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  • 1. How do I train my staff how to send loan documents and other forms out for e-signing? Public
    During the initial rollout the Imaging Solutions team will be offering regular training webinars to explain what your staff will need to know, as well as show examples of the member experience. We’ll record some of these sessions and post them online for your team to review. We’re also working on a couple of demo videos that will show the software in action and give tips for new users. Visit http://www.cuanswers.com/products/imaging-solutions/ for the latest details.
  • 2. How do I schedule my staff for online training? Public
    If you are a new client, the CU*BASE Conversion Team will provide you with a tentative schedule for the 3 weeks of virtual or online training. You may adjust this schedule as needed, assign trainers, and attendees. For existing clients, visit our web site at www.cuanswers.com , click Clients then Education to view all education opportunities, including online courses.
  • 3. We attended a web conference on the many compliance configurations on the system. How can I view a recording of this training? Public
    You will find the Using CU*BASE Tools for Bank Secrecy Act Compliance on the On Demand website. See the link below.
  • 4. Can a CSR reset my employee ID password? Public
    No, our CSRs will not reset the 2-character CU*BASE Employee IDs for your staff. This must be done by an internal CU security officer. Use Tool #762 Reset Employee ID Password . (This can also be done via Tool #327 CU*BASE Employee Security using the Reset PW option.) It is important that credit unions insure proper training to their employees regarding the expiration of their CU*BASE Employee ID password. We deliver a warning message of expiration 7 business days prior to the staff member.   More...
  • 5. What Education does CU* Answers offer? Public
    CU*Answers strives to accommodate our clients by offering training in many different formats, from full classroom offerings (see the current CU*Answers University Catalog) to online learning and web conference sessions. We also offer individual training sessions, and workshops which can be held either at a credit union site, or here at CU*Answers. For credit union staff to train internally, we offer our web-based online courses as well as hands-on learning using a pretend CU*BASE credit union  More...
  • 6. How do member phone numbers work as they relate to card orders and maintenance? Public
    CU*BASE uses phone numbers that are stored in the MASTPH file when generating card activation information to send to vendors on initial card orders. The numbers in MASTPH are determined by the label/flag applied in Tool #3 Open/Maintain Memberships/Accounts or Tool #15 Update Membership Information as follows: Nighttime # - primary phone number sent to vendor and defaulting into the Card Activation field when ordering a card. Daytime # - secondary phone number sent to the vendor. Mobile –   More...
  • 7. What time-frame should I consider when turning on PIB? Public
    Online Banking continue to work just fine whether you decide to activate PIB or not. Yo u should not activate PIB without some careful planning and preparation. You need a plan. A plan for marketing the change to members. A plan to train your staff. A plan for rolling out the changes with an acceptable level of disruption to members and staff. A plan to handle the increase in phone calls and frustrated members. A plan to make this part of your process for opening new memberships.   More...
  • 8. How do I update links to CU*BASE online help to make sure these links work properly? Public
    With the changes we’re making to CU*BASE with ING and FEP, the links/URLs in CU*BASE online help have all been updated, so now is a great time to make sure your online help links are working correctly, if you use any of these links in your training materials and other documents. To ensure your online help links are up to date and working correctly, follow these steps: Check to see if any of your training materials/other documents contain outdated online help links. The link is outdated  More...
  • 9. What is Audit Link? Public
    The Audit Link service consists of three interrelated business activities. The first is an overall analysis of the credit unions needs, hot buttons, and recent audit or examination findings. This analysis is designed not only to tailor the program for the credit union but also to facilitate an overall general compliance tune-up. The second area of this initiative is the development of a daily, monthly, and quarterly roadmap of tasks to be completed. This is where the credit union would see the  More...
  • 10. How can I create a report of members who received unemployment deposits in a given month? Public
    The best way to gather this information is via Report Builder (Query), This report will require building a string query to identify memberships who have received unemployment deposits in a given month. Please Note : Using Tool #100 to build queries typically requires training. The information written below assumes the reader already has entry-level understanding of database terminology and query skills. Building the query is one part of a total strategy: Find and list the members receiving unemp  More...
  • 11. What is the recommended screen resolution for GOLD? Public
    The minimum resolution for CU*BASE GOLD is 1024x768. This is for the “Standard” screen size. Starting with the 20.07, we will be supporting select additional screen sizes as well. (See the related item below for more information about available GOLD screen sizes.) Depending on the size of the monitor, even for the “standard” size a higher resolution will work, but the CU*BASE GOLD screen will be smaller and will not fill the entire monitor frame. Note: That can be   More...
  • 12. When looking at our loan queue, we see a ‘pass decision’ status but the application failed in the underwriting ratios assessment requirements. Why do we see the ‘pass decision’ status? Public
    When you see the 'pass decision' status, this means that the application passed your filters and then passed the model. The underwriting ratios are not a hard stop and will not cause an application to pass or fail. Based on the workflow, a model is requested and a decision has already been made by the time those ratios calculated. The ‘fail’ flag in the underwriting ratio is simply a visual indicator to the loan officer that the ratio is potentially higher than normal.   More...
  • 13. I need specific information about our lending portfolio. What dashboard should I use? Or do I need a Query? When do I use a dashboard versus a Query to get the information I am looking for? Public
    Refer to the resources below for more information. Lender*VP My Favorite Dashboards and Reports brochure AuditLink My Favorite Dashboards and Reports brochure (specifically Loan with Interest Due Above Payment Amount and Loan Portfolio Concentration Risk Summary) Automated Reports and Queries booklet Lender*VP Reports and Dashboards training Lender*VP Custom Query services
  • 14. What counts as a passing CLR Path score? Public
    Your credit union will enter a minimum score to pass in the CLR Path program configuration. The member receives a passing score if their calculated score is equal to or greater than your minimum score. A passing score appears in green on the Loan Summary screen. (A red score indicates a failing score.)
  • 15. My member deposited a check via CU*BASE Remote Deposit Capture. Can I reverse the check once it passes my limits (configured in CU*BASE) and is deposited in their account? Public
    No. Once the check is “accepted” and deposited in CU*BASE, there is no reversal option available.
  • 16. My credit union is activating Teller Transaction Limits for Xpress Teller. If the teller exceeds their limit and requires a supervisor secondary approval, does the employee performing the approval need to be in the same branch as the teller? Public
    Yes, Xpress Teller transaction limits were designed to be a training tool for tellers being coached in branch by a more experienced head teller. If a teller exceeds their transaction limit configured in Xpress Teller, the employee that performs the approval must be in the same branch as the teller. About Teller Transaction Limits Xpress Teller Limits allow your credit union to designate the maximum amounts a teller is authorized to handle per transaction. You can control the maximum amount of i  More...
  • 17. Is there a way to view member account comments after a membership has been closed? Public
    NOTE: This is a Query solution designed for clients who have completed Query training. If you are interested in Query training or assistance with creating a Query, contact a Client Services Representative. You are able to view closed account comments via building a simple custom Query via Tool #100 CU*BASE Report Builder . File name: ECO mmyy (For the mmyy , substitute the month and year prior to the month when the account was closed.) Location: FILE xx E (For the xx , substitute your credit  More...
  • 18. Where can I get help for payment issues with 360-day interest calculation mortgages, interest accruals, and payment & interest corrections? Public
    Refer to the resources below for assistance with these topics. These topics are covered in the virtual or on-site Mortgage training offered by Lender@VP.
  • 19. Does CU*BASE offer a budget tool? Public
    Yes. The CU*BASE Budget tool is designed to set the base budget by using the historical record-keeping features of its General Ledger. Through the comparison of historical budgets and actual financial activity, CU*BASE can project a detailed budget in a single pass. Once your Budget is created, you can then use the Finanical Report Configuration to bring in your budget totals to perform your analysis.
  • 20. Is there a way to view deleted online banking requests from Tool #13: Work Online Banking Apps/Requests? Public
    This information can be accessed by querying the SMNOTEDT file in Tool #100: CU*BASE Report Builder (Query) . More information about query can be found at our Online Help and OnDemand resources. Additionally, we offer both custom query creation and training at our Online Store .
  • 21. Why do I not receive a suspected match when I run a misspelled name through the OFAC scan? Public
    For the individual scan, the program looks at last name first. If the first name happens to be spelled incorrectly, the name will pass the scan. The first name is only checked if there is a hit on the last name. The batch scan of your entire membership does a more thorough verification, checking last name and first name independently.
  • 22. Can online banking download to current versions of Quicken? Public
    Yes! We offer this service so that you can allow members using current versions of Quicken to download data from online banking. ( It's Me 247 will also continue to offer the older QIF file format which works with Quicken versions 99 through 2004.) As explained in the brochure (see the link below), there is a startup and an annual maintenance fee from Qucken to offer this feature to members. (CU*Answers has paid for all of the development and testing and will not charge your credit union a  More...
  • 23. Where can I get information regarding the escrow analysis? Public
    Refer to the Escrow Processing with CU*BASE booklet for more information on the escrow analysis. Also schedule virtual or on-site Mortgage training for more details. See link below to access the CU*Answers store to request a training.
  • 24. Can I process my Remote Deposit Capture deposits interactively? How does RDC-IQ work? Public
    When members post check deposits via RDC, what’s most important to them is getting the money into their account quickly. RDC-IQ is the fastest way to post RDC transactions to your member accounts – and the most cost-effective for your credit union. RDC-IQ is the near-real-time posting service solution you’ve been waiting for! If you use eDOC Innovations as your RDC back-end processing vendor, then take your RDC program to the next level. When a member deposits a check via  More...
  • 25. Can I stop a particular member from being able to request a Flex Loan modification via online banking? Public
    Flex Loans allows members in It’s Me 247 to request a change in the term of their loan, which results in a payment change. This is permitted on configured products with monthly payment frequencies. The loan modification request can be immediate if the member is qualified and your credit union activates auto approvals. Otherwise, the member’s request is sent to the LOS loan queue ( Tool #2 Work/View Loan Application Status ) to be approved or denied by your loan officer. First, it   More...