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If I make a change to a phone number on a membership record on CU*BASE, will this information get sent to my EFT vendor and update this member's records on their system?
Updates to fields such as address, phone number, mother’s maiden name, email, or code word, as well as phone number deletion, re-arranging phone numbers by Seq #, and changing phone number flags triggers a vendor maintenance record. Please be aware, any maintenance will update all cards attached to that membership! When a maintenance record is triggered, the phone numbers in CU*BASE will be transmitted to the vendor as they are labeled in MASTPH. This means that if the Primary phone number More...
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How can I get a member who has a balance on an OTB Credit Card onto my CU*BASE database so they are able to take advantage of a sweep account to pay on their credit card?
In some cases, the general upload file that is received by CU*Answers on a daily basis only contains accounts where a member has had a change to their account. Contact your OTB vendor to see if you can request a full file to be sent so that all card information would be sent in the upload file to CU*Answers. (In some cases if your CU is already being charged for the upload it is possible there would be no change in price to have the full file sent over.)
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How does the "It's Me 247" User Agreement (the one that members have to accept before they can log in for the first time) work? If it gets updated do all members automatically have to accept it again?
There are three important components to the It's Me 247 Online/Mobile Banking User Agreement: The agreement itself The master date on the credit union's Online Banking/ARU Configuration (you can see this via Tool #140 ARU/Online Banking Controls Inquiry ) The agreement accepted date on the individual member’s record (you can see this via Tool #72 Update ARU/Online Banking Access ) The important thing to remember is that we have only one agreement. The trick is whether we pre More...
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If I activate Statement Style Fees, what happens on a month when a member gets only their credit card statement and not a regular account statement too?
Printed Statement Style fees are triggered only by production of a regular account statement (based on a file called STPRINT01, which is generated only with regular statements, not CC statements) . If a member gets only a credit card statement, they wouldn’t get a fee that particular month. If the next month they get both a credit card statement and a regular statement, then they would get a fee that time. (Note: We do always produce a year-end statement for every member, no matter wha More...
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Where does CU*BASE get the account descriptions that members see in online banking and on their statement?
CU*BASE does have several different places where product descriptions can be configured, each used for different purposes. It's common for the descriptions to be entered the same into each configuration, but there are reasons why they are sometimes slightly different. For example, if you use the same range of account suffixes across several of your checking account products, your account suffix description might be something general like Checking whereas the description entered into the More...
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A member is getting an error code of 1 when they click on Pay My Bills. After a few tries, they got an error code of 2. What do these mean?
When members receive an error code of 1 or 2, there is a very simple fix for it in CU*BASE. It's Me 247 online banking and bill pay (Fiserv) programs communicate with each other automatically through an authentication PIN every time we go from one to the next. When we see a status code of 1 or 2, it is telling us there is an issue with this PIN. It is easy to reset and the member will be able to get into bill pay within 24 hours. Launch Tool # 14 Member Personal Banker. Enter the member&r More...
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How does a member's account get debited for bills they schedule through "It's Me 247" Bill Pay (Fiserv)?
In one of three ways: Note: The term 'subscriber' refers to your 'member'. Electronic Payments (ACH) - Fiserv's preference is to send all payments electronically. However in the Risk Model format it is not always feasible. Fiserv submits the merchant payment (via the fed) from a Fiserv settlement account the same day we submit the debit (via the fed) to the subscriber account. Fiserv is taking the risk on the payment. Electronic payments are typically sent when the subscr More...
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I have a member who is requesting a copy of his statement from November of last year. I went in to Phone Operator to see if I could get a copy for him, and noticed that a statement was not produced for November. Why is this?
The most likely reason is that the member did not have any activity for the month that would trigger a statement, based on the CU's configuration. Most credit unions have their statement configuration set up to print a monthly statement only if the member has a checking account, and only if there is activity on that account, saving postage costs on months when there is no activity. You can verify this by viewing his Share Draft Transaction Inquiry in Phone Operator, then compare that to yo More...
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A member did not get either an October or November statement, but his December statement showed a range of 12/1 to 12/31, not 10/1 to 12/31 as I would have expected. Can you explain?
In this particular member's situation there was no activity in either October or November that triggered a statement. The credit union's quarterly (and year-end) statements are configured to produce a statement for every member, regardless of activity level, but monthly statements are more restrictive in an attempt to save postage costs, and not every member gets a statement every month. NOTE: CU*BASE statements have a considerable number of configuration options that allow credit unio More...
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Are there ever situations where a member would get a credit card statement but not a regular member account statement in the same month?
It's possible but fairly rare, given how most CUs set up their statement criteria. The two statement types are independent as far as the criteria that determine whether a member gets a statement or not. Typically a CU sets up their regular account statement to look at OC (open credit) accounts, which includes online credit cards, and produce a regular statement if there is any activity. Likewise, a credit card statement is generally set up to produce a CC statement only if there is activi More...
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When Fiserv creates a member check with the credit union's name on it, where does it get the CU name from?
This comes from Fiserv's records, which are provided to them by the Federal Reserve (through the FRB's Checks Department).
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When any of our members updates their personal information through "It's Me 247" they get an email letting them know there was a change. Where does the signature line come from, and can I change it?
To update a signature line in CU*BASE, you’ll use the Tool #497 Member Connect Marketing Tools . (You will need a file name to move forward, so it can be helpful to have a test file created in your QUERYxx library for situations like this.) NOTE: For Member Reach clients, Xtend has previously created a file ‘MBRRTEST’ that will allow you to access the Message Maintenance screen. Select Online Banking and/or email message from the first window and then use Enter. On the Mem More...
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If I require a valid email address to get e-Statements, and a member is flagged with a wrong email address, does he get un-enrolled for e-Statements?
They will not get unenrolled for eStatements, but their email will be marked as a wrong email address. This will cause the member to receive a printed statement that month, and the normal e-Statement fee/rebate will not be posted. The next time they log in to online banking, they will see a banner ad alerting them to the fact that their email is flagged as invalid or missing and that features such as eStatements require a valid email. eStatement
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My member gets a Social Security (SSA) deposit via ACH. We use an ACH distribution to pay the member’s loan payment, but the loan payment was not made. Why did this happen and what benefits are there to using an Automated Funds Transfer (AFT) instead?
Prior to the 16.10 release, the SSA began using multiple Company IDs, and it was recommended that credit unions consider using Automated Funds Transfers (AFTs) to handle distributions. Beginning the 16.10 release a new cross-reference system will be implemented that will automatically funnel all incoming company IDs from the Social Security Administration and treat them as if they came from one, consistent company ID we’re referring to as the “Primary ID.” With the changes ma More...
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My member closed their account in November and received a November Statement but did not receive a December Statement. Why? How will they get their 1099-INT information?
If the member closed their account in November, they would receive a final statement for their November transactions but will not receive a December Statement as they did not have any transactions in December and the account was not active. This would also be true for members who closed their accounts earlier in the year. For example, for a membership closed in April, the member will receive their final statement at the end of April then will not receive another statement again (not even the q More...
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In CU*Spy on the End of Month tab it looks like the LCLMBE Closed Member Report and LCLACE Member Closed Account Report are getting pulled every day. But on the Report Automation Tools Standard Reports feature (Tool #759 Report Automation - Standard Reports) it says MONTHLY.
The Closed Account Report and the Closed Membership Report have two versions. LCLACE and LCLMBE are the daily reports that run at EOD. These reports show closed accounts and closed memberships for a single day. LCLAC and LCLMB are the reports that are run from the CU*BASE menu and via Report Automation, and these show closed accounts and closed memberships for a given month.
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The biller claims they never received a payment, however the check was cashed. When the member receives the check copy, and it was not signed by the biller, what is the next step to getting the money back for our member?
When you get the check copy and verify beyond a doubt that it was not the intended biller who cashed the check, re-open the case with Fiserv. Explain that the check was wrongfully deposited, explain your verification processes, and ask for Fiserv's assistance with a refund to the member. They will contact the Federal Reserve and work to get the money back. This can only be done with a Corporate Check. If it was a Member Draft, then the credit union would need to assist the member in reclai More...
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How does the A2A process get started? Once the form is filled out what do I do?
The first step is to make sure your credit union has filled out the three required forms: Sign Up Form, Electronic Payment Service Agreement, and Fed ACH Participation Agreement. There is also a non-disclosure agreement to sign to receive a copy of Magic-Wrighter's SSAE-16 audit results. Once the Client Service and Education team has received the forms from your credit union, they will send the form to our third party processor, Magic-Wrighter. Magic-Wrighter will submit a confirmation with More...
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When we send marketing email messages through CU*BASE, if more than one member uses the same email address, will they get more than one email message?
No. The mail server automatically eliminates duplicate emails to the same email address.
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In the workflow for opening memberships, is there a way to get to teller posting so I can deposit money (for example, if the new member wants to open a CD right away)?
Workflow Controls do not include an automatic flow to the teller posting system. However, there is an easy way to incorporate this into your procedures. First, set your Workflow Control configuration (Tool #1004 Workflow Controls: Open Mbrships/Accts ) so that the Open sub-accounts feature is turned off . When opening a new member, start from the first Teller Posting screen, using F21-Open from the first teller screen and processing the new membership until done. Using Cancel (F7) at that More...
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The Selective Loan Information Report (Tool #788) summary total for "Total Loans Disbursed" does not use the Disbursement Limit. Can you tell me what it is using to get the total?
This report uses the field called Disbursed Amount in the MEMBER5 or MEMBER6 data file. This is an accurate representative total of the amount that was added to your loan portfolio. Other reports, such as the Contingent Liability Analysis Report (Tool #280), use the Disbursement Limit to derive the amount of contingency balance by subtracting the current balance from the disbursement limit.
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I'd like to clean up my custom Queries. How can I get a report of what I have?
Use Tool #654 “Print List of Custom Rpts/Inqs”
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In CU*BASE sometimes when I click on a drop-down field to select an option, the list shows briefly but I have to click it again to get the list to stay put so I can choose something. It doesn't happen every time, so what's up?
This is a known behavior under the current version of the LegaSuite client software. It has to do with focus - if your cursor is already on that field, then it has focus and you can click the drop-down list and make your selection. If that field doesn't have focus already, then your first click moves the cursor to that field, and the second click displays the drop-down list. We have been told that this will eventually be changed in a future release of the LegaSuite client software.
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I am interested in engaging CU*Answers Production Center to have my member notices professionally produced. How do I get started?
Learn all about this in the CU*Answers Store:
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Where does property tax or PMI information get entered into CU*BASE?
This data comes from the TAX file. This file is created automatically at year-end and populated with things like dividends, interest paid, and other details to be reported to the IRS and printed on tax forms. When it comes to Property Tax and PMI, things get a little complicated. Over the years the IRS has shifted back and forth as to (a) whether we are obligated to report this data to the IRS or (b) whether it can simply be reported to members via the 1098 form, regardless of whether the IRS More...
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