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When I print a check, the logo and signature areas are not printing correctly. I am getting garbage characters such as !@#$%&*()abc, etc. Why is this happening and what can I do to correct it?
These symbols print when the printer doesn't know what graphic or font to use for the logo, signature, or MICR line. There are a few possible causes: Is this a new printer? If this is a new printer, the first thing to consider is whether the other printers at the credit union use Check Secure devices. Check Secure devices are no longer sold and are not compatible with new printer hardware. To transition from Check Secure devices to the new software based check printing methods, contact CU More...
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How does CU*BASE process check holds?
In the teller system, you can configure exactly how check holds should be calculated, including default hold days as well as calculated hold days by check R T or amount. In both teller posting and ATM processing, CU*BASE also allows an Electronic Hold configuration that can be used in conjunction with a Member in Good Standing configuration. Different levels of hold times can be configured based on the 'Member in Good Standing' and also within the Tiered Scoring feature. Using these C More...
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What causes a member check to be returned as 'Refer to Maker'?
Previously, credit unions used Code 38 for “Return to Maker”, but this code is no longer available in the system. This change was initiated by a Reg CC change in 2018. Now, if you are presented with a situation where you need to return a check to another institution, it is recommended that you use one of these codes to clarify the reason for the check return. Some codes allow you to make the change in CU*BASE. Others require that you contact your Check Item Processor. Read below for More...
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Can a member retrieve check images and copies from Online Banking?
Yes, If you are a CU*BASE client and your check processing is handled by the Check Item Processing team, you can offer your members the ability to print copies of cancelled checks using Online Banking and the CheckViewer. If your credit union chooses to activate this feature, the member simply clicks a button from either the checks cleared screen or the account detail transaction listing, to pull that specific check. We also offer interfaces to check images from many other item processing vendor More...
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Is it possible to print a check to a vendor without creating an invoice? If so, can that payment be recorded in the vendor’s Accounts Payable history?
You can use the “Print CU Checks” feature to cut a check to any vendor, including vendors that have been configured in your CU*BASE Vendor database, without creating an invoice record, if you wish. If you want that item to show up in the vendor's history (and update their YTD amount paid for the current year only ), you will need to perform a separate step to add the record manually. Here are the steps: Step 1: Printing a Quick A/P Check In a nutshell, you will be using Tool More...
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A check was cleared on the wrong member account. I already reversed the transaction and posted it properly through Account Adjustment, but how do I keep the member from being able to see the wrong check image in online banking?
Contact a CSR for assistance with this issue. The impact of the solution may vary from situation to situation.
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We have a teller that entered the incorrect number of Items deposited on the outside check screen. How do I adjust that count?
This can be corrected using Tool #901 Update Member Fee Master (shortcut: feecor). Simply enter the account number and then change the count to the correct quantity.
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Per Reg CC, check holds are based on business day. Does the CU*BASE check holds feature only count business days in its calculation?
Credit unions have the option to have teller check holds based on business or calendar days. Use Tool #849 Automated Holds Configuration to update how the system calculates holds. If you select to have the system calculate using only business days you must also launch Tool #243 Configure CU Non-Business Days which allows a credit union to indicate what processing days they follow (Sunday through Saturday), to indicate whether the credit union observes all standard Federal holidays, and/or t More...
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My member has contacted me and says they cannot view their check. What information do I need to collect for use when researching this issue?
If a member cannot view their check, the research team needs the following information: Credit Union Questions What is your credit union name? Have multiple members reported that they cannot view checks? Are these members having the same experience when viewing their check? (See Member Questions. ) Has the check appeared on the Check Exceptions Report? (TNDET) Was this check cleared at the teller line? (Sometimes this is referred to as a counter-killed check.) Are you able to retrieve a chec More...
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Can we pull credit reports for member service products such as debit cards, checking accounts, membership requests?
Yes. You can pull a credit report for any service using the online credit bureau process. Using Tool #53 Process Member Applications, use action code CR to pull the report without creating a loan request and application. We can then create Member Services denial notices for debit cards, checking accounts, ATM cards, etc.
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I'm putting a hold on a check at the teller line, but what if I want to deposit the check into two different accounts?
The hold days and account type fields are used to give CU*BASE instructions on how to place a hold. All CU*BASE does is create an Uncollected Funds record for that amount, for that # of days, on that particular sub-account . If you deposit the money into multiple accounts, the hold still gets placed on that one account, so just be aware of what that will do to the member's available balance on that account!
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We have non-members who want to cash checks in our lobby but instead of receiving cash back, they want an official credit union check for a better paper trail. Can this be done using non-member teller processing?
Yes, by making use of both a Misc. Receipts and a Misc. Expense posting code, so that you can put the funds temporarily into a G/L then issue a check from that same G/L. Here are the key steps: First, configure two posting codes, using Tool # 534 Misc. Posting Codes Configuration. For the first one, choose the Receipts type and set up a code that will allow you to place funds into a G/L account. For the second one, choose the Expenses/Advances type and set up a code that will allow you to More...
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When Fiserv creates a member check with the credit union's name on it, where does it get the CU name from?
This comes from Fiserv's records, which are provided to them by the Federal Reserve (through the FRB's Checks Department).
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How long are records in my Check Register retained in CU*BASE?
Check disbursement history for all check items, regardless of their status, is retained on CU*BASE for 24 calendar months . Check items that are at an outstanding status are retained forever. For our online clients, we purge all checks marked cleared, void, or spoiled that are older than 24 months on the second weekend of every month. NOTE: Prior to March 2008 the retention period was 18 months.
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How long are cancelled check images retained in "It's Me 247" online banking?
If your check processor is CU*Check Item Processing, check images are retained for the same time period as transaction history. Other check processors may have a different retention schedule.
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A teller was in Update CU Check History (Check Register) to place a stop pay on a money order. However, they ended up accidentally deleting this check from the check register. Is there a way to add a check back to the check register?
Yes, as long as you know the Check Number and Bank ID to start. Launch Tool # 889 Updtae CU Check History to work with the Check Register. Since you know the check number and bank ID, enter this information in the appropriate boxes, then press enter. You will then see a Check Disbursement Information screen with blank information except for the check # and bank ID that you just entered. (Notice the ADD notation in the top right hand corner of the screen.) Fill out the information needed to co More...
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How do I process a corporate check or money order that is appearing with my daily member share draft exceptions?
Infrequently, a CU may find a corporate check or money order appearing as an INVALID ACCOUNT on their daily member share exceptions. The following steps should be taken to process these items correctly: The CU will want to obtain a copy of item to confirm that it is actually a corporate check or money order. Then, they will want to delete the item from their exception list/file by changing the status of the item from an 'A' (Active) to a 'D' (Delete) - the item will rem More...
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There is a "View Check" link next to the member's check(s), but the member does not receive a check image back when clicking on it. What can I do?
Have the CU use their back office connection to the Check Image Processor to pull an image of the check in question and send it to you. Carefully check the information on the image (MICR, Tracer #, check #, amount, etc.) against the information in CU*BASE. If you find a discrepancy, that is likely the issue. At this point you can contact the Check Image Project Coordinator on how to proceed.
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I reinstated a member in the Work with Dormancy tool, adjusting the last tran date on the member's account at the same time. I thought that the next day the member would show as dormant again. But it's still showing suspended. What should I check?
Dormancy on a membership considers the entire membership, so any activity on any of the sub-accounts will suspend it from dormancy. If there is more than one account with recent activity, all accounts would need to be adjusted to remain in dormancy. Make sure the Last contacted date hasn't been changed on the member's account. This is used to record when a member contacts the CU about keeping their account active, without performing an actual transaction. (Use Tool #15 Update Members More...
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If we decide not to use any default settings for teller check holds, will the system require us to enter an account type on the Outside Checks screen?
No. Unless you are calculating holds by amount or R T, the system only requires an account suffix when the # of holds days is greater than 0 (so it knows where to place the hold). So if you don't use the configuration at all, both the hold days and type fields can be left blank.
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My member is in a hold group that exempts him from check holds. He deposited a check at a Shared Branch location and a hold was placed on the check. Why did this happen?
For Shared Branch transactions, the teller credit union's check hold configuration is used. Since the Shared Branch credit union received and deposited the member's check, its hold configuration was used for the transaction.
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There is no "View Check" link next to the member's check(s). What can I do?
Verify that check viewing is turned on for the CU. You can check by making sure there is a code in the Check Image ID field in Online Banking Configuration (Tool #5456). If the Check Image ID field is blank, either the correct value was somehow removed and needs to be replaced, the CU’s request for online banking check images is not yet completed (check the Pending Check Image Projects on the Check Image Info portal page), or this CU has never signed up for online banking check images ( More...
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What regulatory requirements do I need to be aware of as I promote text banking to members, even if I offer it for free?
Some states require that in addition to any text banking fees you must state that message and data rates apply. This requirement applies even if you offer it as a free service. (Different states require additional language. Follow your credit union policies and procedures.) You can enter this text in the Mobile Text Introduction screen accessed when configuring your text banking service. Use Tool #569 Online/Mobile/Text Banking VMS Config , select Text Banking from the list, and check I w More...
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When looking at the ATM/Debit or Credit Card Activity screen, what does the indicator in the Type and Transaction Description mean?
The fields are related to Process Codes, in that they are derived from the code attached to the message received from the plastics processor (vendor, or switch). The Type you see in the initial Type column of the Activity screen relates directly to the Transaction Description when you view additional transaction details. Transaction types may not apply to all vendors. Examples of these labels are as follows: DEP (Deposit Transactions) ATM/DEP A deposit made at an ATM. ATM/DEP - including a $ More...
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When cashing a check for a shared branch member, which check cashing fee is charged - the one that the member's CU normally charges, or the one from the shared branch CU?
The member will be subject to the teller credit union's configured check cashing fee (the shared branch where the transaction is being performed ) and the fee will post to the teller credit union's configured fee G/L. NOTE: The system will use the member fee, not the non-member fee, in these cases.
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