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What CU*BASE Report can be used to verify the number of active members used for my invoice billing?
Our billing includes Active Memberships (as opposed to Closed Memberships) excluding those with Written Off Loans. Use the Membership Analysis Report (Tool # 520). When choosing your selections, be sure to use the previous month in the Date to Process field, Select Active in the Accounts to Include field and select Report written off loans separately in the Report Option field. This total will match the Active Memberships total on your invoice.
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Can we pull credit reports for member service products such as debit cards, checking accounts, membership requests?
Yes. You can pull a credit report for any service using the online credit bureau process. Using Tool #53 Process Member Applications, use action code CR to pull the report without creating a loan request and application. We can then create Member Services denial notices for debit cards, checking accounts, ATM cards, etc.
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How often and when does the system run members through an OFAC scan? Is it just when new memberships are opened?
Automated scans are run when opening memberships or creating new non-member records. Additionally, the Operations staff runs the batch OFAC scan daily to scan your records against the most current OFAC list. (A report is generated from this scan. Refer to the booklet below for details.) Self Processors will need to assign a staff member to run this scan (Tool # 5410). In addition, CU*BASE automatically runs OFAC scans on outgoing wire transfers and when new A2A (Account-to-Account Transfers) rel More...
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In the workflow for opening memberships, is there a way to get to teller posting so I can deposit money (for example, if the new member wants to open a CD right away)?
Workflow Controls do not include an automatic flow to the teller posting system. However, there is an easy way to incorporate this into your procedures. First, set your Workflow Control configuration (Tool #1004 Workflow Controls: Open Mbrships/Accts ) so that the Open sub-accounts feature is turned off . When opening a new member, start from the first Teller Posting screen, using F21-Open from the first teller screen and processing the new membership until done. Using Cancel (F7) at that More...
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Members or joint owners applying to open a membership via the online Membership Opening Process (MOP) are appearing as applications in Tool #13: Work Online Bankg Apps/Requests. Why isn't a new membership opened automatically?
Membership applications that have the same SSN as one already on file (either the applicant or joint owner) will be submitted as an application for the credit union to work. Since the system has no way to know whether the new data is for the same or a different person, these will require extra attention since if they are accepted, the data submitted in the application (such as address or phone number) will override personal data saved to the membership or non-member record that is already saved More...
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How does the new membership denial of service fraud block list work? Is the employee blocked from opening a new membership for the member? What happens when a match is made to an entry on the new membership denial of service fraud block list?
You can add an entry to the new membership fraud block list as an individual or organization. This fraud block list is different than other service denial lists in that it allows you to enter a name on the list without a Social Security Number. See more about the rules for adding a name to the new membership list in the other topic linked to this Answer Book item. This fraud block list is designed as a supplement to the “Deny Membership” check box available on the non-member recor More...
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Can you explain how the NACHA Web Debit Rule relates to the Membership Opening Process (MOP) and A2A transfers?
When a new member joins your credit union through MOP, they can fund their account with a plastic from another FI. Magic-Wrighter uses this information to debit the member via the plastics rails, then credits the member in CU*BASE via ACH. Therefore, because no ACH debit transaction is being originated, we do not believe there is any need to opt into the Magic-Wrighter Web Debit Validation service if you offer funding via your MOP site. As far as the CU*BASE A2A toolkit in partnership with Mag More...
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Is there a way to code a member's account in CU*BASE so that it is excluded from membership tapes/files that are sent third parties like Liberty Mutual or CUNA?
There are two ways to accomplish this: The first way is to use the Marketing Opt-Out flags on the member's MASTER record. Introduced in the CU*BASE 9.2 release (August 2009), these are two flags that can be checked to exclude the member from third-party marketing communications and/or CU-related marketing commnunications. See the Opt Out link below to read more about the use of these flags. When creating a database file using Member Connect tools, or the CU*BASE List Generator, or even t More...
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How do I use CU*BASE tools to keep track of the beneficial owners on my business accounts and other memberships?
Using CU*BASE to Comply with New Rules for Tracking Beneficial Ownership FinCEN has issued new rules under the Bank Secrecy Act that require financial institutions to identify and verify the identity of the beneficial owners of all legal entity members (corporations, etc.). Under the final rule, credit unions are required to have written procedures to identify and verify beneficial owners of legal entity members who open new accounts on or after May 11, 2018. In addition to identifying and coll More...
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I have a husband and wife who both receive Social Security payments to the same membership. Now that CU*BASE uses the new way of handling ACH transactions from the SSA, these are causing duplicate distributions to be posted. What should I do if my members still wish for them to be separate transactions?
With the 16.10 release a new cross-reference system was implemented that automatically funnels all incoming company IDs from the Social Security Administration and treat them as if they came from one, consistent company ID we’re referring to as the “Primary ID.” In cases where the Depositor ID is the same, for example a husband and wife, these ACH transactions will be handled by the same master ACH distribution record under the Depositor ID since duplicate Depositor IDs are no More...
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How can I change a membership account from an individual (MI) to an organizational (MO) type?
To change a membership from individual to organizational (or vice versa): Launch Tool #3 Open/Maintain Memberships/Accts” Enter the account base and click Update Membership/Account Info Check the Membership information flag (if you also need to do joint owner maintenance, you can check that flag now as well), then press Enter or click Go to proceed Click Unlock Fields Click Chg to Orgn or Chg to Indv Click the lookup button next to the Designation field and choose the appropriate designat More...
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How do I print a denial notice for non-lending (member service) related applications such as ATM/Debit card applications or Home Banking membership applications?
The Member Service Denials feature (to create/print denial notices) can be accessed via a Denied button located within Tool #3 Open/Maintain Memberships/Accounts. A credit union can configure miscellaneous member service denial notice types such as: ATM/Debit Card application denials, checking account denials, membership application denials, etc. These member service denials are commonly used for denied services that would not involve a loan application/request.
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Can I set up individual and organizational trusts differently using the Membership Designation codes?
Yes. In fact, that is the way we are now recommending you configure your codes and set up your member accounts. This not only makes it easier to track the different types of trusts, but more importantly, makes the field labels make more sense for your member service staff. Create a new Membership Designation Code (such as TO ) to be used only for Organizational trust accounts. The label for primary name would be Trust name and the label for joint owner name would be Trustee. Check only More...
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Why on an ATM or Debit card do I need to flag a member's card as "hot" and also close the same card in order to close the linked account or close the membership?
When a credit union statuses a member's card as 'HOT' or warm (Lost/Stolen/Fraud/Restricted), this information is transmitted immediately to your vendor to stop any further withdrawals/purchases being performed with that particular card. But at your vendor a 'Hot Card' is not considered to be a closed card. When your member's card remains at a HOT or Warm card status on CU*BASE, CU*BASE is still required to send any maintenance updates such as address change, phone numbe More...
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My member has an AFT set up with the payment date controls set to “2=Make this payment ONLY if a payment is not made another way” for their membership. This month my member did not have enough money in the From: account when the AFT transfer was processed, but she made a payment afterwards directly to the loan to fulfill rest of the loan payment. Why were the AFT funds not transferred to the loan account?
In this example the AFT was set with a payment date control of “2=Make this payment ONLY if a payment is not made another way for their membership.” On the date of the scheduled AFT, the AFT will look to see if the payment is made on the loan. If the amount in the From: account is does not satisfy the AFT, the amount paid will go in the partial pay field of the AFT . (The loan partial pay field is only evaluated the first time the AFT is processed.) From that point forward, an AFT More...
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The Collections tracker assigned to the member’s account appears to not be reattaching to the membership if the membership is closed and reopened.
The system does not and will not automatically copy Tracker notes from a closed account to an open account when the account or membership is reopened or reused. However, the user can manually copy the Tracker from a closed account or membership to an open account or membership using Tool #283 Copy Trackers to Other Member.
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How do I activate online banking for members that are approved via online membership channels (MAP)?
Members who apply for membership via online membership applications (MAP) can be approved as members via Tool #13 Work Online Banking Apps/Requests ; however, this does not activate online automatically. To activate online banking, use Tool #14 Member Personal Banker . Use the reset password feature to activate online banking and set a temporary password for the member. This will reset the password to the temporary password setting configured by your credit union. This will appear on the p More...
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What is the process for re-assigning account numbers for the entire membership in the case of a compromised situation?
In a case where the credit union decided that member account numbers had been seriously compromised and wanted to do a conversion of account numbers assigning each member a new account number, CU*Answers would have to bid the process as a custom conversion. There are no current standing processes related to assigning new account numbers to 100% of a credit union's CU*BASE membership. While the conversion of the “go-forward” new member account numbers would be relatively simple, More...
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What items comprise the totals displayed and reported as YTD Fees for loan products on statements?
YTD Fees for loans on a statement come from file LNFEES. That file is updated as part of EOD for the sole purpose of printing of YTD and Period Fees totals on statements as per Reg Z. The LNFEES file has a bucket for each month for totaling all fees; it also has a YTD Fees bucket. For credit cards, Reg. Z fees are split out on the statement at the time the statement is created. Fee transactions are identified based on the criteria outlined below, and the YTD Fees and YTD Interest totals are c More...
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If a non-member completes an online loan application and we decide to approve it and set up a membership, can we have them also fill out the online membership app process (MOP)?
It is not recommended that you make a non-member fill out both a loan application and then go through MAP/MOP after that. The way these work currently, there is no way for the system to know those completely independent applications have anything to do with each other. Normally, when a non-member loan app is submitted, a non-member record is created. In the normal workflow of an employee approving that app via CU*BASE, the data is moved from the non-member table to the MASTER table for the ne More...
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How do you access the OFAC Tracker, or for that matter any Tracker, if the base share (000 account) is hidden for that membership?
Credit unions can choose to hide the 000 account for select memberships. This is a business decision that may be elected for special accounts, for example business accounts. This feature must first be activated for the credit union in the Master Parameters in the OPER screens. Then credit unions activate it by using the Membership Designation configuration. Once activated in the membership designation, the feature will cause the 000 account to be ignored (for accounts of this membership des More...
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What does the "Delq Fine in Partial Pay" flag in the loan product configuration govern in relation to delinquent fines?
This flag governs the amount of payment required to advance the due date one frequency. If a CU sets this flag to Yes, only the scheduled payment is necessary to advance the due date. If a CU sets this flag to No, the scheduled payment and the amount of the fine will be necessary to advance the next due date one frequency.
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How can I change a Membership Designation code on an existing membership?
Membership Designation codes can be updated using Tool #15 Update Membership Information (you will need to use F11-Unlock Fields to allow a change to that field).
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We like to use the Closed Membership Analysis Dashboard found in the Member Service menu; however, the closed reason codes only give totals and do not show the individual members associated with each code. How do I find out the specific members that are in each of the closed account reason codes listed?
For this use Tool #218 Closed Membership Report . This provides a listing of each of the memberships that were closed, along with the specific closed account reason code for each. If you do not want to print a report, but would like to use the information, you can select to Export To File, choose Account Detail for Query, and then you can download the resulting file onto your PC and into an Excel spreadsheet using Tool #1375 Data Transfers (Upload or Download) . NOTE: This report pulls the More...
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I'm trying to use the Open/Closed Memberships dashboard to analyze my entire membership, by entering a date range that goes all the way back to when my CU was chartered. It doesn't appear to show all my members, though.
Dashboard lists like this are limited (by our core IBM platform) to a maximum of 9,999 records. Certain analysis features that count and display summary information are able to deal with much higher quantities of records, of course, but any program that lists records one after the other, the way these dashboards do (it's sometimes referred to as a subfile ), cannot accommodate more than 9,999 individual items in the display. That's one of the reasons we include so many filters so you More...
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