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For security reasons, I like to lock out members from using online banking until they actually want to use it. But with non-use expiration and automatic deactivation features turned on, how do I run any sort of online banking promotion?
If you: A) automatically deactivate online banking access for all new members, and B) expire online banking passwords due to non-use after 90 days, then how do you run an online banking promotion? After all, sending a marketing piece to members won't do any good if they're disabled or locked out from logging in. Of course you could have them call the credit union to get set up, but here's another idea: Set up a special promotional period! Pick a date to start your campaign. Advert More...
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We are thinking of activating the new See and Jump features for online banking. Can you explain the thinking behind the security, and why only an account owner can have this access?
IMPORTANT NOTE: When It’s Me 247 was updated in 2021, the “See” option shown on here was made unavailable. There are two major points to consider when thinking about allowing members to see information beyond the account to which they are actually logged in. Both extend beyond online banking to consider a financial institution’s role and responsibility in protecting member private data via all access channels, from the teller line to a back office employee answering More...
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What are Trends in Analytics Booth?
Analytics Booth Trends provide a quick and easy way to view your credit union activity over time. Trending information can show how your credit union is performing. Watch for blips and spikes to see if marketing campaigns are succeeding. Did you run a new membership drive last month? Watch the trend to see how it paid off. Trends can be viewed on over fifty key performance indicatiors including balance, member, and transaction data. The graphs displayed on the trends screen can be selected to More...
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Can I change the graphics that display in Xpress Teller?
Yes, you can customize the entry screen of Xpress Teller with four custom graphics using CU Publisher suite. All four graphics can have hyperlinks. This feature allows you to market special services, offerings, promotions, or other campaigns you wish to keep top of mind with your staff as they assist members. Learn more about this feature in the store. See the link below. When uploading graphics CU Publisher be sure to use graphics that are 420 x 210 pixels if you use the standard size screen. More...
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Does Xtend offer a data hygiene campaign to assist me with cleaning up my email and phone numbers for my MFA rollout?
Yes. Xtend offers a data hygiene campaign to assist you with cleaning up your email and phone numbers. Click the link below to learn more.
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Since the "See" feature is not going to be available anymore in the new look, will members who used that automatically be switched to allow "Jump" or will they just not have the feature at all?
We will not be converting any existing members who have only the See feature activated so that they automatically allow Jump for those relationships, but you can make those adjustments yourself as members request that access be reinstated. Use Tool #14 Member Personal Banker then choose See/Jump Relationships . Since we are still considering how to introduce a different type of See functionality in the future, at this point we will not be removing the existing settings from the configurat More...
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Can members still jump to their other memberships from the new look for online banking?
Yes! Click the new Profile button in the upper-right corner and choose Switch accounts. Hint: Upload a unique profile picture to each of your memberships, so that once you have jumped to another account the image that shows for the Profile button gives you a clear view of where you are. Use the Personal Info Settings feature on the profile menu, then click the little camera button that appears next to the placeholder image at the top of the page.
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Currently you can jump into Phone Operator while performing a transaction. How do you access Phone Operator with Xpress Teller?
By design, there is no access to Phone Operator from within Xpress Teller. You can still use the Timeout Window to access Phone Operator, however.
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Can you "jump" from one account to another in "BizLink 247" without logging into the second account?
No, the jump feature is not available in BizLink 247 . This is because of the multi-employee structure for business online banking. There is currently no mechanism to link the employee under one business membership to an employee under another business membership, so that the system knows what permissions to grant the employee once they’ve jumped. It's Me 247 supports jump but in this environment, members can only jump to memberships on which they are primary or joint. NOTE: Dur More...
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I am familiar with the ability for members to "jump" from one account to another. Will the jumped-to account’s password expire due to non-use?
In a nutshell, once the Jump feature is activated and the appropriate permissions are given, the member can “jump” to another account. Jump allows a member to log into one of their memberships and then jump to another of their memberships (same SSN) without additional authentication. Your biggest user of Jump will probably be a member with multiple memberships at your credit union. If a member jumps to another membership, this counts against the password of the jumped-to membership More...
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What are some frequently asked questions about multi-factor authentication (MFA) for "It's Me 247" online banking and "BizLink 247" business banking?
Below are some commonly asked questions about MFA. Below the questions are some fuller feature documentation resources. After my credit union activates multi-factor authentication for It’s Me 247 , do my members using the “jump” feature (to access a second membership without entering credentials) need to use MFA during this jump? Can you send a one-time passcode for multi-factor authentication (MFA) for BizLink 247 via text message? My credit union has activated multi-factor au More...
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What features does "It's Me 247" mobile web banking offer?
Members can perform the following tasks while in Mobile Web Banking: Check account balances of savings, checking, certificate, credit card and loan accounts (both available and current balances). View transaction history for these accounts. View funds on hold for savings and checking accounts View pending authorizations for credit cards (if they exist) Transfer funds to other accounts (as allowed by standard online banking) View if a check has cleared (cancelled checks) View pending ACH transac More...
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We have non-members who want to cash checks in our lobby but instead of receiving cash back, they want an official credit union check for a better paper trail. Can this be done using non-member teller processing?
Yes, by making use of both a Misc. Receipts and a Misc. Expense posting code, so that you can put the funds temporarily into a G/L then issue a check from that same G/L. Here are the key steps: First, configure two posting codes, using Tool # 534 Misc. Posting Codes Configuration. For the first one, choose the Receipts type and set up a code that will allow you to place funds into a G/L account. For the second one, choose the Expenses/Advances type and set up a code that will allow you to More...
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What happened to the "see" feature where I could just view account balances from my other memberships?
This feature has been temporarily sunset in the new look for It's Me 247 , based on the difficulty of presenting the data in a clear way within the constraints of a mobile phone screen size. Mobile first design means we must have a way to display the information in the smallest format first, then expand for the larger formats. Previously the See feature was only available in desktop online banking, not mobile web, because of how difficult it was to show the accounts while still making it c More...
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What are some strategies I can use to clean up my phone database for my multi-factor authentication (MFA) rollout?
With MFA, the member is presented a text message for a secondary authentication into online banking. Because of this, your credit union may wish to do the following to update the personal information that you have on file for your member. Xtend offers data hygiene campaigns to clean up your contact database. See the link to Xtend’s program below. You can add a banner in online banking that directs the member to the page where they can update their personal information in online banking the More...
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What’s the best way to print a batch of Query Definition Reports?
Launch Tool #100 CU*BASE Report Builder (Query) Make sure the Location reads QUERYxx (where xx is your CUID) Click the Lookup button next to the Name input field Use the tab key to jump down to the list at the bottom of the screen, and use tab or page down to scroll to the first query you wish to print Tap the letter “P” or choose Print definition from the drop-down menu Repeat steps 4 5 for a small batch of Queries (to avoid an error message, choose no more than 8-10 at a time) More...
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Are there any features being sunset when the new look for "It's Me 247" is released?
Yes, there will be a few features we are not bringing over into the new mobile first design. Features being permanently sunset: Promise Deposits - As most CUs and members have fully embraced RDC with its available near-real-time posting option, we made the decision not to bring the Promise Deposits feature into the new modules/mobile first design. Member-selected color themes, picture albums, and start page - The start page feature has been replaced by the Favorite accounts and Favorite feat More...
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I know the look and navigation will be different, but will there be any brand-new features introduced with the new look for "It's Me 247"?
Yes! Here's a list of just a few of them: Stuff members will love: Favorite accounts - Which accounts they want to see front and center when they log in. Favorite features - Features they want to see along with their favorite accounts, like quick transfer, eStatements, and bill pay. Member messaging - Neat little scrolling ads that pop up to alert members about messages they've received, documents ready for eSignature, password change reminders, and 1Click offers. And our favorite new More...
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After my credit union activates multi-factor authentication for "It’s Me 247," do my members using the “jump” feature (to access a second membership without entering credentials) need to use MFA during this jump?
No, during the jump process, MFA is not required.
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How does the online/mobile denial of service fraud block list work? Is an employee blocked from enrolling a member in online/mobile banking? Can the member log into online/mobile banking?
If a person or organization is added to the online/mobile denial of service block list, an employee cannot enroll any membership with this SSN/TIN into online banking via the Member Personal Banker, during the membership open process (for example via Tool #3), or directly via the PIN shortcut. When they try to check the “Online Banking” checkbox on the “Audio/Online Banking” screen, they will see messaging that the “SSN/TIN appears on block list.” If a match More...
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I'm working with the AUDICC table. What are the values in the CCSESSID field that shows the details of how the member is accessing their account?
Originally the CCSESSID field contained random identifier codes or was blank, but effective September 2018 t his field now contains values that assist with identifying the details of an online banking login’s channel and authentication type. For rows/records where CCTYPE = P (phone: CU*Talk), the values in CCSESSID are only valuable for internal processing. They are a combination of the date, internal server, and other values used for internal processing. For rows/records where CCTYPE More...
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When utilizing Shared Branching, will the system continue to have the same look as currently? Or does the Xpress Teller tool update the Shared Branching process as well?
Yes, Xpress Teller is the same. There is a SB CUID# field on the initial search screen if CU*BASE shared branching is activated. You do not jump over to standard teller or anything like that. Likewise, if national shared branching is on, there will be a command key button, just like in regular teller, to jump over to the separate national shared branching posting tool.
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If a change is made to the disclosure language that appears on eStatements, does that language appear only on new statements going forward, or does it affect eStatements already archived?
It depends. If the change is strictly related to the generic disclosure information that makes up part of the statement overlay (the layout and generic text that all statements have, regardless of the exact member data or CU configuration), then yes, the change will be retroactive to existing eStatements already stored in CU*Spy. That's because CU*Spy doesn't really store the actual statement image, but rather constructs the eStatement using a combination of the raw data generated by More...
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What features are available in "BizLink 247" but not in "It's Me 247"?
Biz Watch for ACH and Positive Pay are available to business owners using BizLink 247 but not to consumer owners using It's Me 247 . Learn more about the features below. Username Jump Personal Information 1Click Loan Text Banking Tiered Services Credit Score eAlerts Money Map Order Checks Password History Qualified Dividends Score Skip Pay (for consumer loans) Debit Card Round-Up
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What steps can I take if my "NET" icon in GOLD does not work?
If you jump to an Internet Connection Wizard, you can follow those instructions. If that is not available, here are some steps that may help you. 1)Bring up Internet Explorer and if necessary click on the “Work Off-line” button if your dial-up connection tries to dial out. 2)Go to Tools on the menu and select Internet Options . 3) Then click the Connections tab of the Internet Option dialogue box. There you will find a Setup button to the top right. Click this button. The Internet Connection Wiz More...
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