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If a change is made to the disclosure language that appears on eStatements, does that language appear only on new statements going forward, or does it affect eStatements already archived?
It depends. If the change is strictly related to the generic disclosure information that makes up part of the statement overlay (the layout and generic text that all statements have, regardless of the exact member data or CU configuration), then yes, the change will be retroactive to existing eStatements already stored in CU*Spy. That's because CU*Spy doesn't really store the actual statement image, but rather constructs the eStatement using a combination of the raw data generated by More...
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If our tax forms are uploaded to "It's Me 247", how will members who are not enrolled in eStatements receive their tax documents?
Regardless of whether a member is enrolled in eStatements, the member will receive a paper copy of their tax documents in the mail, provided they earned enough dividends (or paid enough interest) through the tax year to qualify for a tax form. The presentation of tax documents in the My Documents section of It's Me 247 is an additional convenience that makes the forms readily available online, often earlier than they are provided by via mail. If you are not currently offering this feat More...
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How do I know if my eStatement messages have been sent?
When eStatement messages are complete there are two things that happen: 1. A 'Completion Summary Report' with successes/exception/totals is created. The call letters for this report are LFMLOG. 2. A record is written out to the CUFMNT File (see example below) and if you don't see this record, it has not run yet. MNTPGM = PESTMT MNTOLD = MSG: ESTMT EMAIL SENT TO AUTO MNTNEW = CORPID: 01 #SENT:(Your Credit Union #) You can view this record using Tool #159 Audit CU F More...
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If a member enrolls in eStatements for the first time today, will they have their previous statements populate as eStatements in the mobile app or in online banking?
Yes, previous statements will be available, going back as far as our normal retention period.
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What browsers does CU*Spy support for member eStatements?
CU*Spy supports current versions of IE , Firefox and Chrome. Safari is not officially supported but typically works. Usually if Safari has issues, in our experience, it is with displaying PDFs. Should this occur, this issue is outside of the CU*Spy web application and exists between the browser and it's ability to display PDFs and therefore we have no ability to correct this situation.
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When we include an insert with printed statements, does that insert also show up with the eStatement in online or mobile banking?
No, printed inserts do not show up with the eStatement in online/mobile banking. To include this same marketing message for your eStatement members, we recommend you work with Xtend to engage the e-Info service. Use the links below to learn more.
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How can I stop members from receiving a monthly eStatement reminder email?
Members cannot opt out of receiving the eStatement notification message. Their only option is to unenroll from eStatements if they do not want to receive these types of emails. Education is key in this area. Use Tool #262: Configure Monthly eStatement Emails (or Tool 497: Member Connect Marketing Tools, then Message Type ES) to update your eStatement notification text. Learn more by clicking the link below.
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I sent our eStatement notification emails an hour ago and still haven't received one in my personal email box. What could be causing the delay?
Remember that once the emails are sent by CU*BASE, it becomes a function of various Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to deliver the emails to members. See the related links below for ideas about preventing emails from being treated like spam by ISPs, thus delaying delivery. Also make sure that your credit union's email address is marked as a safe sender on your personal email settings. Likewise, members who complain about not receiving emails may need to check to be sure your emails ar More...
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How long are eStatements retained for members and staff to view online via CU*Spy?
Statements are available online for 18 months. They are also available through long-term archival options (CD-ROM/DVD). retain retention
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If I require a valid email address to get e-Statements, and a member is flagged with a wrong email address, does he get un-enrolled for e-Statements?
They will not get unenrolled for eStatements, but their email will be marked as a wrong email address. This will cause the member to receive a printed statement that month, and the normal e-Statement fee/rebate will not be posted. The next time they log in to online banking, they will see a banner ad alerting them to the fact that their email is flagged as invalid or missing and that features such as eStatements require a valid email. eStatement
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I changed my workstation configuration in CU*BASE to specify a certain "General Printer" ID, but my screen shots are still going to another printer. Why are they not going to the ID I defined?
The General Printer ID that is specified in Tool #326 CU Hardware Configuration does not control where screenshots are printed. The screen shot configuration needs to be changed on the virtual workstation device. Contact the network help desk for assistance. There should be 3 sessions per workstation (G0, G1, and G2). The screen shot printer can be modified here.
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I tried to print a Query definition and it doesn't go to my default printer like I want. Can I change that?
No. The way that normal CU*BASE features work is to use the CU*BASE Workstation Configuration settings to determine a default printer for certain functions, or you can choose a printer directly when printing most CU*BASE reports. But since IBM Query is not a CU*BASE program but rather a generic program offered by IBM, it does not have any way of looking at CU*BASE configs for the info it would need to direct the print job. Therefore a Query definition will go to your list of spooled files and More...
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How do you go about "pinging" an IP address?
To ping a network device, you will need to open a command prompt: In Windows 7, click on the Start button and type cmd (without the quotes) then press Enter. In Windows 10, type the following into the Windows Search box: cmd , and when the result appears, right click and select Run as Administrator Once the command prompt is open, you will need to type the word ping followed by the name or IP address of the network device you want to ping. To test connectivity to the High Availabil More...
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A black screen shows up instead of the video when I go to watch an online course video on the OnDemand site. Can you help?
This will happen if you do not have access to YouTube, which hosts the videos found on the CU*Answers OnDemand site. To fix this problem, ask the IT person or network administrator at your credit union to enable access to YouTube. Another reason could be your browser. If you are having trouble witha particular video, try re-launching it using Internet Explorer rather than Chrome or other browser. The reason we are putting online course videos on YouTube now, instead of on our own server as More...
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I understand if I require an email address for eStatements that a member can update an email address marked as invalid. What can I do to ensure the email address receives a review?
If you require an email address for eStatements and your member has a wrong email address (and is enrolled in eStatements), the system will do everything to ensure that a paper statement is not mailed (which happens in this case when the email address is marked as incorrect). The next time the member logs on to online banking, they will be presented with a wrong email address prompt and asked to provide a valid email address. A link is provided to the member in this window that takes them direct More...
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What are the instructions to create an .fdfx companion file for my custom upload to CU*BASE?
Do not use these instructions if you are performing one of the standard uploads such as to DMPIMPORT, FCBUSINESS, FCPERSON, IMPEMAIL, etc. Instead, look for your appropriate .FDFX companion file in C:\cubase\cubase\resources Instructions below are relevant for projects where you are working to upload data to a custom table destination that meets the following criteria: The table already exists in CU*BASE The table has been used before (has at least 1 row of data in it). For the purpose of the ex More...
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Can I flag a member account so their statement is never mailed?
Yes, the Statement Mail Groups feature lets you configure up to 9 codes that can be attached to a member's account. The codes specify whether statements should be printed and archived (the standard method) or just archived only. This is used in situations such as for members with written-off loans or bankruptcy situations where the member shouldn't receive a statement, or even if you want to avoid printing statements for your own staff. Archived statements are available through CU*SPY More...
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Some e-statement notification emails have been coming back to us as undeliverable. How do we change those email addresses?
Go into your member's account through Inquiry or Phone Operator. Use F14-Name/Address to access the address maintenance screen. On the Misc Info tab, update the member's e-mail address in the appropriate field. This change can also be made using Tool #15 Update Membership Information (shortcut: umbr). eStatement
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Credit unions can require that changes made by members in the Personal Information page in online banking be approved before they are updated in the system. How does that work?
Members can update personal information on the Personal Information page. As a security measure, credit unions can elect that these changes require their review before changes are accepted and changed in the system. This approval setup is activated on the Update Credit Union Online Banking Settings page accessed via Tool # 569: Online/Mobile Text Banking VMS Config and then Online/Mobile Web Online Banking. On this screen, the credit union can select to either have the changes reviewed or re More...
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When a member enrolls in e-Statements with the option to no longer receive a mailed/paper copy, does CU*BASE still create a statement to be archived?
Yes! The Statement Processing steps are as follows (performed by CU*Answers Operations Department for online clients and internally by Self-Processing Clients): OPER-6 Statement Processing: 1 - Create Statement Work Files This option is run just once each month and produces the work files for the following options. 2 - Create Statements for Print Produces a file for the statements that are to be printed EXCLUDES e-statements (unless member has the mailed copy for xx months option) EXCLUDES st More...
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We are thinking of activating the new See and Jump features for online banking. Can you explain the thinking behind the security, and why only an account owner can have this access?
IMPORTANT NOTE: When It’s Me 247 was updated in 2021, the “See” option shown on here was made unavailable. There are two major points to consider when thinking about allowing members to see information beyond the account to which they are actually logged in. Both extend beyond online banking to consider a financial institution’s role and responsibility in protecting member private data via all access channels, from the teller line to a back office employee answering More...
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What should I do if an email comes back as undeliverable? Is there a way to flag the address as incorrect, like you can with a member's home address?
The one thing you do NOT want to do when you get a returned email is to change the email address to a fake one like Instead, check the Wrong email address flag on the member's account. You can access this flag anywhere an email address can be entered, such as through the Name/Address button (F14) in Inquiry and Phone Operator, or via Tool #14 Member Personal Banker (shortcut: pb), or via Tool #15 Update Membership Information (shortcut: umbr). When a member's ema More...
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My credit union wants to allow maintenance on Automated Funds Transfers (AFT) in online banking. What are the steps for allowing members to set up and maintain their own AFTs?
There are several configurations that control the member’s ability to set up and maintain Automated Funds Transfer (AFTs) online. Does your credit union's Personal Internet Branch configuration allow the maintenance of AFTs? Are AFTs configured to show in online banking? Does the member's PIB configuration allow maintenance of AFTs in online banking? For existing AFTs: Is the record locked to prevent changes in online banking? 1. Does your credit union's Personal Internet Bran More...
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Why does it matter if I enter an invalid email address? Doesn't the email just get returned?
Actually, because CU*Answers sends email on behalf of all of its clients, bad email addresses hurt all of us! Every month CU*Answers sends nearly 100,000 e-statement notifications. We send a couple hundred thousand It's Me 247 online banking notices. We send Member Reach newsletters on behalf of 80 credit unions. We send a lot of email. (And it’s email that your members want to receive!) Unfortunately, if enough emails are returned as invalid addresses, large Internet Service Provider More...
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What columns/fields, files/tables, and programs are included in the File Maintenance Inquiry "Critical Monitoring?"
When you use the filter buttons on the File Maintenance Inquiry dashboard (Tool #159: Audit File Maintenance Inquiry (CUFMNT)), indicators note which programs, fields/columns, and files/tables AuditLink has flagged as “critical” for auditing teams to monitor on a daily basis. You can quickly sort by that indicator and select only those items for a quick scan of maintenance that directly affects member accounts. Below is a listing of these critical items. Columns/Fields Field Why More...
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