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I have to print notices for members who have Opted In as part of Reg. E. How can I monitor our members' activation through "It’s Me 247" to know who to send notices to?
Tool # 518 Members Reg. E Opted In/Out/Undecided is a canned Query that will split your membership by those opted In, then opted out, and finally those undecided. Any maintenance performed on the new Opt In/Opt Out flags that are within the membership and sub accounts write out to file MASTRL in FILExx, which can be queried to monitor for activity. We suggest monitoring this daily. Select Records of MTANROPT (Reg E Opt In/Out Flag) equal to ‘I’, and MTANROPTDT (Reg E Opt In/Out E More...
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What is the cost to the credit union to have CU*Answers print and mail out ACH, NSF, and Certificate Laser Notices?
Member Notices can be processed by CU*Answers at a cost of $0.10 per notice, plus postage and the cost of envelopes. Pricing is subject to change; refer to the most current Online Pricing Guide (provided annually to your credit union CEO) for current pricing.
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After we adjusted the settings on the days for delinquency notices, all our delinquency notices stopped printing. What happened?
What happens is that the delinquent notice level indicator on the member's account retains the last level until the loan is brought current. Therefore, all members who had a level 1 notice already sent are showing they completed level 1 and therefore will not send another level 1 even though it is now set at 11 days versus the old setting of 5 days. This applies all the way up the line. This means that all those that did get a level 1 notice at five days won’t generate a notice until More...
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Why isn't a co-signer receiving a delinquency notice for a delinquent loan?
There is a flag on the additional signer record called Delinquent Level (0-4). This flag determines which stage/level of delinquency the loan must reach before an additional signer will receive a delinquency notice. If this field is left blank (0) the additional signer will not receive delinquency notices. This field can be easily viewed/changed through Tool #51 Miscellaneous Loan Maintenance - then choose Additional Signer information. Valid delinquency levels 1-4 are configured at the credit More...
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How do I print a denial notice for non-lending (member service) related applications such as ATM/Debit card applications or Home Banking membership applications?
The Member Service Denials feature (to create/print denial notices) can be accessed via a Denied button located within Tool #3 Open/Maintain Memberships/Accounts. A credit union can configure miscellaneous member service denial notice types such as: ATM/Debit Card application denials, checking account denials, membership application denials, etc. These member service denials are commonly used for denied services that would not involve a loan application/request.
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Why did a member who has elected to opt out per Reg. E receive a non-return fee on a debit card transaction?
In many cases, the reason an opted-out member receives the non-return fee is because this transaction is a recurring payment. Recurring transactions are not covered by the Reg. E Opt In/Out requirements. You can identify this by the * after the DBT/WDR trans description on the member's transaction history. Recurring transactions are posted and fee'd even if the member is Opted Out.
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I am attempting to print a Denial Notice for this Loan Application, but the "Print Denial Notice" button is not there. What happened?
Once you elect to deny a loan application, several Denied Applications Processing screens will follow. You will need to navigate these screens for each borrower on the loan before the option to print the denial notice will appear. This is because CU*BASE allows you to select different denial reasons for each borrower present on the application (if necessary).
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My credit union likes to review printed notices before they are mailed out to members, but we are also trying to switch people to eNotices. Do you have any tips for how we can still make ourselves aware of what notices are being produced on a daily basis?
From a front-line inquiry standpoint, there’s no better record-keeping option than having people check member Tracker histories. The notice type, date, and contents are easy to look up in tracker history, but prior ones are available to scroll back through as well so you can see context of the individual member’s history with that type of notice, or others. When it comes to the ability for staff to review this data for proactive outreach, such as to see who has delinquent loans an More...
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Why doesn't the Member Delinquency Inquiry (Tool #498) match the number of delinquent notices sent according to the Notice Tracker on the loan?
Remember that notices can be sent to members at any time according to your delinquency notice configuration. This is independent of the configuration that controls whether a loan is actually considered delinquent or not. For example, your credit union might choose to send notices when a loan is 10 days past due, but not truly consider it delinquent for collections purposes until 30 days. The # of times delinquent counter on the MEMBER5 (for closed-end loans) or MEMBER6 (for open-end loans) More...
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How do I stop a delinquent notice from being generated for a member?
CU*BASE provides a field in the member loan record that is called 'No Delq Notice Print'. Change this to a Y in the maintenance option. bankruptcy bankrupt Chapter 11 Chapter 13
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For the Credit CARD Act I'm flooding my LOC and other open-end loans to a due date of the last day of the month. On an LOC that has a zero balance, if the member takes a disbursement will the due date be set to the last day of that same month or the next month?
This is controlled by the Grace period (# of days) setting in the payment change control section of your Loan Category configuration (LOC and open-end loans only). See the online help topic (link below) for more details about how this field works to calculate the next payment due date on zero-balance LOCs.
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A member received an NSF fee and when I checked his Reg. E opt in/out status it had never actually been set. Is a "blank" in this field the same as opting in, or opting out?
The system recognizes a blank in the Reg. E Opt In/Out field on the member's MASTER record as the same as Opted In for overdraft services, not Opted Out. Since CU*BASE membership maintenance programs will not allow you to leave this field blank, this generally only happens in cases where a flood routine is done to adjust multiple membership records on your MASTER file, such as in a new client conversion or special job request.
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When a member files Bankruptcy what is the proper procedure to stop member statements and late notices from being mailed to the member?
Access the Bankruptcy topics to learn more See the Related Q A below.
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We are thinking of activating the new See and Jump features for online banking. Can you explain the thinking behind the security, and why only an account owner can have this access?
IMPORTANT NOTE: When It’s Me 247 was updated in 2021, the “See” option shown on here was made unavailable. There are two major points to consider when thinking about allowing members to see information beyond the account to which they are actually logged in. Both extend beyond online banking to consider a financial institution’s role and responsibility in protecting member private data via all access channels, from the teller line to a back office employee answering More...
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My credit union wants to allow maintenance on Automated Funds Transfers (AFT) in online banking. What are the steps for allowing members to set up and maintain their own AFTs?
There are several configurations that control the member’s ability to set up and maintain Automated Funds Transfer (AFTs) online. Does your credit union's Personal Internet Branch configuration allow the maintenance of AFTs? Are AFTs configured to show in online banking? Does the member's PIB configuration allow maintenance of AFTs in online banking? For existing AFTs: Is the record locked to prevent changes in online banking? 1. Does your credit union's Personal Internet Bran More...
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Why does CU*BASE show delinquency in two different ways? In some places it is months/days and others it is actual number of days.
There are two methods used to track delinquent loans for reporting purposes in CU*BASE: Method One (for Collections tracking) We have always tracked delinquency in two separate fields for “Months” and ‘Days” in the member files. When a loan is 30 days delinquent, it shows as “0 Months, 30 Days” delinquent. When a loan is 31 days delinquent, it is “1 Month, 0 Days” delinquent. A month is always considered 30 days regardless of the actual number o More...
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What columns/fields, files/tables, and programs are included in the File Maintenance Inquiry "Critical Monitoring?"
When you use the filter buttons on the File Maintenance Inquiry dashboard (Tool #159: Audit File Maintenance Inquiry (CUFMNT)), indicators note which programs, fields/columns, and files/tables AuditLink has flagged as “critical” for auditing teams to monitor on a daily basis. You can quickly sort by that indicator and select only those items for a quick scan of maintenance that directly affects member accounts. Below is a listing of these critical items. Columns/Fields Field Why More...
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If a member Opts Out under the Reg. E rules, and they currently have a negative balance limit under my ANR program, will transactions still post to a negative balance without charging a fee? If so, do we need to go in and manually remove the negative balance limit for members until they Opt In?
Think of it this way: the member might have a negative balance limit, but Reg. E says you aren’t allowed to charge them a fee for dipping into it unless they specifically opt in for that level of service. But this rule of thumb ONLY applies to ATM and everyday debit card transactions, NOT to checks and ACH items, nor to recurring debit transactions. Since debit card transactions that have been authorized and come through to CU*BASE for posting cannot be returned like a check or ACH item, More...
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How do I obtain a listing of loans that were written off during a particular period of time (e.g., for the month)?
When a loan is written off using the CU*BASE Write Off loan process, the system converts the Review Date field to Write Off Date. Therefore you can run the Selective Loan Information report (Tool #788) for Loan Category 99 (or the Loan Categories used for write off) and Date Reviewed (also representing Date Written Off) for the period of time you wish to review. collections delinquency bankrupt bankruptcy write off write-off writeoff written off written-off writtenoff charge off charge-off More...
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What are the differences between an online ASP and in-house e-document strategy?
The differences ultimately come down to control and cost. The online ASP system is the fastest, simplest, most inexpensive way to get started with an e-documents strategy for your credit union. With online ASP you offload the back-end service management headaches to CU*Answers. We manage, backup, secure, and patch/upgrade the eDOC servers and databases and these processes fall under our SAS 70 and third party security audits. The online ASP system consists of electronic storage of receipts, loan More...
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I see that my member's loan account is in the credit bureau reporting file but it isn't reflected on the individual's credit report. What types of things might prevent a primary borrower or additional signer from being applied by the bureau?
If you or your member notice an account is not being updated (or the additional signer on a loan) you should first try to find out if the loan/additional signer was included in the file sent over to the bureau. You can do this for the most recent reporting cycle by running Tool #658 Print Loan Info Sent to Credit Bureau . If the member loan/additional signer information (defined by METRO 2 as the J1 segment or J2 Segment) is present in that file you need to look further into the following types More...
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A member did not get either an October or November statement, but his December statement showed a range of 12/1 to 12/31, not 10/1 to 12/31 as I would have expected. Can you explain?
In this particular member's situation there was no activity in either October or November that triggered a statement. The credit union's quarterly (and year-end) statements are configured to produce a statement for every member, regardless of activity level, but monthly statements are more restrictive in an attempt to save postage costs, and not every member gets a statement every month. NOTE: CU*BASE statements have a considerable number of configuration options that allow credit unio More...
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Where can I learn more about the AP/SN Fee Posting Report that reports on potential Approved Positive, Settled Negative (APSN) debit card transactions?
What report is available to review potential Approved Positive, Settled Negative (APSN) debit card transactions? To allow CU*BASE credit unions to manually review and, potentially, refund Automated Non-Return (ANR) and Insufficient Funds (NSF) fees for potential Approved Positive, Settled Negative (APSN) debit card transactions, the Asterisk Intelligence team has constructed a query that attempts to identify suspect transactions. A “AP/SN Fee Posting Report” is generated from this Qu More...
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What choices do I have for controlling whether or not my ANR negative balance limits are used when authorizing and paying debit card and ATM transactions?
The settings that control how this works are part of Tool #558 NSF/Overdraft Transfer Configuration , on the Overdraft Protection Activation screen. There are two flags for ANR/courtesy pay: Use Negative Balance Limits for Authorizations and Use Negative Balance Limits for Posting . They control whether the member's ANR limit is added when determining the available balance amount. There are four different combinations of these flags: Authorization Flag Posting Flag Description of Result More...
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How do I order an ATM/Debit Card on CU*BASE if I've already ordered it through the vendor first?
The information you will want to write down or print when ordering cards at the vendor is the PAN number. Once you have the PAN from the vendor you will launch Tool #11 ATM/Debit Card Maintenance in CU*BASE. Once in this option, enter the member's account base. If the member has existing cards, use F6/Add Card. If they do not, simply select the correct BIN for the new card. In the Card/PIN Order screen you will notice that the Card # at the top of the screen is view only. To unlock thi More...
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