Waiver Information Report that displays the member account, the employee name, the original fee amount, and the actual fee amount subtotaled by the type of fee. This report can be for only manual waivers or for both manual and automatic system waivers. You can also use Tool #369 Fee Income/Waivers Dashboard and Tool #372 Fee Waivers History by Employee for an on-screen display of this data, complete with selection filters and other tools to help you analyze the   More...
  • 21. Can members pay their On-Demand ACH (instant deposit) fees from their incoming deposit? Public
    No. Unfortunately, we cannot take the fee directly from the incoming deposit. However, we have introduced an option for these situations with the 24.05 CU*BASE release. In the ACH On-Demand Posting Configuration, you may uncheck the Base deposit (seq 99) suffix must have sufficient funds for fee in advance, without the incoming deposit checkbox to skip available funds verification when the base deposit (99) account (which must be a savings/checking account) is chosen as the fee account. If this  More...
  • 22. How do I compile the historical NSF data that my Courtesy Pay consultant is requesting? Public
    The easiest way for you to gather information on NSF and ANR/Courtesy Pay fees is using Tool #557 NSF/ANR Statistics Dashboard . This tool allows you to review the totals of NSF/ANR fees assessed each month (by occurrences or dollar amount). Simply click the View Amounts/View Occurrences button to toggle between viewing the dollar amount or occurrences of fees assessed each month for the chosen year. For a more historical perspective, use the Year field to change the year for which you are viewi  More...
  • 23. What happens if my credit union does not wish to implement a Check 21 solution at this time? Public
    The transition to 100% of all Financial Institutions participating in electronic exchange will be piecemeal - and will take several years to accomplish. Mandatory participation is set for 2010!. CU*Check21 offered through Processing Alliance is an opportunity intended to promote the efficiencies at a cost savings. Certainly, it is CU*Answers' intent to provide ongoing encoding services at each of its offices for the foreseeable future. A CU*Check 21 operation is also planned at the Kentwood fac  More...
  • 24. What are the beneifts of becoming an owner of CU*Answers? Public
    Ownership is CU*Answers offers investment opportunities with not only the 200 Shares of Class A stock, but the ability to purchase Class B stock, recieve patronage dividends, and participate in debenture offerings. Owners can be nominated for the Board of Directos and are given one vote for those elections. In addition, your voice contributes to the basic cooperative concept of a CUSO in parallel with the Credit Union industry business culture.
  • 25. Why do I get a message suggesting I change my password when logging into "It’s Me 247" Online Banking? Public
    When entering your password and/or security question to access the new It’s Me 247 online banking, you may encounter a message similar to the one pictured below: Please note: This does not mean that your account or password have been compromised. This message does not originate from It’s Me 247 Online Banking. Instead, it originates from Chrome, as the browser features built-in functionality to intercept password fields and compare them against lists of compromised passwords fr  More...