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  • 1. What do I do if I think my signature pad is failing? Public
    Basic initial troubleshooting: Move the signature pad to a different USB port Move the pad to a different workstation that has a working model If the workstation isn’t capturing the signature, but it is visible on the pad, try refreshing the SigPlus.ini file (see Related Link below). If nothing is captured on the pad, remove the batteries and the tip from the pen. Place the batteries back in, then gently slide the tip back in. Often the pen tip will not make the connection needed to star  More...
  • 2. How do I test a signature pad pen? Public
    To test the pen independently, you can use any standard compact battery-operated or plug-in AM/FM radio. Follow these steps: a. Turn radio on to the AM band b. Move dial to about 550 (or 55, depending on radio controls); between stations is best, where there is static d. Bring the pen up to the radio, and depress the tip directly on radio's surface, about 1 to 2 inches from antenna (if there is no antenna, on the speaker grill will work also). If pen is working, the radio will emit a high-pit  More...
  • 3. How do you configure a Topaz Signature Pad with a magnetic stripe reader and a serial connection? Public
    1. Make sure the pad is connected to a known working PC, not a laptop. 2. Connect the pad using a Y adaptor. This Y adaptor should have a serial connection on one end and both a serial and PS/2 connection on the other. Connect the single Serial end to the Pad and the other serial connection to the computer. Next connect the PS/2 connection to a free PS/2 port on the computer. This is required to supply the pad with the necessary power. If there is a conflict with port availability adapters are a  More...
  • 4. How do I know which version of the Topaz signature pad drivers are installed on my PC? Public
    1) Go into the Windows control panel and select “Programs and Features” Verify that one of these conditions is TRUE: Your system contains the highlighted line in the image below showing the correct version number of Your system contains the highlighted line with any version PLUS the line showing Topaz SigPlus Upgrade published by eDOC Innovations Inc. 2) If you are not on the ccorrect version and need to upgrade go to updates.cubase.org and run the Topaz driver inst  More...
  • 5. How do I remove old Topaz Signature Pad Driver files no longer needed? Public
    Unwanted Topaz Systems Driver files may be located in a few different locations depending upon which version of windows you have. You will likely need to be logged on as a local administrator to remove them. They can exist on any workstation running ProDOC regardless of whether or not a signature pad is attached. For Windows 7 or 8 The current version in use should be located here: C:\Windows\SigPlus\SigPlus.ocx and should not be removed. Before you begin make sure this is version o  More...
  • 6. I heard there are vulnerabilities with old Topaz signature pad drivers. What are they? Public
    More information about vulnerabilities with the Topaz drivers can be found here: CVE: http://osvdb.org/show/osvdb/66810 XREF: https://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2010-2931
  • 7. What causes a member check to be returned as 'Refer to Maker'? Public
    Previously, credit unions used Code 38 for “Return to Maker”, but this code is no longer available in the system. This change was initiated by a Reg CC change in 2018. Now, if you are presented with a situation where you need to return a check to another institution, it is recommended that you use one of these codes to clarify the reason for the check return. Some codes allow you to make the change in CU*BASE. Others require that you contact your Check Item Processor. Read below for   More...
  • 8. When I print a check, the logo and signature areas are not printing correctly. I am getting garbage characters such as !@#$%&*()abc, etc. Why is this happening and what can I do to correct it? Public
    These symbols print when the printer doesn't know what graphic or font to use for the logo, signature, or MICR line. There are a few possible causes: Is this a new printer? If this is a new printer, the first thing to consider is whether the other printers at the credit union use Check Secure devices. Check Secure devices are no longer sold and are not compatible with new printer hardware. To transition from Check Secure devices to the new software based check printing methods, contact CU  More...
  • 9. After updating to ProDOC 7, I am receiving a "USB error" when ProDOC starts up. Public
    When starting ProDOC 7 for the first time, some users may encounter an error that states USB Error: Unable to initialize signature pad. What this indicates is that your workstation is missing a critical file that allows ProDOC to look for a signature pad. This file needs to exist even if your workstation does not utilize a signature pad. To correct the issue, follow these steps: Log into the workstation as an administrator Browse to your iSweep (if you need assistance browsing to your iSweep  More...
  • 10. When any of our members updates their personal information through "It's Me 247" they get an email letting them know there was a change. Where does the signature line come from, and can I change it? Public
    To update a signature line in CU*BASE, you’ll use the Tool #497 Member Connect Marketing Tools . (You will need a file name to move forward, so it can be helpful to have a test file created in your QUERYxx library for situations like this.) NOTE: For Member Reach clients, Xtend has previously created a file ‘MBRRTEST’ that will allow you to access the Message Maintenance screen. Select Online Banking and/or email message from the first window and then use Enter. On the Mem  More...
  • 11. Can I still get signatures in the lobby on loan forms I've sent out for electronic signing? Public
    Yes, and you can even do both in-person and eSignatures on the same document, such as if you have the primary member in your branch but their co-borrower is not able to come in to the branch. You’ll simply uncheck that signer name when setting up the e-signing. Just remember to gather all your in-person signatures before sending out for e-signing, because you can’t capture in-person signatures once e-signing has begun.
  • 12. How long does the person have to get their signature submitted on a form sent for e-signing? Public
    The document will be available for 90 days, and your employees can monitor the status of documents to follow up as needed.
  • 13. My member has elected to opt out of receiving overdraft services via the Reg E opt out flag. Will that member be charged NSF fees on a PIN ATM/Debit (13) or Debit Card Signature (16) transaction? Public
    Credit Union ABC has activated the Reg E opt in/opt out feature and has configured a NSF fee. John Smith, a member of ABC Credit Union, has elected to opt out of receiving overdraft services. John will not be charged an NSF fee on one-time PIN ATM Debit (13) and Debit Signature (16) transactions. John will be charged an NSF fee on any recurring PIN ATM Debit (13) and Debit Signature (16) transactions, which are not covered by the member's Reg E opt in/opt out setting.
  • 14. We are thinking of activating the new See and Jump features for online banking. Can you explain the thinking behind the security, and why only an account owner can have this access? Public
    IMPORTANT NOTE: When It’s Me 247 was updated in 2021, the “See” option shown on here was made unavailable. There are two major points to consider when thinking about allowing members to see information beyond the account to which they are actually logged in. Both extend beyond online banking to consider a financial institution’s role and responsibility in protecting member private data via all access channels, from the teller line to a back office employee answering   More...
  • 15. What hardware is required for the CU*Answers online imaging solution? Public
    To take advantage of the CU*Answers online imaging solution, there are a few required pieces of hardware. Each branch will each need an Gweep upload appliance to transfer the electronic images to the secure database. Additionally, scanners are needed to capture photo IDs (and supporting documents for loans), and signature pads are needed at each workstation where receipts are signed. Thermal printers are required for the system. These hardware devices are described in more detail below: Gweep U  More...
  • 16. I am receiving a 'printer timeout error' when trying to print a document to my HP Laserjet 2200. What should I do? Public
    The first thing to do is make sure all the cables are connected securely to the printer and the PC. Be sure to note if one of the cables is a network cable. If all of the cables are securely connected and you still cannot print, restart the PC and the printer. If you receive the same error once the printer and PC are back up, there is likely a hardware issue with the printer. If one of the cables that plugs into the printer is a network cable then the Jet Direct card (a network interface   More...
  • 17. What are the costs associated with implementing the CU*Answers ASP solution? Public
    The costs associated with implementing the e-Receipts and Photo ID Capture system include purchasing hardware and a one time implementation cost. The following hardware needs to be purchased: an iSweep appliance for each branch, electronic signature pads, photo ID scanners, and thermal printers (if needed). The system requires the use of thermal printers. If a credit union has Carswell Data Product epson printers, there is a one time cost to change the output of the receipt printers from two   More...
  • 18. How do I activate the feature that prints the Reg. DD disclosure of NSF and ANR/Courtesy Pay fee information on member statements? Public
    There are two steps: Choose Which Activity is Tracked Modify your NSF Configuration ( Tool #558 NSF/OD Transfer Configuration , then #1) to indicate which origin codes will be counted in the fee totals. For example, you might need to report only fees that relate to share draft postings but not include ACH or bill payment activity, based on your interpretation of the reg. as it applies to your situation. Change Statement Print Configuration Contact a Client Service Representative and request th  More...
  • 19. What are the requirements for the signature line on my email messages? Public
    To remain compliant with CAN-SPAM rules and to ensure all your email messages are delivered to members, you must include the following: Clearly identify the credit union name, address, phone number, and member service email address in the body of the email. Clearly identify the purpose of the email in the subject line. (See SAMPLE MESSAGES below.) Make a web-friendly Signature Line message. (SEE SAMPLE SIGNATURE LINE MESSAGE below. ) Clearly state why the member is receiving the email. Ensure y  More...
  • 20. Can we do a money order for a shared branch non-member via national shared branching? Public
    The COOP National Shared Branch interface (CUSC/FISC) currently supports check disbursements but not money orders. Following is a technique that was shared with us by a credit union to offer shared branch members the ability to purchase money orders. Locate the account from which funds are coming, and make sure enough funds are available for both the money order and the fee. Run an OFAC scan and complete any paperwork and obtain signatures your credit union requires according to policy. In   More...
  • 21. My ATM/DEBIT switch is CO-OP. What does the "MSG TYPE" values mean on my LC01TXN report? Public
    The MSG TYPE values describe types of 'authorizations' and 'transactions' processed through the CO-OP network. Authorizations: (100 110 120 130) For PIN Authorizations there is no hold on the member's funds. However, Signature Authorizations place a hold, CU*BASE shows this as a debit authorization comment in OTB processing. In either case this transaction is not posted to the members account. This is just a POS (point of sale) authorization for the merchant. It could be e  More...
  • 22. What is a GUAPPLE unit? Public
    GUAPPLE is short for GOLD Update Appliance. The GUAPPLE is a stand-alone network appliance that takes the place of the GOLD-Master update server PC. It is designed to seamlessly handle all of your GOLD software update retrieval tasks. No effort is required to retrieve software updates when using a GUAPPLE device. It will acquire GOLD update files automatically as well as custom loan screen updates, doing away with manually downloading and extracting software update files. One GUAPPLE unit  More...
  • 23. What is the best way to set up a trust account on CU*BASE? Public
    Trust accounts can be set up as either individual or organizational depending on the legal nature of the trust. Following are recommendations for handling situations when a member wants to set up a membership where the primary member and the first joint owner are, in essence, the same person. This happens most often for trust accounts. Currently in CU*BASE there are two ways to handle trusts: For trusts that use a person’s SSN (where you do not have a separate TIN for the trust), set up th  More...
  • 24. All of the lights on my CheckSecure box are flashing. What should I do? Public
    Verify that the printer cable is securely connected to both the check secure box and the printer. Check the mode switch, located on the back of the check secure device, and make sure it is set to zero. Make sure the check secure card is properly inserted into the device. Press the Reset button on the back of the check secure device. If flashing persists please call the Systems department. NOTE: Support for CheckSecure devices is sunset as of July 1st, 2014. Contact Lender*VP to learn abo  More...
  • 25. I am transitioning to Tool #1375 for my data transfers, what information do I need to know? Public
    The previous tools used for uploading and downloading to and from CU*BASE will be retired when your credit union recieves the 20.07 CU*BASE software release. For online and Site-Four credit unions, that date is Sunday, July 12. Self-processing credit unions will receive the release the following Sunday, July 19. To replace the two tools, a new tool was introduced in November 2018, Tool #1375 Data Transfers (Upload or Download) . Following the release, this tool will be the default data transfer  More...