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How does the new membership denial of service fraud block list work? Is the employee blocked from opening a new membership for the member? What happens when a match is made to an entry on the new membership denial of service fraud block list?
You can add an entry to the new membership fraud block list as an individual or organization. This fraud block list is different than other service denial lists in that it allows you to enter a name on the list without a Social Security Number. See more about the rules for adding a name to the new membership list in the other topic linked to this Answer Book item. This fraud block list is designed as a supplement to the “Deny Membership” check box available on the non-member recor More...
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What columns/fields, files/tables, and programs are included in the File Maintenance Inquiry "Critical Monitoring?"
When you use the filter buttons on the File Maintenance Inquiry dashboard (Tool #159: Audit File Maintenance Inquiry (CUFMNT)), indicators note which programs, fields/columns, and files/tables AuditLink has flagged as “critical” for auditing teams to monitor on a daily basis. You can quickly sort by that indicator and select only those items for a quick scan of maintenance that directly affects member accounts. Below is a listing of these critical items. Columns/Fields Field Why More...
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How does the plastics denial of service fraud block list work? Is the employee blocked from opening an ATM, debit, or credit card for the member?
If an employee attempts to order an ATM, debit or credit card for a membership with a SSN/TIN that appears on the plastic orders denial of service block list, an employee cannot order the card. If the employee tries to order a card (via ATM/Debit Card Maintenance (Tool #11) or Update/Order Online Credit Cards (Tool #12), during the membership open process), or when creating a credit card loan, or when adding an OTB credit cards (via Member Inquiry (F1), then OTB/Cards (F17)), they will see mess More...
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What are the differences between an online ASP and in-house e-document strategy?
The differences ultimately come down to control and cost. The online ASP system is the fastest, simplest, most inexpensive way to get started with an e-documents strategy for your credit union. With online ASP you offload the back-end service management headaches to CU*Answers. We manage, backup, secure, and patch/upgrade the eDOC servers and databases and these processes fall under our SAS 70 and third party security audits. The online ASP system consists of electronic storage of receipts, loan More...
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What happens when a match or partial match is found to an entry on a pay to name or country denial fraud block list?
When the pay to name or country fraud block scan is run, the employee is presented a window alerting them if “no match was found” or if “a suspected match was found.” If a suspected match is found, is it recommended that the employee follow credit union policies and procedures. From the “Suspected match was found” window, the employee has the following options: to view the block list for comments, to back up, or to override the warning. (In order to remove t More...
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How does the lending denial of service fraud block list work? Is an employee blocked from creating a loan application or from opening a loan for a member? Can the member still submit an online loan application?
If a person or organization is added to lending denial of service block list, an employee cannot open a loan under any membership owned by that SSN/TIN. They will see messaging that the “SSN/TIN appears on block list” directly after selecting the membership when attempting to create a loan application for that SSN/TIN in CU*BASE. Additionally, for online loan applications, the loan officer will see messaging “On Fraud Block List” when working an incoming loan application More...
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How does the online/mobile denial of service fraud block list work? Is an employee blocked from enrolling a member in online/mobile banking? Can the member log into online/mobile banking?
If a person or organization is added to the online/mobile denial of service block list, an employee cannot enroll any membership with this SSN/TIN into online banking via the Member Personal Banker, during the membership open process (for example via Tool #3), or directly via the PIN shortcut. When they try to check the “Online Banking” checkbox on the “Audio/Online Banking” screen, they will see messaging that the “SSN/TIN appears on block list.” If a match More...
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How do I charge off a base share (000) account so that I can take a loss on an overdrawn account? I understand that I cannot use Tool #201 (Charge Off Savings/Checking) to charge off the base share account.
In order to take a loss on an overdrawn base share (000) account (closing the entire membership), do the following: First, using Tool #492 Member Account Adjustment (Full) , make an adjustment to zero out the balance for the amount of the loss and assign it to the general ledger account associated with this type of loss, per your credit union policies and procedures. Then close the membership using Tool #22 Close Memberships/Accounts . Per your credit union policies and procedures, you may More...
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How does the bill pay denial of service fraud block list work? Is an employee blocked from enrolling a member in bill pay? Does the member see “Enroll in bill pay” online/mobile banking?
If a person or organization is added to the bill pay denial of service block list, an employee cannot enroll any membership with this SSN/TIN into bill pay. If the employee tries to enroll the member in bill pay (via Member Personal Banker (Tool #14) or during the membership open process), when the employee tries to check the “Enroll in bill pay” checkbox, they will see messaging that the “SSN/TIN appears on block list.” If a person or organization is added to the bill p More...
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If we have to close a membership due to fraud, can we transfer an open loan account to the other membership so we don't lose all of the history and data from the original loan?
There is currently no mechanism to simply transfer account data from one membership to another. This would cause issues with credit reporting and would require a lot of cleanup work in eOscar as well. The better method is to close the account and reopen a new one. Note: Previous credit reporting history will remain under the closed account. Transaction history cannot be transferred to the new account but will be available on the closed account for the normal retention period (usually 18 months) More...
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What features does Xpress Teller have that Standard Teller does not have? What are the key benefits for moving to Xpress Teller?
Xpress Teller introduces a new, separate teller processing platform to CU*BASE, designed to streamline and simplify the teller experience, offering an alternative that was built with today’s changing credit union lobbies in mind. Xpress Teller includes these exciting new features: Improved Search in Xpress Teller The first screen has a powerful and easy-to-use new search engine that gives tellers a single input field to enter any data about the member and look for that data across dozens More...
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What can be denied with a “denial of service” or “transaction attribute” fraud block list?
The following services and transactions can be denied with a denial of service block list or transaction attribute block list. All lists are accessed from Tool #892 Update Fraud Alert/Blocked Persons List . Denial of Service Block Lists Bill Pay enrollment (all vendors) P2P (Person to Person) enrollment (all vendors) Outgoing wire transfers (performing a wire transfer) Incoming wire transfers (performing a wire transfer) Online/mobile banking (enrollment) Lending (creating a loan application More...
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How do I access all the fraud block lists in CU*BASE?
Access all the fraud block lists by selecting Tool #892 Update Fraud Alert/Blocked Persons List . This will take you to the entry dashboard where you can see all of the denial lists.
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How does the Person to Person (P2P) denial of service fraud block list work? Is an employee blocked from enrolling a member in P2P? Does the member see “Enroll in P2P” in online/mobile banking?
If a person or organization is added to the P2P denial of service block list, an employee cannot enroll any membership with this SSN/TIN into P2P. If the employee tries to enroll the member in P2P (via Member Personal Banker (Tool #14) or during the membership open process), when the employee tries to check the “Enroll in P2P” checkbox, they will see messaging that the “SSN/TIN appears on block list.” If the member is already enrolled in P2P, you will first need to unenr More...
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How do I remove a person or organization from a fraud block list?
To remove someone from any fraud block list, use Tool #892 Update Fraud Alert/Block Persons List then Search Mbr/All Lists to view the comprehensive listing of fraud lists and find where that member appears. Then return to the original Maintain Fraud Block Lists screens, select the appropriate list and then Edit. Use the Search fields at the top of the screen for the name you want to remove and select Delete. A confirmation window will appear prior to deleting the record. NOTE: Be sure to de More...
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How are the rules for making an entry on the new membership denial of service fraud block list different than the rules for the other service denial fraud block lists?
The rules for adding an entry to new membership denial block list are different than the rules for other service denial fraud lists. When making an entry on the new membership fraud block list, you have the option of adding a SSN/TIN and name, just an SSN or to enter a name without an SSN/TIN. You can enter a name without a match to the existing membership database. NOTE: If you only add an SSN to the block list, you can use the Comments section to add the person's name as a cross referenc More...
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How can I tell if a member is on more than one fraud block list? For example, I may want to remove a membership from all block lists.
Use the Search fields at the top of the Block List Inquiry to filter the listing and view all service denial fraud block lists to which a person or organization has been added. You may do this if you wish to remove someone from all service denial fraud block lists. To access the Block List Inquiry, use Tool #892 Update Fraud Alert/Blocked Persons List and then Search for Member/All Lists (F10) or use Tool #1892 View Fraud Alert/Blocked Persons List. This inquiry lists all the entries on all of More...
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What rules should be followed when entering a name or organization to a “Pay to Name” transaction attribute fraud block list?
When making an entry on a transaction fraud block list, it is recommended to enter the name in various formats to supply a match to the attribute (such as pay to name) provided. A match of any of the words in the Pay To entry, creates a match. The word has to be the whole word and not a part of a word. It is not recommended that you use words such as Company or Inc. in the name since all entries with those words would then be flagged. When making the check or disbursement, if you have a pa More...
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How does the incoming wire denial of service fraud block list work? Is the employee blocked from creating an incoming wire for the member?
If a person or organization is added to the incoming wire denial of service block list, an employee cannot send an outgoing wire for any membership with that SSN/TIN. If the employee tries to send an incoming wire via Tool #73 Post Wire Transfer to Member Account , and select Incoming ,” they will see messaging that the “SSN/TIN appears on block list.” You may consider also adding the member to the outgoing wire fraud block list. If a match is found on a block list, follow you More...
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What are the rules for making an entry on a denial of service fraud block list (that is not the new membership fraud list)?
The rules for adding an entry to any of the denial of service fraud block lists (other than new membership), require the SSN/TIN to be in MASTER/Membership file. If you enter the SSN/TIN and enter, the name will populate and the message displays, SSN/TIN number found in Master file. Please verify name . Verify the name to confirm and Update (F5). Or if you enter the name and enter, a warning message displays, Name exists in Membership file. Check SSN/TIN #. Verify the name and SSN/TIN to confir More...
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Any tips on how to recognize a fraudulent check over the teller line? What is a fractional?
Tips for Recognizing a Fraudulent Check What is a Fractional? A fractional is used to determine the financial institution of the share draft if the MICR line is ever damaged or torn off: 2 digit city and state prefix pre-assigned by “Accuity” (in the example, the prefix is 25 – see red below) Digits 5-8 of the routing number and transit number indicating the institution identifier (in the example, this is 5678 – see blue below.) First 4 digits of the routing and transit n More...
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My “pay to” name that I am running against a fraud list has a common word, for example LLC, Co., Inc., Incorporated, or Company. What should I enter in the Pay to line?
The Pay to fraud block list allows for these words to be entered in an entry, but it is not recommended since every entry with these words will be a match. For this reason, it is recommended that you first enter the “Pay to” name without these words to see if you receive a match on the fraud list. Then if a match is not found but these words are required on the check or disbursement Pay to line, then back up and enter the full pay to name with the common word.
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My member does not want their account accessed online but they have already logged in once before. How can I help them using the fraud block lists?
First add your member to the online/mobile fraud block list. Fraud Block lists are accessed via Tool #892 Update Fraud Block Lists/Blocked Persons List. Select the Online/Mobile fraud block list and add your member to the list. (You may wish to note that reason for this block using the Comments field.) Important note: This blocks the member's SSN/TIN from having online banking access. Since your member has already logged in to their account, next block further access to the account. Unch More...
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What rules should be followed when entering a country name to a “country” transaction attribute fraud block list?
When making an entry on a transaction fraud block list, it is recommended to enter the name in various formats to supply a match to the attribute (such as pay to name) provided. (NOTE: This is different than the matching of the country name with an OFAC scan.) An exact match is needed to flag an item. For example, if you enter “Freeland” in the field, an entry of “North Freeland” would not be a match.
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How does the “country” transaction attribute fraud block list work? What kind of activity is the employee blocked from issuing if a match is found on this list?
The county attribute fraud block list is used when an employee makes an outgoing wire. If a match is found the employee will move to a window alerting them that a suspected match was found. It is recommended that the employee follow credit union policies and procedures. The member can back up, view the block fraud list for comments, or override the block. All fraud block lists are accessed from Tool #892 Update Fraud Alert/Blocked Persons List .
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