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  • 1. What does it mean on the first Abnormal Activity pattern configuration screen when you elect to include only shared branch transaction, only RDC transactions, or only P2P transactions? Public
    When one of these options are selected, only those transaction types will appear in the results dashboard. You may select only one of these checkboxes (e.g., you may not select to include only shared branch transactions and only RDC transactions). When one of these options is selected, you cannot also select specific origin codes to monitor. Shared Branch Transactions : The pattern will monitor only shared branch transactions. RDC Transactions : The pattern will monitor only RDC transactions. P2  More...
  • 2. What types of patterns can you create for Abnormal Activity Monitoring? Public
    The following types of patterns can be created: Velocity : This evaluates if the member has an unusual amount of transactions that fall within the criteria configured. Idle : This evaluates if the member has an unusual flurry of activity (either based on # of transactions, transaction type, or transaction amount) following a period of inactivity. Out of the ordinary : This evaluates if the member has a percent or amount increase compared to a prior activity.
  • 3. When creating out-of-the-ordinary transaction patterns in Tool #101 Abnormal Activity Monitoring, how is the average daily transaction amount calculated? Public
    As of the 24.10 Release, you can configure the system to calculate the average daily transaction amount based on either the number of days in the period or the number of transactions in the period. For example , let’s say we set a 30-day period, and a member submits RDC checks for $300, $400, and $500 every month, adding up to a total of $1200 worth of RDC transactions per period. Using the # of days calculation option, the system would divide the $1200 total by 30 days (the configured p  More...
  • 4. What tools can I use to get started with Abnormal Activity Monitoring? Public
    To configure abnormal activity monitoring patterns or groups via Tool #101 Abnormal Activity Monitoring Config , you will first need to determine your credit union's thresholds for normal and abnormal activity. You may start from scratch or base patterns on previous cases of fraud. Basing Patterns on Past Fraud You can reverse engineer patterns based on fraud you’ve experienced in the past. Configure the pattern to monitor the same type of transaction and base the threshold numbers aro  More...
  • 5. How can you “practice” to see if a pattern will return any results? Public
    The configuration ( Tool #101: Abnormal Activity Monitoring Config ) allows you to run a test of a pattern that you have configured. In this manner, you can see the results without running all the patterns in the monitoring side ( Tool #537: Monitor Abnormal Transaction Activity ). In this test mode, you have a limited number of buttons, but you can print the results. AuditLink is currently offering monthly webinars about the Abnormal Activity Tool. Watch for future communications.